神鸟电子书 > 都市言情电子书 > 90后少女纯真追梦之旅:非梧不栖 >



小说: 90后少女纯真追梦之旅:非梧不栖 字数: 每页4000字

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 asked were too primary for her。
Thanks to her help; I got the first prize of Math Olympics petition at last; which amazed my classmates; as if they were saying: “What? Am I dreaming?”。 Dramatically; Ella didn’t win any prize。 Shirley told me Ella cried herself to sleep for several nights with her head sinking into her pillow after the results came out。 I felt extremely regretful as if I had stolen her first prize。 It was she who gave me so much help。 Shirley forted me; saying: “You needn’t feel guilty; you deserve it; and I know how much effort you have put into it。 And I am sure Ella will not blame her failure on you。 She was only too nervous to solve the problems on that day and she made some unforgivable mistakes; too。 It has nothing to do with you。”
Gold is always gleaming。 In junior 3; Ella got the first prize she deserved and ranked  
 “Will the past be a shadow that will follow us round? Will this memory fade when I leave this town?” The song once famous across America entitled “Friends Forever” is echoing inside my body。 I could not help thinking of my future。 Will I get the big jobs and make big money? Will I still remember everything happened in school? But life needs ; we have our own goals to pursue。 As the song goes: “cause we are moving on and we can’t slow down。” No matter what happens; we have to go on with life and the memories will play like a film without sound; just fit my favorite part of the song: “As we go on; we remember; all the times we had been together; And as our lives change; e whatever; we will still be; friends forever。” 
 Flying kites(1)
 Sunday; July 8; 2007Two days ago; I was invited by Aldo to fly kites with him on the beach near his home today。 I was surprised by his invitation; feeling honored; and I said I would e。
It was 9 ; and after putting some sun block on my skin; I hurried off to keep the appointment with Aldo。
The weather today was pretty nice with little clouds in the sky and the wind blew gently。 “Hey; clara!” Aldo said; at the sight of me; hurrying forward to greet me; and shaking my hands vigorously; “Good to see you!”
Over his shoulder I saw Lisa; Aldo’s wife; dressed in a suit of sporting clothes; was grinning and waving her hand in wele。
“These days all right? Since you are five minutes late; I am under the impression that you forget it through and through。”
“Sorry;” said I regretfully; “couldn’t find a parking lot; you know; my mom drove me here。”
“Hi; Miranda;” said Aldo in a happy voice; “clara told me you are a great mother。 I can’t agree any more… Always so concerned。”
Afraid of making mistakes; mom simply answered: “thank you。” Although she always told me not to be afraid of making mistakes; this happens to 
Thinking it was necessary for me to have a look at a shop selling various kites nearby; Aldo led us across the street。
At the time we emerged in the front of the kite shop; the shopkeeper began to beam in wele; pointing at a huge reel about 80 cm in diameter that was carried over Aldo’s shoulder; and asked: “How does that work?”
“We haven’t got time to try it since last time we bought it from you。” answered Lisa in Chinese; “Now we are about to have a try。”
As Aldo directed me into the shop; I looked around and saw a good supply of kites which are hung from the high ceiling and fastened on the walls。 Kites in the shop are available in great varieties such as kites in the forms of a dragon; a butterfly; or a character in Chinese classical works like the “Monkey King”。
Noticing I was fixing my eyes on “Monkey King”; the shopkeeper smiled: “You are interested in these kites; aren’t you?”
“Yeah;” said I eagerly; “but they are too childish。”
The shopper laughed; “Wanting something more mature; er? This way; please。” Then he led me more deeply inside the shop。 Now the kites on sale were much gloomier。 I was quickly attracted by a special kite in the shape of two phoenixes with the Chinese character which meant “auspicious’ on their breast。
“It is called ‘Double phoenixes paying respects to double auspices’。” Said the shopkeeper; admiring his handcrafts; “Over there are ‘Legendary Lovers Cowherd and the Girl Weaver Meet Annually on Bridge Formed by Magpies’ and ‘108 Heroes of the Bush on Mount Liang Shan’。”
From the shopkeeper I knew that kites can be divided into several kinds such as kites in the shape of plank and kites with soft wing。 The lift part of kites with soft wing is made of only one strip。 The lower part of the wing is soft; which is not reinforced with another strip。 The main part of the framework is mostly made into the shape of a relief sculpture。 This suits birds and insects such as eagle; swallow; crane; phoenix; mantis; cicada; etc。  
 Flying kites(2)
 “Time to go; clara。” Called Aldo; who mysteriously disappeared beside me just now; holding a bottle of orange juice which he believed was rich in vitamin C。
“OK; I’m ing。” said I。 Taking my steps at a run towards Aldo; I asked: “what are the shapes of your kites?”
“One is an aeroplane;” answered Aldo; beckoning me outside the shop; “as for the other; maybe it is a bee。”
“Maybe?” I asked in bewilderment。 “So you are not sure?”
“Well;” Aldo shrugged; “because I have several kites at home and I can’t recognize them since they are wrapped in bags。”
I nodded in agreement while we were heading towards the park。
After placing our things under the statue of a clock tower; Aldo began to untie a purple slender kite bag and unfolded the black kite which was an aeroplane。 I held the kite for him while he was busy searching the bag for two more plastic bars which was used to reform the folded kite into its original shape again。 Aldo finally found the bars and made the kite flat and strong。
Now the kite was done。 It seemed so eager to fly in the sky and it made me feel as if I were going to fly away with it; all we needed to do was to connect it to the line wired around the reel that Aldo was holding。 He fastened the end of the line to the hoop securing to the kite with thread。
“Currently; clara;” said Aldo; gesturing for me to loose the kite。 “Go。”
Then the kite gained its height every moment Aldo let go of the line。 In less than a few minutes; it became a dot and we could barely tell where the tail or wing was。
Many people gathered around us in curiosity。 Aldo gave the reel to me to let me have a try。 I was hardly able to control the line when the reel kept circling; the kite got higher。 Aware of my lack of strength; Aldo said: “You can use the brake beside the handle。” He stretched out a hand to help me brake the line。
Time slipped away。 Soon it was time to have lunch。 Since I hadn’t tried pizza before; Aldo suggested us to eat in a newlyopened pizza hut。 Lisa thought we had better not eat so many fried or roast or grilled food in such a hot day; so we went to a Chinese restaurant and had our lunch。 
 A great feast(1)
 Thursday; July 12; 2007
Considering I had never had a bite of pizza before and been parting long from Rachel; one of my best friends; mom decided to invite us including Rachel’s mother to eat in Pizza Hut。
Rachel(中文名:谢静瑶;我的好朋友之一)is the one I grow up 
Pizza Hut is an extremely ritzy place in my mind because friends told me that three of them once spent RMB 189 there but they were not full at all。
When we stood in front of it; the glass door swung open at once; and a beautiful waitress said wele to us as she led us to the second floor。 The environment of the Pizza hut was indeed enjoyable。 It was lit by many small lamps on the ceiling。 These tables were laid with glittering china plates and polished knives and forks。 After we settled down at a square table; another young waitress emerged with two ornate menus。
Examining the menus in curiosity; Rachel and I discussed about food here animatedly。
“My friends told me there was a kind of dessert which tastes very delicious。 I want to find it out and order it。” Said Rachel; hastily checking the menu cover to cover; “Right; here it is!” She let out an excited shout; pointing at a certain picture。 I pulled the menu 

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