神鸟电子书 > 都市言情电子书 > 90后少女纯真追梦之旅:非梧不栖 >



小说: 90后少女纯真追梦之旅:非梧不栖 字数: 每页4000字

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ic setting。 Therefore; a Speaking Section has been added and the Writing Section expanded。
I have determined to take the test next year; so every change of the test concerns me very much。 For this reason; I spend much time searching the internet for uptodate information。 When I searched for information about how to register for the TOEFL test; I got some absurd; ridiculous; and annoying news beyond my expectation。
“Yeah; yeah; some people just register for many quota once it is allowed to apply for; and then sell the quota for more money;” I told Aldo; nodding my head; “see; the TOFEL iBT initially costs RMB 1200 or so; and the sellers charge RMB 5000…6000 for each position! So it was said that all the positions available from September to December were taken up within 3 hours once it was allowed to register。”
“Wow!” Yelled Aldo; with his eyes wide open and an unbelievable look on his face; “It seems that Chinese people are all born great businessmen; er? They can make business out of everything!”
“So they are。” said I; with a bitter smile and a shameful feeling for the base behavior that some ignoble Chinese people acted。“An official testing center recently discovered there were nearly 100 positions empty; and I bet that is because the position…sellers was not able to sell them out。”
“That’s insane!” Cried Aldo。 “Hundreds of positions are empty while thousands of people are longing for them but can’t get!” “But China do has its advantages;” added I; feeling it was my duty to protect the image of my nation and my own national ethnic group; “so do Chinese people。”
“Oh; of course;” smiled Aldo; “Don’t get me wrong。 I am not saying they are all bad through and through。 I am; er; just exaggerating to express my disgust for those vicious people。”
“I know you meant nothing negative;” said I; beaming; “or you wouldn’t stay in China for 2 years and marry a Chinese woman。”
“Now; the problem is; how can you guarantee you can take the test on time?” asked Aldo。
“Don’t know。” I sighed; “Mom said; maybe we have to stay beside the puter and register once it allows。”
“That’s a waste of time。 I think I can help you。” suggested Aldo; “I know people in charge。 I can handle this for you。”
“You do?” asked I; surprising; “I didn’t expect that!”
“Oh; yes I do mean that。” Aldo nodded seriously; “I helped my stepson; you know; Lisa’s son; get the opportunity to take that exam via the person I know。 Or he may not be able to take till this year。”
I said thank you to Aldo; for his enthusiasm。 I am very grateful。
Six days later; I will go to Guangzhou; and we may not see each other any more; but I will treasure our friendship; forever。 
 Face the society
 Wednesday; July 25; 2007
Mom vanished from my sight hurrying to make her way to the airport so that she could take the plane to Beijing tonight while I was waving goodbye。 Turning around and walking back to the hotel where I live; my feeling was very plex。 It is like that I used to be a flower in the warm house formed from my parents’ love which prevented me from thunder and lightning; wind and rain; but now; it vanished; and the burdens of facing the society; handling things alone and managing through difficulties all on my own suddenly fell onto my unprepared shoulder。
Now I am in my room in a hotel near the New Oriental which is the school I need to have my TOEFL courses; and things happened today lingering in my mind。
This morning when I wanted to check in the hotel; I had a little argument with the manager。 All that happened because the rooms were arranged as the school told me and his tone was too cold for me to bear and I talked back coldly。 Then mom criticized me; saying: “You are too spoilt。 How can everything happen as your wish? You must learn to endure something that does not go on your way。” “The New Oriental said I could live in a three…person room so that I can make more friends; but …” I murmured; but was interrupted by mom: “What?” “No; nothing; I was saying your instructions are correct。” Seeing her look was stern; I added quickly。 “That’s more like it。” Said mom; smiling; “Don’t be too self…centered; remember; you need friends when we are departed。” I nodded as my answer。
The next thing that nearly drove me crazy was I barely lost the receipt made out by the hotel manager。 Without it; I won’t be able to prove how many days I had paid and ask for the deposit。 Finally; I manage to get it out of a pile of changes。 I felt it really necessary to take good care of the important things such as receipts; identification card and credit card。 I swear I won’t be so careless any more。
Mom is right。 Anyway; I need to grow up and be mature; to change myself into a socialized person。 
 Watching movies
 Friday; July 27; 2007
Movies play an important role in my English progress。 I used to step into a wrong idea of English learning: thinking that doing exercises as many as possible will certainly improve my English。 For this reason; before the English petition which took place in my second year in junior high school; I did plenty of exercise; dreaming of getting the first prize。 But the reality was fierce: I missed it by two points。 After a sorrowful weep; sanity controlled me and I began to think about my flaws in the preparation。 Then I realized that maybe my methods were not so effective and my English was still too poor。 I needed to cheer up and find another effective way of learning English。 I am not a person who gives up easily; “nothing is impossible” is my belief and I fully understand Rome wasn’t built in a day。
When I became a junior 3 student; I met Sara; a young and pretty lady from America。 She encouraged me to learn English by watching foreign movies。 I hesitated; for I was junior 3 then; bunches of things required time and energy to deal with。 But I couldn’t say no to her at the time she lent me six DVDs of Star Wars and urged me to try them。 She knew I love science so she chose the series for me; insisting that I was bound to love them。 Facing her passion; I had to accept them and brought them home。 I didn’t set finger to them till one night I got tired of the grammar excises and couldn’t go on; and then I recalled Sara’s encouragement; so I quickly turned on the puter and began playing the DVD。
I was fascinated by Star Wars。 Its plot and perfect pictures tightly grasped my heart。 For the first time I broke the strict discipline I had obeyed for more than two years; I went to bed unwillingly till the clock showed it was 12:40 at night。
From then on; movies became part of my life。 I watched them for about 1 hour every night。 Though I was crazy about it; I knew it is more important to remain sanity。 After all; I still had so much work to deal with; I couldn’t give up all the others for English。 I clearly know what I should do and always try my best to control myself; though sometimes I still lose control of myself。 For example; when I watched The Matrix during May Day holiday; I couldn’t stop watching it for 7 hours till the end。 Mom scolded me for watching too long even for learning English。 She warned me of progress in my Math; Chemistry and Physics; saying that I ought to spend more time on them since the exam of HSFZ is looming (took place on May 13th)。 I didn’t talk back because I knew I was too crazy about it to stop watching and I knew I was wrong。
Anyway; despite the fact that watching movies sometimes wears you out; I still consider it a wonderful way of learning English because it is far more interesting; lively and exciting than other ways of learning English。 But my advice is: doing so needs great self discipline。 
 Exploration of the Ma…
 Talking about my favorite movie; definitely it is The Matrix。 There are three DVDs in all; and each of them lasts 3…4 hours。 When I first watched the first episode I could barely resist the impulse to finish it right away; and once I came to the last two; I totally indulged myself in it and finished it after a seven…hour watching。
I consider it to be an amazing film; no wonder some websites introduce students use The Matrix to improve both oral English and understanding of E

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