神鸟电子书 > 都市言情电子书 > gossip girl 12 终结 >


gossip girl 12 终结-第31部分

小说: gossip girl 12 终结 字数: 每页4000字

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 what’s the problem?”

“I know。” Nate sighed heavily and sat at the table; his forehead cradled in his hands。 He was just so fucking confused。 Serena was great。 Blair was great。 Blair had a boyfriend。 Both of them hated him。

“Technical difficulties?” Chuck asked。

Nate shook his head。 “The next morning; I brought up Blair; and Serena just totally closed off and kicked me out。 She probably thinks I still have feelings for Blair。” Nate paused。 “And I guess I do; even though Blair has a boyfriend。”

“You have a hard life; Nathaniel;” Chuck scoffed。

“I know I’m being a pussy。 But every time I e home; I make a mess。 Maybe I’m better off not ing home。 Just leaving New York totally;” Nate said bluntly。 Only a year ago; it would have felt extremely gay to talk about his emotions with another guy。 But now; after all his time at Deep Springs; he was okay with it。 Maybe he needed to get back there—and never leave。

“What would El Capitan say?” Chuck prodded。

Nate sat up; suddenly remembering the letter Chips’s sister had given him。 He hadn’t felt ready to open it before。 He’d needed more time to process things。

And by “process” he means smoke and drink himself into oblivion。

“The letter;” Nate said simply。 Maybe Chips did have something to say。 For the first time since the funeral; he felt optimistic。

“Good idea。 I’ll let you be alone;” Chuck said; finishing off his beer and sliding off the stool。 “Look; I’m heading to Aspen tomorrow。 You should e。 Or at least promise you’re not going to freak out again。 Okay?” Chuck locked eyes with Nate。

“Thanks; man。” Nate walked him to the door。 “I’ll think about Aspen;” he lied to Chuck’s retreating back。 Then he ran upstairs and yanked open the top drawer of his Chippendale desk。 He pulled out the wrinkled cream envelope。 It felt weighted and heavy。 Instantly; Nate knew what it was。

He slid his index finger under the envelope flap; ripped it open; and allowed Chips’s antique silver pass to drop into his palm。 It looked tarnished and worn and felt reassuringly heavy。 Chips only trusted his pass; believing puter navigational systems made people lazy and made them forget what it was like to trust their own minds。 Nate had been freaked out at first to head out onto the ocean with no puter system; but soon realized that Chips was right: When you had nothing else to trust; you had to trust yourself。

He pulled out the ivory card stock that acpanied the pass; written in Chips’s spiky…scrawly handwriting。


Thanks for ing on the journey; and I’m glad you learned something from this old man。 Remember: Read the pass; and stay the course。

Nate sighed; disappointed。 All of Chips’s lessons were summed up in two sentences。 He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting。

A self…help manual?

He knew what Chips meant: that the pass only gave you directions—it was up to you to interpret the directions。 He wished charting his life was as easy as following a map。 He glanced down at the pass; which had led Chips in the right direction for years。 Maybe it did have some sort of power。 Maybe he could use it to help him figure things out。

He held the pass in his hand and squeezed his eyes shut。 If it pointed to W; it would mean Waldorf。 If it pointed toward S; it would mean Serena。

And if it points to N; would that mean Not a Good Idea?

The thin red needle swung back and forth; first wavering on N; then slowly falling down。 It wavered uncertainly before settling right on the letter W。

Nate smiled。 Everything seemed absurdly simple for the first time in a while。 He needed to find Blair。

Let’s hope he finds the shower first。

you’ve got mail

From: svw@vanderWoodsen。

To: dhumphrey3@columbia。edu

Subject: Your Poem

Hi Dan;

I’m hoping this is the same Dan Humphrey who went to Riverside Prep; and who wrote Serena in The New Yorker? It’s Serena van der Woodsen; from high school。 How are you? I just read your poem and loved it。 Would you want to meet me for coffee sometime?


From: dhumphrey3@columbia。edu

To: svw@vanderWoodsen。

Subject: Re: Your Poem


Hey! It’s really great to hear from you。 How’ve you been? I’d love to meet up for coffee; where and whenever。


P。S。 Glad you liked the poem。 Sorry for stealing your name for the title。

From: svw@vanderWoodsen。

To: dhumphrey3@columbia。edu

Subject: Re: re: Your Poem

Great! Four o’clock at Doma on Perry Street on Fri? I remember you love coffee。 Hope that hasn’t changed!

Xx S

the curse of the creative power couple

“This is it?” Vanessa asked Hollis dubiously on Friday morning。 They were standing outside one of the tall; glass…box; personality…less skyscrapers near Grand Central for their meeting with the executives of Streetscape; a small indie studio。 …Hollis was taken by the idea of making a movie out of Vanessa’s life; and had immediately set up a meeting with some people he knew。 Vanessa was excited; but suddenly a little nervous。 She’d imagined the Streetscape offices would be in Dumbo or SoHo or some other artsy neighborhood; not a random Midtown office building。

Hollis nodded as he gestured for her to go first through the varnished chrome revolving door。 The lobby floor and walls were black marble; and men and women in crisp business suits were hurrying back and forth like worker ants。 If Vanessa had known she was visiting a corporation; she’d have worn something other than jeans; a black; vaguely Western button…down shirt she’d found at Beacon’s Closet; and a pair of Chloé flats that Blair had left behind in high school。

Hollis squeezed her hand reassuringly and pulled her into the elevator。 It whooshed up to the nineteenth floor。 “We’ll have fun;” Hollis promised; readjusting his fedora; which had now bee his trademark。

Hollis pushed open the glass door that led to the reception area。 A petite blond girl in a black dress glanced up。 She looked like a banker。 Vanessa smiled; reminding herself not to be so judgmental。

“Andra; great to see you!” Hollis said warmly。 The banker got up from behind the desk and hugged him。

“It’s been too long!” She smiled; her eyes flicking up his tall; lean form。 “You look good。”

“Hi。” Vanessa said pointedly to the girl。 Was she flirting with her boyfriend? While Vanessa was right there?

Aw; can’t we all just get along?

“Oh; hi! You must be Vanessa;” Andra said warmly。 “Hollis told me so much about you; I feel like I know you!” she cooed。 Vanessa smiled despite herself。 It was nice that Hollis was talking about her when she wasn’t around。

“Anyway; I’ll let everyone know you’re here;” Andra said; sitting back down at the desk and picking up a receiver。 “Stacy; they’re here!” she yelled into the phone。 When no one answered she padded down the carpeted hallway to tell them。

“You’ll be great; champ;” Hollis said; squeezing Vanessa’s shoulder as he led her to one of the low…slung couches set up along one cream wall。

“Thanks;” she whispered。 She usually prided herself on being ultraindependent; but right now; she was glad Hollis was right by her side。 He did this kind of thing all the time; but of course Vanessa was nervous。 This was her chance。 And so what if it was a little more corporate than she expected? After all; this wasn’t some student film produced by a purple…haired; multipierced grad student。 This was Streetscape; an actual production pany。

Just then; a skinny guy with an asymmetrical haircut emerged from a labyrinthine hallway。

“Hollis!” He hug…patted her boyfriend。

“Zach; what’s up; man?” Hollis said enthusiastically。 “This is my girlfriend; Vanessa。 She’s an amazing filmmaker。 I can’t wait to see what happens when she and Stacy get together in one room。 Vanessa; this is Zach; Stacy’s assistant。”

“Hi Vanessa。” Zach smiled。 Vanessa grinned back。 This was more like it。 Zach looked like the guys in her film class: smart; a little pretentious; and fiercely devoted to making movies。 Vanessa understood these people。 They were her people。 “So; you guys ready to e on back?” Zach asked rhetorically as he walked at breakneck speed through the hallways and toward an empt

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