神鸟电子书 > 都市言情电子书 > gossip girl 12 终结 >


gossip girl 12 终结-第65部分

小说: gossip girl 12 终结 字数: 每页4000字

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Piotr’s since; but she couldn’t stay there forever。 She wanted to apologize for what had happened and tell Dan that while she’d always love him; it was for the best that he and Serena were together。 She hadn’t meant to e between them。

The elevator doors slid open; and several teenage girls tumbled out a door down the hall。

“Let’s find boys to make out with!” one of them squealed; racing to the elevator。 Vanessa walked through the open door; shaking her head with bemusement。 There was so much material in the world; so much fodder for film。

Especially when it es to subjects wearing far too little material…

The suite was crowded; and Vanessa elbowed her way through packs of people toward the open terrace; where a lone figure was facing uptown toward the Empire State Building; smoking a cigarette。 Dan。 Without Serena。 Vanessa shivered in the night air and pulled her leather bomber jacket closer around her body。

She tapped him on the shoulder。 “Don’t you know those things will kill you?”

Dan whirled around。 Vanessa looked beautiful。 Her hair was pulled back to expose her collarbones and she was wearing a sexy; formfitting dress underneath a leather jacket。 She looked nothing like his Doc Marten muse。 And yet…

She looked even better。

“Where’s Serena?” Vanessa asked; hoping she sounded more curious than confrontational。

“Serena and I broke up…。 I’m going to Iowa by myself;” he finished。 He wasn’t sure what he wanted Vanessa to say; but she needed to know。

Vanessa sucked in her breath。 Dan was single。 Now; when it was no use。 “I’m going to Indonesia for two years。”

“I’m glad;” Dan said earnestly。 Vanessa’s face immediately fell。 “I mean; I’m glad you’re doing it。 But I’ll miss you;” he said。 He missed her already; and she was standing just inches from his touch。

“I will too;” Vanessa said shyly。 “Iowa’s two years; right?” She rested her elbows on the concrete balcony ledge and looked down at the street below; which was surprisingly quiet for New Year’s Eve。 Besides one town car idling outside the Star; there was no other traffic。 The boulevard stretched wide and free in the inky night。

“Yeah;” Dan said。

Vanessa nodded。 The more she thought about it; two years didn’t seem very long at all。 After all; she and Dan had spent two years of college practically ignoring each other。

When you put it that way…

“Well… if you need a roommate in two years; I’m really good at making your gross coffee。”

“And I’m good at helping you eat your heart…attack…special pizza;” Dan countered。 It was crazy how they’d lived in the same orbit for so long; had dated and broken up and hooked up for years; how they’d shared an apartment when they were both together and apart。 How she could still make him smile more than anyone else in the world。

“Deal!” Vanessa said。

She’d meant to just shake his hand; but she found herself leaning in。 Her lips connected to his; slowly at first; then more insistently。

As the shouts and music blared from inside the party; the icy wind slicing through her dress; Vanessa was suddenly reminded of another party she’d missed; another night spent out in the cold night air—the night she and Dan met。 She couldn’t have scripted it better herself。

Parting is such sweet sorrow…。

breaking the cycle… finally

“So; do you have any New Year’s resolutions?” Serena asked; slipping down in the hot tub and letting her long blond hair fan out behind her。 She’d seen Dan at one point; smoking Camels on the balcony like the angsty poet he was。 She’d say hi to him later。 For now; she just wanted to have fun。

“Fuck no;” Blair murmured; taking a drag of her Merit Ultra Light and letting the ashes fall into the steaming water of the hot tub。 Fuck resolutions。 All she really wanted to do was have fun。 For so long; her resolutions had been more like an endless list of to…dos: date Nate Archibald; get into Yale; get into law school。 For once; she just wanted to go with the wind; do what she felt like。

Sounds like someone else we know…

Out of the corner of her eye; Blair spotted Chuck wearing a dark red smoking jacket。 She was about to get out of the hot tub to say hi; but then she saw Rain Hoffstetter sidle up to him。 Blair sighed and eased back into the water。

Just then; Serena’s phone buzzed; skittering across the marble edge of the hot tub。 She grabbed it with her wet hand。


Serena grinned as she pulled her hair up into a high wet ponytail at the nape of her neck。 She searched around the edge of the hot tub for her dress。 It seemed like fate。 After all; why travel the world alone when she could ask Nate to e with her?

“Who was that?” Blair asked; glancing up at Serena。

“I have to go;” Serena said; sliding one slippery foot into a strappy Christian Louboutin sandal。 “I’ll be right back;” she fibbed; climbing out of the hot tub; slipping on her dress; and disappearing into the crowd。

Blair stared at her friend’s retreating back。 Her phone buzzed。


Blair blinked at the message。 What the fuck? Had Serena gotten the exact same message? She pulled herself out of the hot tub; threw on her dress; even though it was silk and would stain; and raced out of the party。

And who says all the drama happens at midnight?

Nate glanced up at the towering Tribeca Star Hotel; his hands jammed in his pockets; unsure whether or not to go in。 Part of him wanted to find Anthony or Charlie or any of the old St。 Jude’s guys; fire up a gigantic bong; and flirt with as many hot girls as he could; just to prove that he still had it in him。 The other part of him wanted to go back to his parents’ town house and sit in the living room and eat Jell…O pudding cups。 How was it that he’d sailed the world; learned how to milk cows; debated the arguments of all the Greek philosophers; and majored in American studies at an Ivy League university—but was still as confused as ever?

He’d texted Serena and Blair; but neither of them had responded。 Maybe he’d missed his chance with them。 He glanced up at the sky。 There were no stars; at least none that could be seen through the New York smog。 He just wished he had something to follow; some kind of sign。

Just then; one of the gold revolving doors whooshed open; and Serena burst out。 Her long blond hair was wet and pulled into a ponytail that stuck to the back of her leather coat。 She still looked gorgeous。

“Serena!” Nate exclaimed。 Was that his sign?

She smiled broadly。 “I got your text。” She threw her arms around him and pulled back。 Her teeth were chattering。

“Are you okay?” Nate asked。

“Just cold;” Serena said; and Nate pulled her closer toward him。 Maybe Serena was whom he was looking for the whole time; and he was just too much of an idiot to realize it。

“So; I was thinking…” Serena gazed into Nate’s glittering green eyes and took a deep breath。 “I wanted to ask you…” She pictured setting sail; seeing ancient temples and forgotten ruins and eating food she had never tasted before。 But when she pictured the person across from her; it wasn’t Nate。 “I wanted to ask you to e inside;” she finished。

Serena felt a rough tap on her shoulder。 She whirled around and saw Blair; hands on her hips; not wearing a coat; her silk dress clinging to her bikini…clad body。 Serena pulled away from Nate。

“Blair!” Nate glanced between the two girls。

“What are you doing?” Blair asked them coldly。 She glanced from Serena to Nate。 Serena looked amused; while Nate looked incredibly confused; his mouth hanging open slightly and his eyes flicking between the two of them as if he were watching a tennis match。

“I was thinking we need to go on an adventure;” Serena began。 “We could take one of those sleeper trains that you’ve always wanted to go on。 We could start with Europe;” she said; ing up with a trip itinerary on the spot。 She and Blair had the biggest fights; sure; but they also had the best times together。

Blair narrowed her eyes in anger。 She couldn’t believe Serena was planning a romantic adventure with Nate。 “Have a great time;” she spat; turning on her heel。


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