神鸟电子书 > 科幻恐怖电子书 > The Shining 原版小说 >


The Shining 原版小说-第67部分

小说: The Shining 原版小说 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃Don't shout;〃 he said。 〃My head aches; Wendy。 I'm as worried about this as 
you are; so please 。。。 don't 。。。 shout。〃 
  〃All right;〃 she said; lowering her voice。 〃I won't shout。 But I don't 
understand you; Jack。 Someone is in here with us。 And not a very nice someone; 
either。 We have to get down to Sidewinder; not just Danny but all of us。 
Quickly。 And you 。。。 you're sitting there reading your play!〃 
  〃 'We have to get down; we have to get down;' you keep saying that。 You must 
think I really am Superman。〃 
  〃I think you're my husband;〃 she said softly; and looked down at her hands。 
  His temper flared。 He slammed the playscript down; knocking the edges of the 
pile out of true again and crumpling the sheets on the bottom。 
  〃It's time you got some of the home truths into you; Wendy。 You don't seem to 
have internalized them; as the sociologists say。 They're knocking around up in 
your head like a bunch of loose cueballs。 You need to shoot them into the 
pockets。 You need to understand that we are snowed in。〃 
  Danny had suddenly bee active in his bed。 Still sleeping; he had begun to 

twist and turn。 The way he always did when we fought; Wendy thought dismally。 
And we're doing it again。 
  〃Don't wake him up; Jack。 Please。〃 
  He glanced over at Danny and some of the flush went out of his cheeks。 〃Okay。 
I'm sorry。 I'm sorry I sounded mad; Wendy。 It's not really for you。 But I broke 
the radio。 If it's anybody's fault it's mine。 That was our big link to the 
outside。 Olly…olly…in…for…free。 Please e get us; Mister Ranger。 We can't stay 
out this late。〃 
  〃Don't;〃 she said; and put a hand on his shoulder。 He leaned his head against 
it。 She brushed his hair with her other hand。 〃I guess you've got a right; after 
what I accused you of。 Sometimes I am like my mother。 I can be a bitch。 But you 
have to understand that some things 。。。 are hard to get over。 You have to 
understand that。〃 
  〃Do you mean his arm?〃 His lips had thinned。 
  〃Yes;〃 Wendy said; and then she rushed on: 〃But it's not just you。 I worry 
when he goes out to play。 I worry about him wanting a two…wheeler next year; 
even one with training wheels。 I worry about his teeth and his eyesight and 
about this thing; what he calls his shine。 I worry。 Because he's little and he 
seems very fragile and because 。。。 because something in this hotel seems to 
want him。 And it will go through us to get him if it has to。 That's why we must 
get him out; Jack。 I know that! I feel that! We must get him out!〃 
  Her hand had tightened painfully on his shoulder in her agitation; but he 
didn't move away。 One hand found the firm weight of her left breast and he began 
to stroke it through her shirt。 
  〃Wendy;〃 he said; and stopped。 She waited for him to rearrange whatever he had 
to say。 His strong hand on her breast felt good; soothing。 〃I could maybe 
snowshoe him down。 He could walk part of the way himself; but I would mostly 
have to carry him。 It would mean camping out one; two; maybe three nights。 That 
would mean building a travois to carry supplies and bedrolls on。 We have the 
AM/FM radio; so we could pick a day when the weather forecast called for a 
three…day spell of good weather。 But if the forecast was wrong;〃 he finished; 
his voice soft and measured; 〃I think we might die。〃 
  Her face had paled。 It looked shiny; almost ghostly。 He continued to stroke 
her breast; rubbing the ball of his thumb gently over the nipple。 
  She made a soft sound — from his words or in reaction to his gentle pressure on 
her breast; he couldn't tell。 He raised his hand slightly and undid the top 
button of her shirt。 Wendy shifted her legs slightly。 All at once her jeans 
seemed too tight; slightly irritating in a pleasant sort of way。 
  〃It would mean leaving you alone because you can't snowshoe worth beans。 It 
would be maybe three days of not knowing。 Would you want that?〃 His hand dropped 
to the second button; slipped it; and the beginning of her cleavage was exposed。 
  〃No;〃 she said in a voice that was slightly thick。 She glanced over at Danny。 
He had stopped twisting and turning。 His thumb had crept back into his mouth。 So 
that was all right。 But Jack was leaving something out of the picture。 It was 
too bleak。 There was something else 。。。 what? 
  〃If we stay put;〃 Jack said; unbuttoning the third and fourth buttons with 
that same deliberate slowness; 〃a ranger from the park or a game warden is going 
to poke in here just to find out how we're doing。 At that point we simply tell 

him we want down。 He'll see to it。〃 He slipped her naked breasts into the wide V 
of the open shirt; bent; and molded his lips around the stem of a nipple。 It was 
hard and erect。 He slipped his tongue slowly back and forth across it in a way 
he knew she liked。 Wendy moaned a little and arched her back。 
  (?Something I've forgotten?) 
  〃Honey?〃 she asked。 On their own her hands sought the back of his head so that 
when he answered his voice was muffled against her flesh。 
  〃How would the ranger take us out?〃 
  He raised his head slightly to answer and then settled his mouth against the 
other nipple。 
  〃If the helicopter was spoken for I guess it would have to be by snowmobile。〃 
  〃But we have one of those! Ullman said so!〃 
  His mouth froze against her breast for a moment; and then he sat up。 Her own 
face was slightly flushed; her eyes overbright。 Jack's on the other hand; was 
calm; as if he had been reading a rather dull book instead of engaging in 
foreplay with his wife。 
  〃If there's a snowmobile there's no problem;〃 she said excitedly。 〃We can all 
three go down together。〃 
  〃Wendy; I've never driven a snowmobile in my life。〃 
  〃It can't be that hard to learn。 Back in Vermont you see ten…year…olds driving 
them in the fields 。。。 although what their parents can be thinking of I don't 
know。 And you had a motorcycle when we met。〃 He had; a Honda 350cc。 He had 
traded it in on a Saab shortly after he and Wendy took up residence together。 
  〃I suppose I could;〃 he said slowly。 〃But I wonder how well it's been 
maintained。 Ullman and Watson 。。。 they run this place from May to October。 
They have summertime minds。 I know it won't have gas in it。 There may not be 
plugs or a battery; either。 I don't want you to get your hopes up over your 
head; Wendy。〃 
  She was totally excited now; leaning over him; her breasts tumbling out of her 
shirt。 He had a sudden impulse to seize one and twist it until she shrieked。 
Maybe that would teach her to shut up。 
  〃The gas is no problem;〃 she said。 〃The VW and the hotel truck are both full。 
There's gas for the emergency generator downstairs; too。 And there must be a 
gascan out in that shed so you could carry extra。〃 
  〃Yes;〃 he said。 〃There is。〃 Actually there were three of them; two five…gallons 
and a two…gallon。 
  〃I'll bet the sparkplugs and the battery are out there too。 Nobody would store 
their snowmobile in one place and the plugs and battery someplace else; would 
  〃Doesn't seem likely; does it?〃 He got up and walked over to where Danny lay 
sleeping。 A spill of hair had fallen across his forehead and Jack brushed it 
away gently。 Danny didn't stir。 
  〃And if you can get it running you'll take us out?〃 she asked from behind him。 
〃On the first day the radio says good weather?〃 
  For a moment he didn't answer。 He stood looking down at his son; and his mixed 
feelings dissolved in a wave of love。 He was the way she had said; vulnerable; 
fragile。 The marks on his neck were very prominent。 

  〃Yes;〃 he said。 〃I'll get it running and we'll get out as quick as we can。〃 
  〃Thank God!〃 
  He turned around。 She had taken off her shirt and lay on the bed; her belly 
flat; her breasts aimed perkily at the ceiling。 She was playing with them 
lazily; flicking at the nipples。 〃Hurry up; gentlemen;〃 she said softly; 〃time。〃 
                                     * * * 
  After; with no light burning in the room but the night light that Danny had 
brought with him from his room; she lay in the crook of his arm; feeling 
deliciously at peace。 She found it hard to b

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