神鸟电子书 > 都市言情电子书 > gossip girl 12 终结 >


gossip girl 12 终结-第26部分

小说: gossip girl 12 终结 字数: 每页4000字

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“We were all friends; and then in tenth grade; Nate and I started dating。 And then that summer; when I was in Scotland for a wedding; Nate and Serena slept together; and I didn’t find out until senior year。” A fresh sob escaped Blair’s throat。 She suddenly recalled how she’d first found out。 It was when she and Nate were just about to sleep together for the first time。

“Do you still have feelings for him?” Pete asked。 Blair cleared her throat a little haughtily。 What was with the third degree? His ex…girlfriend; an anthropology bitch named Lindsey; glared at Blair whenever they crossed paths on campus and Blair never plained。

Blair stood up and wavered over to the minibar。 She was determined not to let the image of Serena and Nate fuck up her night。 And what better way than to have another drink?

“Are you still in love with him?” Pete pressed; trailing behind her。

Blair whirled around; a mini bottle of vodka in her hand。 Why couldn’t he just let it go? “No;” she said flatly。 She wasn’t in love with Nate。 She’d moved on。 She had Pete now。 Duh。

“Okay;” Pete said slowly。 His blue eyes still looked slightly wary; but he wearily ran a hand through his thick blond hair。

“I’m in love with you;” Blair clarified。 It was true。 But she was surrounded by all these feelings from her high school past and it was hard to let them go just like that。

“I just need you to be honest with me…。” Pete pushed away the tumbler of vodka impatiently。 “Just tell me that nothing has happened between you since high school。”

Blair looked at her reflection in the mirror above the bar。 Her chestnut brown hair was limp around her face and her black La Perla bra strap had inched down her shoulder。 Her small; lean face was blotchy and red。 And still; Pete loved her。 Real couples loved each other no matter what。 He needed to know everything。 And then it really would be over。

She ran her hands through her hair and turned around; waiting until Pete’s eyes connected with hers。 “Last winter break; Nate and I hooked up on New Year’s;” Blair said quickly。 “I didn’t even know he would be in New York; I thought he was sailing around the world; but then we ended up at the same party; and we were both by ourselves and you were in Costa Rica and ‘no ring; no bring;’ and it just happened。 But that was last year; it only happened once; and now it seems he and Serena are together; so good for them;” Blair finished。 There。 That didn’t sound too bad。 She’d acknowledged it for what it was: a dumb mistake that would never happen again。

Never say never…。

Blair picked up her glass and took a long; relieved sip。 She felt like a weight had been lifted from her chest。 “I’m really glad I told you;” Blair confessed; reaching out to grab Pete’s hand。

Pete yanked his arm away as if he’d been burned。 His face looked ashen。 “You mean; you slept with him;” he finally choked out。

“But it didn’t mean anything!” Blair said quickly。 She hadn’t really thought through what her confession would mean to Pete。 “It was just a dumb; onetime mistake that happened because a lot of old feelings got stirred up。”

“You cheated。” Pete shook his head in disbelief。 “Jesus Christ; I’m a fucking idiot! You cheated and you never told me。 I gave you a ring!”

“No!” Blair said desperately。 She had to make him understand that it hadn’t meant anything。 “I haven’t thought about him since;” Blair added; her voice rising hysterically。

“Bullshit。” Pete stood up and paced the room。 “You cheated and then you kept it a secret。 How do I know this… this love triangle isn’t always going to e back to haunt you—to haunt me?” Pete shook his head sadly。 He looked awful; like a kid who’d just seen his golden retriever puppy get run over by a car。 “I’m going to take a train to Philly and stay with my brother for a bit。 I’ll call you。”

“Wait;” Blair screeched; gripping a handful of the dark green duvet。 She couldn’t believe she was so close to losing Pete。 “Are you breaking up with me?”

Pete grabbed his small wheeled Tumi suitcase from the floor and paused to look at Blair。 “I just need some time to think;” he said; a little bit more gently。 With one final look; he headed for the door。 As it closed behind him with a thud; Blair collapsed into the goosedown pillow; her body racked with sobs。

They do say the holidays can cause depression。

d on deadline

Turtles sleep under the mud; while our hearts break…

Two zebras together; so separate。

Dan crumpled the piece of paper and threw it onto the coffee…stained tan rug。 The room smelled like cigarettes and incense; which Dan had first started burning a year ago to erase the smell of Vanessa; but hadn’t broken the habit。 The alarm clock he’d had since seventh grade read eleven thirty…four in luminous green letters。 For everyone else; it was twenty…six minutes until New Year’s; but for Dan; it was less than half an hour until he failed his poetry class and botched his writing career。

Of course; he’d been an idiot to even sign up for a writing seminar called Poetry and Passion when there was so little passion in his life。 But Colm Doyle; the legendary Irish writer; was the instructor。 Colm wrote angry; honest poems about love。 After his fourth divorce; he’d written a poem called “Hand on the Frying Pan;” and Dan had memorized every line。 Besides; he’d hoped he could benefit from taking a class on passion when he wasn’t in love。 After all; back in high school; he’d written his best poem; “Sluts;” after he’d broken up with Vanessa the first time。 That had been published in The New Yorker。

It was also submitted not by the writer but by its unjealous subject。

But now; he couldn’t write anything。 It wasn’t like he hadn’t tried; over and over; for the last year。 It was just always the same: He’d loved Vanessa; Vanessa had cheated on him; he hated his life; and he wanted to move on but for some reason couldn’t。 He was angry at her and missed her and hated the fact that he’d seen a photo of her and that Hollis guy on one of the party pages in New York magazine; looking so happy together。 He wished that he’d never met Vanessa; so he wouldn’t have to feel this way。

Sounds like someone skipped the better to have loved and lost lesson。

Dan lay down on his bed and pulled the flannel sheets over his head。 All he wanted to do was fall asleep so he didn’t have to think; but unfortunately he’d had fourteen cups of black coffee today and his hands were vibrating。 He just couldn’t fucking write the poem。 And he’d tried。 So far; pages and pages were scattered across the room and on his bed。 The zebra and turtle poem had actually been one of his better efforts。 At one point; he’d thought he was onto something; but then realized he was just transcribing an Indigo Girls song playing on the radio his father had left on in the kitchen。

“Daniel?” Rufus appeared in the doorway。 His wiry salt…and…pepper hair was tucked into a pink beret that was obviously Jenny’s。 Jenny had spent Christmas with them; but was spending New Year’s on a Waverly field trip to Paris。 Dan wished he could have gone with her。 He wished he could be anywhere but here。

“I was just going to call for some Chinese food。 What do you say?” Rufus asked almost tenderly。 “I find I work better with a little MSG in my system。”

“I’m not hungry;” Dan mumbled。 He swung his legs out of bed and picked up the half…empty cup of coffee from his night table。 It was cold but he gulped it down anyway; enjoying the bitter; acrid taste as it traveled down his throat。 That was how he felt。

My love is like stale coffee…。

Dan sighed。 It was official。 He sucked。

“Should I be worried about you?” Rufus asked sternly as he sat down on Dan’s bed。 Rufus was one of those dads who believed in a less…is…more approach to parenting; but was always attuned to the lives of his two children。 Dan felt bad dragging him into his den of despair。 It wasn’t his fault Dan had peaked at seventeen。

“I’m trying to write a poem; and I can’t do it;” Dan admitted。

“What do you mean?” Rufus roared。 He stood up; placed his hands on his hips; and looked down at Dan in exasperation。 I

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