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The Banker and the Artist
A rich Paris banker begged a well…known artist to do a little thing for his album。 The artist did the little thing and asked a million francs。
“Why; it only took you five minutes to do it;” said the banker。
“Yes;” replied the artist; “but it took me thirty years to learn how to do it in five minutes。”
有一对正在华盛顿度蜜月的新婚夫妇, 他们来到水门旅馆登记住宿。到了晚上,丈夫刚要熄灯,新娘子问道:“你觉得房间里会不会装有窃听器?”
“这太奇怪了,”工作 人员说道,“昨天夜里,你们楼下那对夫妇被枝型吊灯砸了。”
A pair of honeymooners checked into the Watergate Hotel in Washington; D。 C。 That night; as the husband was about to turn off the light; his bride asked; “Do you think this room is bugged?”
“That was a long time ago; sweet…heart;” he reassured her。
“But what if there’s a microphone somewhere? I’d be so embarrassed。”
So the groom searched under the tables and behind the pictures。 Then he turned back the rug。 Sure enoush; there was a funny…looking gizmo in the floor。 He took out the screws; got rid of the hardware; and climbed into bed。
The next morning the newly weds were awakened by a hotel clerk who wanted to know if they had slept well。
花样年华 第三章(2)
“We did;” replied the groom。 “Why do you ask?”
“It’s rather unusual。” The clerk answered; “Last night the couple in the room below yours had a chandelier fall on them。”
Once; late at night; an Englishman came out of his room into the corridor of a hotel and asked the servant to bring him a glass of water。 The servant did as he was asked。 The Englishman re…entered his room; but a few minutes later he came into the corridor again and once more asked the servant for a glass of water。 The servant brought him another glass of water。 Every few minutes the Englishman would e out of his room and repeat his request。 After a half…hour the astonished servant decided to ask the Englishman what he was doing with the water。 “Nothing;” the Englishman answered imperturbably;“It’s simply that my room is on fire。”
I Can’t Let Him Get away
A male crab met a female crab and asked her to marry him。 She noticed that he was walking straight instead of sideways。 Wow; she thought; this crab is really special。 I can’t let him get away。 So they got married immediately。
The next day she noticed her new husband walking sideways like all the other crabs; and got upset。 “What happened?” she asked。“You used to walk straight before we were married。”
“Oh; honey;” he replied; “I can’t drink that much every day。”
三个建筑承包商去世以后进入了天堂—— 一个黑人,一个犹太人,还有一个意大利人。当他们到达天堂后,圣彼得热情地招待了他们,并问他们能否在进入天堂之前帮他一个忙:天堂之门需要修理,因此想让他们做一下预算。
Three construction contractors died and went to heaven—a Black; a Jew; and an Italian。 When they got there St。 Peter weled them warmly and asked if they could do him a favor before they entered heaven。 It seems that the Pearly gates were in need of some repair; and he wanted some estimates。
花样年华 第三章(3)
The Black contractor looked the job over carefully and estimated the job at 600。 When asked how he came up with that figure; he said; “200 materials; 200 labor; and200 profit。”
St。 Peter then asked the Jewish contractor for an estimate。 After careful inspection the Jew answered; “3000—1000 materials; 1000 labor; and1000 profit。”
When St。 Peter ask the Italian for an estimate; he answered immediately without looking over the job at all—2600。 Asked how he came up with that figure he answered; “Simple; 1000 for you。 1000 for me; and 600 to get the low bidder over there to do the work。”
省 钱
Save Money
Henry was from the United States and he had e to London for a holiday。
One day he was not feeling well; so he went to the clerk at the desk of his hotel and said; “I want to see doctor。 Can you give me the name of a good one?”
The clerk looked in a book and then said; “Dr。 Kenneth Grey; 61010。 ”
Henry said; “Thank yon very much。 Is he expensive?’”
“Well;” the clerk answered;“he always charges his patients two pounds for their first visit to him; and one pound and 50 pennies for later visits。”
Henry decided to save 50 pennies; so when he went to see the doctor; he said; “I’ve e again; doctor。 ”
For a few seconds the doctor looked at his face carefully without saying anything。 Then he nodded and said;“Oh; yes。” He examined him and then said;“Everything’s going as it should do。 Just continue with the medicine I gave you last time。”
Give Me a Dollar
Son: Dad; give me a dime。
Father: Son; don't you think you're getting too big to be forever begging for dimes?
Son: I guess you're right; Dad。 Give me a dollar; will you?
一个人在顺利通过资格考试后, 开了一家属于自己的律师事务所。他正坐在桌子旁边无所事事时,他的秘书走进来,说有一个叫琼斯的先生找他。“快请他进来!”律师说道。就在琼斯先生被带进办公室时,他有了一个想法,于是他迅速拿起电话,对着电话大声叫道:“……你去告诉他们,没有5万美圆,我们是不会接这个案子的。假如不接受这个条件,就不要再打电话过来了!”
New Lawyer Jokes
After successfully passing the bar exam; a man opened his own law office。 He was sitting idle at his desk when his secretary announced that a Mr。 Jones had arrived to see him。 “Show him right in!” our lawyer replied。 As Mr。 Jones was being ushered in our lawyer had an idea。 He quickly picks up the phone and shouts into it “。。。and you tell them that we won’t accept less then fifty thousand dollars; and do