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小说: 美丽英文:上帝的笑 字数: 每页4000字

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  The drunk is now flustered and somewhat scared; so he asks the voice; “how do you know there are no fish? Are you God trying to warn me?”
  “No;” the voice replied。 “I am the manager of this hockey rink。”
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花样年华 第六章(1)
  A Bad Impression
  Six people were traveling in a partment on a train。 Five of them were quiet and well behaved; but the sixth was a rude young man who was causing a lot of trouble to the other passengers。
  At last this young mall got out at a station with his two heavy bags。 None of the other passengers helped him; but one of them waited until the rude young man was very far away; and then opened the window and shouted to him; “you left something behind in the partment!” then he closed the window again。
  The young man turned around and hurried back with his two bags。 He was very tired when he arrived; but he shouted through the window; “what did I leave behind?”
  As the train began to move again; the passenger who had called him back opened the window and said; “a very bad impression!”
  A Different Kind of Audience
  AI Smith was governor of New York State。 He was a famous man。 He was born very poor on the East Side of New York City。 He had little education。 He worked very hard and won great success。
  One day; as governor; he was visiting the state prison at Sing…Sing。 Sing…Sing is one of the largest prisons in the United States。 The head of the prison asked Mr。 Smith to say something to the prisoners。 Mr。 Smith had never spoken to this kind of audience before。 He did not know how to begin。
  Finally; he said;“My fellow citizens。。。” Then he remembered that when a man goes to prison he is no longer a citizen。 He began again; “My fellow prisoners。。。” That did not sound right; so he said:“Well; anyway; I’m glad to see so many of you here today。”
  结果,所有的男人都站到了左边,唯独一个小个子男人站到了右边。书 包 网 txt小说上传分享

花样年华 第六章(2)
  Henpecked Husbands
  The ruler of all ancient kingdom wanted to disprove the statement that the men of his domain were ruled by their wives。 He had all the males in his kingdom brought before him and warned that any man who did not tell the truth would be punished severely。 Then he asked all the men who obeyed their wives’ directions and counsel to step to the left side of the hall。
  All the men did so but one little man who moved to the right。
  “It’s good to see;” said the king;“that we have one real man in the kingdom。 Tell these chicken…hearted dunces why you alone among them stand on the right side of the hall。”
  “Your Majesty;” came the reply in a squealing voice; “it is because before I left home my wife told me to keep out of crowds。”
  那个家伙转过身走进酒吧。佛瑞德看到他还牵着两只巨大的山狮,他把它们栓到一个柱子上,踢了一脚大声叫道:“你们这些小猫在这儿等我!”山狮就乖乖地坐下了。 那个家伙踢倒了大门,两步就走到了柜台前。他拿起酒瓶仰起脖子一饮而尽。现在,可怜的佛瑞德害怕了,他一不小心弄出了一点声音。那个家伙向下看了看,然后怒吼道:“你到底知不知道你正看着的是谁?!”
  Mad Martin
  Once upon a time; this guy named Fred decided that he was rough and tough enough to seek his fortune in the Wild West。

花样年华 第六章(3)
So; Fred found his way to a frontier town and became the bartender at the wildest saloon in the territory。 He soon proved how rough and tough he was; and the owner of the bar was pleased with how he broke up fights and didn’t skim too much off the receipts。 He told Fred that he (Fred) was doing a fine job; but he should remember one thing:“If you ever hear even a rumor that Mad Martin is ing to town; just save what you can; put a bottle of Red Eye on the counter; and head out of town as fast as you can。
  Fred was pretty perplexed at this; and sought explanation。 He was told that Mad Martin was an old mountain man who lived up in the hills and only came to town once or twice a year。 However; Martin was the most dangerous guy they’d ever heard of and few had ever encountered him and lived to tell the tale。 Fred listened carefully and then promptly forgot all about it。
  Until; one day a few months later; a cowboy came tiding through town at full speed; yelling; “Martin’s ing。 Head for the hills!” The result was incredible。 Everybody in town immediately jumped on their horses and took off for the hills except Fred。 He wanted to see this guy because he didn’t believe he could be all that tough。 So; Fred just put the bottle of Red Eye on the bar; hid behind the counter; and waited。
  He didn’t wait long。 Soon there was a noise in the street。 As Fred looked out a hole in the wall; he saw this huge; mean…looking guy ride down the center of the street on the biggest bull buffalo that Fred had ever seen。 The guy stopped the buffalo in front of the bar; jumped off the beast; punched it in the head and bellowed; “Wait here till I get back!”
  The fellow turned and walked up the steps。 Fred saw that the guy had a pair of huge mountain lions on leashes。 He tied them both to a post and kicked them soundly; hollefing;“You pussycats stay here till I’m done!” The cats fearfully sat down。
  Into the bar stormed the fellow; ripping the doors off the wall as he passed。 With two strides he approached the bar; picked up the bottle of Red Eye; bit off the neck; and downed it all in one gulp。 Poor Fred; thoroughly frigh

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