神鸟电子书 > 都市言情电子书 > gossip girl 12 终结 >


gossip girl 12 终结-第48部分

小说: gossip girl 12 终结 字数: 每页4000字

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“See you tomorrow morning;” Serena said before heading reluctantly down the hallway。 Would Blair go back to Nate’s bedroom after she left?

Or would someone else get there first?

things that go bump in the night

Nate had fallen asleep quickly。 He was having a dream about chasing Blair and Serena all over Central Park but never being able to catch them when the door to his room creaked open。

“It’s me。” A girl’s voice pulled him out of his soupy; half…conscious state。 Nate blinked to adjust his eyes to the light。 The girl held a candle that cast a glow on the ecru walls; making it impossible to see her clearly。 The figure was too short to be Serena’s; but the voice was too breathy to be Blair’s。

Nate sat up and ran his hand through his hair。 “I can’t really see you;” he said。 Jenny held the candle closer to her face; casting her skin with a warmish golden glow。 She wore a pair of tight black leggings and a lacy black tank top。 “Here; you’ll get cold;” he said; holding up the flannel covers and patting a spot on the mattress next to him。

Jenny placed the candle on the nightstand and tried to smile seductively。 Her heart was hammering in her chest and she wanted to scream with excitement。 It was happening。 It was finally happening!

Easy there; tiger。

She climbed into the bed next to Nate and pulled the flannel forter over their legs。 Their hips were touching; and she could smell the scent of fabric softener and shave gel。 His hair was still damp from the snow outside。

She turned and kissed him; enjoying the feel of his stubbly cheek against her smooth one。 Outside; the storm was still raging; but in the attic; next to Nate; she felt cozy and warm and safe。

Nate kissed her back hungrily。 Her tiny; curvy body felt so good in his arms。 He edged down one strap of her lacy camisole and kissed her milky white shoulder。 It felt so nice; so familiar to be with Jenny; even though the last time they’d hooked up was three years ago。 But that was the thing about Jenny。 She was fortable; soft; sweet; easy。

Watch it—no girl likes being called easy。 Especially in a bed。

“Wait。” Jenny pushed his hand away and held it。 Her hands were tiny; like little kid hands。 She led his hand to rest on the center of her chest; on top of the little rosette on her bra。 “I’m a virgin。” Jenny smiled shyly。 “I want you to be my first。 I’m just letting you know in case… you know;” she finished。

“Oh;” Nate said。 It made him feel protective of her。 He didn’t want to hurt her。 “Are you sure?” he asked; intertwining his fingers in hers。 He hadn’t been with anyone for a year。 At Deep Springs; the nearest women were tens of miles away; and until recently; they were even further from his mind。

“Yes; I’m sure。” Jenny smiled at him softly; invitingly。 She eased her camisole straps all the way down her shoulders。 “I just wanted you to know。”

Nate nodded and blew the candle out。 Then he took Jenny—sweet; unplicated; sexy Jenny—in his strong; capable arms。

That’s one way to end a year。

hey people!

when the lights go out

You know how in Jane Austen novels; the most scandalous things always happened in the country; never in town? Well; we may be more than a century away and an ocean apart; but the same thing happens here。 Say what you will about city living; but something about the one…with…the…elements; outdoorsy lifestyle seems to bring out the frisky in everyone。 Is there anything more romantic than cuddling by the fireside and kisses by candlelight?

Statistics say the average woman kisses twenty…nine men before she gets married。 But my friends and I have never been average; and we’re a loooong way from getting married。 Whether you keep track with scratches on the bedpost or notches on your lipstick case; every girl has her list of conquests。 According to my sources; one girl is about to begin her way…more…than…kissed list with none other than N。 Godspeed; sweetie。 We are all dying little deaths back in town。

your e…mail

q: Dear Gossip Girl;

I’m at my family’s boring vacation house in Newport; which is even more boring than usual because the power went out。 I was stargazing with my telescope and my view landed on this couple getting totally hot and heavy in the attic across the bay。 The shadows are ridiculous。 Do you know who they are?


a: Dear V;

If it’s the couple I’m thinking of; they already have a history of overexposure on the Internet。 I’ll spare them any more。 And; by the way; it’s more than creepy that you’re watching。


houseguest hints

As you’ve learned by now; home for the holidays may be a catchy phrase; but it’s hardly where you want to spend your entire break。 You should always have an emergency crash pad lined up; devoid of annoying relatives or whiny younger siblings。 What to do when the Tribeca Star; W Union Square; and the Hudson are all full? Here’s the need…to…know for holiday house…crashing。

Give freely。 They thought they were done opening their presents; so please your hosts…to…be by bringing a bottle of wine and a tray of Citarella holiday cookies。 You’re practically guaranteed the guest bedroom。

Show up during the witching hour。 You know that time around four o’clock when it’s already dark; even though it feels like you’ve only been up for a few hours? It’s too late to do anything productive; but too early to go out。 Show up when boredom’s at its peak; and your hosts will be thrilled to see you。

Play the poor…me card。 I don’t usually advocate whining; but desperate times call for desperate measures。 If you truly have nowhere to go; let your hosts know exactly why。 Honesty can go a long way in finding you a place to stay。

Finally; once you’re settled; remember the three rules of being a great guest: Don’t hook up on the host’s bed unless it’s with the host; don’t puke in their planters; and; whatever you do; don’t overstay your wele。

You know you love me;

gossip girl

the ghosts of christmas past

Blair woke up with a start and impatiently pushed Chuck’s arm off her。 She used to think it was cute that he threw his arms over her in his sleep; as if trapping her in a hug; but right now it felt suffocating。 The bedside lamp was on; meaning the electricity must have e back in the middle of the night。 Outside; the snow had tapered into flurries。 That meant there was nothing keeping Serena and Nate here anymore。

She rose from the grand four…poster bed and threw on an old pair of Habitual jeans and a Cacharel black cardigan; not bothering to shower。 She pulled her hair back in a ponytail and stomped toward the door。 She needed coffee and carbs; and to make sure nothing looked amiss in Nate’s attic bedroom。

“Morning; gorgeous。” Chuck sat up; looking sleepy and satisfied。 “Happy New Year’s Eve Day!” He climbed out of bed; wearing Calvin Klein boxers that hung low on his hips。 “I have a present for you;” he murmured; rifling through his Tumi leather suitcase。

“But why? Christmas is over;” Blair pointed out。 Chuck had already given her a pair of sapphire earrings; and they’d made plans to go skiing in Switzerland in January。

“I know; but I wanted to give you something else。 More like an anniversary present。 I remember how sad you were around this time last year。 This year; I want you to be happy。” Chuck smiled; and Blair couldn’t help but soften。 “Here you go。” He handed her an orange box with an Hermès ribbon around it。

Blair pulled the ribbon open。 Inside were two enamel bangle bracelets; each one printed with hieroglyphic designs。

“It’s to remind you of our first real date;” Chuck said softly。 He’d taken her to London; to the British Museum; where they’d wandered through the Egyptian Wing; then headed out to a cute little wine bar; where they’d talked for hours。 After missing the last bus back to Oxford; they’d checked into a Bloomsbury boutique hotel。 Chuck had given her the bed; insisting it was better if he slept on the floor。

“Thanks。” Blair shoved the bracelets onto her wrist and gave Chuck a peck on the cheek。 But how could she be happy this New Year’s when everyone she’d been trying to get away from had decided to follow her he

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