神鸟电子书 > 都市言情电子书 > gossip girl 12 终结 >


gossip girl 12 终结-第66部分

小说: gossip girl 12 终结 字数: 每页4000字

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Blair narrowed her eyes in anger。 She couldn’t believe Serena was planning a romantic adventure with Nate。 “Have a great time;” she spat; turning on her heel。

Serena burst into laughter。

“What the hell?” Blair whirled around; ready to launch into an angry tirade。 “You run out; and then—”

“Would you just shut up for one second?” Serena cut her off; still giggling。 “I meant an adventure with you; Blair。 I want to travel with you。 You’re my best friend。”

Blair started laughing too。 Was Serena serious? “I knew that;” she lied。 “I’m starting at the firm this summer…。” Blair trailed off。 There really wasn’t anything to think about。 “I’m in!”

“This summer?” Nate asked。 Way back in sophomore year of high school; they’d had a plan to go to Europe; the three of them; together。 Now; six years later; it was finally ing true。 Maybe he needed a summer with both of them to finally make a decision。 “I can e;” he decided。

“Sorry;” Serena replied softly; chewing her bottom lip。 “The invitation was for Blair。”

“No boys!” Blair shrugged。 “You ready; Serena?” Not waiting for an answer; she opened the door to one of the yellow cabs idling in front of the hotel。 “Good luck; Nate;” she said as she slid in。

“We love you;” Serena called before hopping in after her。

“Wait!” Nate called。 “When will I see you again?”

Serena pulled the door shut and rolled down the window。 “Same time; next year!” she yelled; giggling as the cab pulled away。

Nate stared; slack…jawed; as the cab merged with the traffic and became impossible to spot。 That was it。

They chose each other。

Just then; the dark sky lit up with fireworks。 A cab sailing up the street honked in celebration。 In the night air; Nate thought he could hear Serena and Blair’s laughter; though of course he knew that was impossible; they were too far away by now。

But as we know; in this city; anything is possible。

hey people!

No matter what may happen; some things always stay constant。 New Year’s Day wouldn’t be the same without a no…foam cappuccino; an extra…large bottle of water; a chocolate…chip scone with extra butter (everyone knows resolutions don’t really kick in until the second); and a whole list of curious and curiouser questions。

Where will S and B end up—both geographically and in their love…hate relationship? Is C really as reformed as he seems? Will N ever find the right girl for him; or is he a tragic hero who’s looking for love in all the wrong places? Will J revert to her boy…crazy ways now that she’s single and; after a semester of playing house; more than ready to mingle? Will V bee an international filmmaking sensation; and will D bee the next poet laureate? Will the stars ever align for them to be the creative power couple they once were? Will K and I move to Massachusetts and get married? Who am I and will I ever reveal myself? That’s a question I could answer—but I’m not going to。 As for all the others; the answers will reveal themselves in due time。

one final word

Even if college didn’t leave much time for book learning; one knowledge…by…experience lesson should have stuck: We’re more alike than we think。 We’ve all had to deal with broken hearts; crazy roommates; messed…up parents; disappointing grades; and all those other less…than…ideal details that make life plicated; infuriating; and; admit it; interesting。 So; in the spirit of growing up; hug that girl who made your high school career a living hell。 Forgive that boy who dumped you without warning; only to date your best friend。 Not only will you keep your enemies close; you may even make a new friend。 Let’s all make nice for now; and who knows what tomorrow will bring? One thing’s for sure: I’ll be there when it happens。 Here’s to a wild and wicked future。

You know you love me;

gossip girl

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