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小说: 90后少女纯真追梦之旅:非梧不栖 字数: 每页4000字

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I consider it to be an amazing film; no wonder some websites introduce students use The Matrix to improve both oral English and understanding of English; for it owns an extremely plex and confusing plot and significant dialogues。 In order to fully understand it; I took the trouble of taking down all the conversations on a note book; so I had to pause the film anytime to copy the subtitles。 Because of its plex story; I still had trouble understanding it。 The sentences of this movie are a play on words; which contain more than one meaning。
For example; I clearly remember at the beginning of the film; Mr。 Anderson; who is known to us as Neo; the chosen one; wasn’t aware of his special power。 One day he woke up; and a sentence “Follow the rabbit。” appeared on his screen ; a group of people turned out and asked him to join a party。 He wanted to refuse at first; but once he saw a rabbit tattooed on a woman’s arm who revealed it on purpose; he changed his mind at once。 Afterwards; he met his girlfriend Trinity。 It was when the real exciting story started。
How e the story happened later related to “rabbit”? What does “follow the rabbit” mean? The questions kept obsessing me and drove me to consult all the dictionaries I could find。 I reckoned “rabbit” may have the meaning of “clue” at first; but I failed to prove my own guess。 The dictionaries simply provided one explanation saying that it means “a small long…eared animal that lives in a hole in the ground”。 “Rabbit” here absolutely had its unique meaning; and its general meaning “rabbit” had nothing to do with the plot。 This made me much more puzzled。
Not giving up easily; I called Brenda who is my another foreign teacher and asked her about this detail。 She chuckled on the other side of the line; saying: “Clara; think of a famous fiction named ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’; how did Alice get to wonderland?” After a long pause of silence; I yelled in excitement: “That rabbit! Alice was taken to wonderland by a rabbit!” “You got it!” said Brenda。 “Now do you know the other meaning of ‘follow the rabbit’?” “Yeah” answered I hastily; “It hinted that Neo was going to be led to the true world and know his real identity and destiny。”
Besides this part of The Matrix; there are several parts using this fiction to pun on words。 For instance; when Neo was introduced to meet Morpheus; Morpheus showed him two pills; one red; and the other blue。 “Take the blue pill; and you wake up on your bed tomorrow and believe every thing you believe; take the red one; I’ll show you how deep the rabbit hole is。” The words above was quoted from the film; and the last sentence of Morpheus implied that he would tell Neo the truth about the world they lived which was a virtual wonderland created by puters; and the machines had taken control of the world for a long time。 Obviously; “rabbit hole” refers to truth here。
Further more; the names in this film are significant; too。 The one that named the characters apparently wanted to show us with some clues through these deliberately chosen names。 Take “Morpheus” for an example。 It is the name of god of the dream from classical legends。 The name “Trinity” also has its own religious meaning。
Unfortunately; Brenda left abruptly with the three DVDs I lent her; so I could not keep the film。 My only memory for The Matrix is my note…book that contains almost all the conversations of it。 I treat it as my priceless treasure。 
 The first TOEFL class
 Saturday; July 28; 2007
The courses of TOEFL iBT finally began after I had expected it for such a long time。 The first thing I got to do is to get new books。 When Ellen and I went into a small room near our classroom and showed the woman in charge of our listening certificate; our hands were full of loads of books in an instant moment。 There were seven huge and thick books including a series of four books for the four sections in TOEFL iBT; an advanced skill practice for the iBT; an official guide and a preparation course for TOEFL iBT; plus more than 30 CDs; it would certainly make you in despair。 But the motto of the New Oriental is “Hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope and you can make your life a splendid one。” “OK; I will try;” I thought。 “But you have to tell me how; do you?”
The teacher who taught our spoken English is John; a talkative; humorous man with a look a little like foreigners。
In class; he taught us how to make through independent speaking task and also encouraged students to speak before the class on some chosen topics。 I don’t know what I was afraid of; for most of the class spoke much more poorly than I did。 But still; I didn’t dare to stand up and say: “John; can I have a try?” Now I am aware of my fault; : wanting to be perfect is not wrong; but one should not let the thought block one’s way。 Stopping talking because of being afraid of making mistakes surely guarantees you a nonmistake performance; but fluency in English is bound to be a daydream for you。
The next day at the same time; again John asked us to answer the question: “Should film or television be censored or should we be free to choose what we like to see? Express your opinion and include details in your explanation。” I stood up bravely and spoke aloud before the whole class。 I said that although censorship keeps vulgarity and violence away from children; it deprives children’s ability of judging for themselves。 Also in a country; abusive censorship may be used by some people to manipulate viewers’ values。 After my speech; there was an explosion of applause which instilled content and confidence into my body。
Now I know that you never lose by trying; you only lose by holding back。 From now on; I will wipe off my shyness and be a person full of self…confidence。 
 Future warrior
 Wednesday; August 01; 2007
These days I was extremely depressed because of two reasons: one is that I found my English level was way too far from TOEFL; the other is that time is not under my control。
The goal I set up for myself is to get at least 100 points in TOEFL iBT which is a great mark acknowledged by the public for the students who major in English。 Further more; the emphasis on munication in an academic setting makes it more difficult and challenging than the previous versions。 Therefore; my level seems too poor to achieve the goal。
Yesterday; our oral English teacher John asked us to try the first type of integrated speaking of which description on the OG (official guide) is like this: “You read an announcement or notice related to an aspect of university life and then hear two students discuss the written notice。 Then you report what the notice was and what one of the students thought about it。” The first exercise he asked us to do was about a curriculum change in core course requirement to plete a BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) in music at Midtown University。 Because I was not familiar with this topic; I couldn’t get the useful information immediately from the reading and listening passage。 Then the interesting oral English became an agony for me to suffer from。
Giving in to difficulty doesn’t agree with my personality; so I made a reading plan for myself。 The reading materials were chosen from a TOEFL reading book which is related to the topics I was not familiar with。
Today; Dennis; the man who teaches us reading; told us about his experience of preparing for GRE。 He said he rent a house near his university with his partner and began his life as an ascetic。 That was the way of life allowing no physical pleasures。 Every meal was done by instant noodles; which causes him to feel sick every time he smells instant noodles now。
He also told us about a story of his classmate。 That guy has such a passion for his major that he can devote himself to it。 At last he successfully got the application letter from his dreaming university MIT。 The guy was given a name “Future warrior” by his friends because all the things he did then was for his future and major。
Well; I think; maybe I should also adapt the name “Future warrior” as a motto to inspire me to carry on fighting for my future。 
 Find hope in despair

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