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还乡The Return Of The Native-第59部分

小说: 还乡The Return Of The Native 字数: 每页4000字

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e been as it is; I should have said NO。 I don’t plain。  I have never uttered a sound of such a thing to him; but it is true。  I hope therefore that in the future you will be silent on my eagerness。  If you injure me now you injure yourself。”
“Injure you?  Do you think I am an evil…disposed person?”
“You injured me before my marriage; and you have now suspected me of secretly favouring another man for money!”
“I could not help what I thought。  But I have never spoken of you outside my house。”
“You spoke of me within it; to Clym; and you could not do worse。”
“I did my duty。”
“And I’ll do mine。”
“A part of which will possibly be to set him against his mother。  It is always so。  But why should I not bear it as others have borne it before me!”
“I understand you;” said Eustacia; breathless with emotion。  “You think me capable of every bad thing。  Who can be worse than a wife who encourages a lover; and poisons her husband’s mind against his relative?  Yet that is now the character given to me。  Will you not e and drag him out of my hands?”
Mrs。 Yeobright gave back heat for heat。 
“Don’t rage at me; madam! It ill bees your beauty; and I am not worth the injury you may do it on my account; I assure you。  I am only a poor old woman who has lost a son。”
“If you had treated me honourably you would have had him still。”  Eustacia said; while scalding tears trickled from her eyes。  “You have brought yourself to folly; you have caused a division which can never be healed!”
“I have done nothing。  This audacity from a young woman is more than I can bear。”
“It was asked for; you have suspected me; and you have made me speak of my husband in a way I would not have done。  You will let him know that I have spoken thus; and it will cause misery between us。  Will you go away from me?  You are no friend!”
“I will go when I have spoken a word。  If anyone says I have e here to question you without good grounds for it; that person speaks untruly。  If anyone says that I attempted to stop your marriage by any but honest means; that person; too; does not speak the truth。  I have fallen on an evil time; God has been unjust to me in letting you insult me! Probably my son’s happiness does not lie on this side of the grave; for he is a foolish man who neglects the advice of his parent。  You; Eustacia; stand on the edge of a precipice without knowing it。  Only show my son one…half the temper you have shown me today—and you may before long—and you will find that though he is as gentle as a child with you now; he can be as hard as steel!”
The excited mother then withdrew; and Eustacia; panting; stood looking into the pool。 

2 … He Is Set upon by Adversities but He Sings a Song

The result of that unpropitious interview was that Eustacia; instead of passing the afternoon with her grandfather; hastily returned home to Clym; where she arrived three hours earlier than she had been expected。 
She came indoors with her face flushed; and her eyes still showing traces of her recent excitement。  Yeobright looked up astonished; he had never seen her in any way approaching to that state before。  She passed him by; and would have gone upstairs unnoticed; but Clym was so concerned that he immediately followed her。 
“What is the matter; Eustacia?” he said。  She was standing on the hearthrug in the bedroom; looking upon the floor; her hands clasped in front of her; her bonnet yet unremoved。  For a moment she did not answer; and then she replied in a low voice—
“I have seen your mother; and I will never see her again!” A weight fell like a stone upon Clym。  That same morning; when Eustacia had arranged to go and see her grandfather; Clym had expressed a wish that she would drive down to Blooms…End and inquire for her mother…in…law; or adopt any other means she might think fit to bring about a reconciliation。  She had set out gaily; and he had hoped for much。 
“Why is this?” he asked。 
“I cannot tell—I cannot remember。  I met your mother。 
And I will never meet her again。”
“What do I know about Mr。 Wildeve now?  I won’t have wicked opinions passed on me by anybody。  O! it was too humiliating to be asked if I had received any money from him; or encouraged him; or something of the sort—
I don’t exactly know what!”
“How could she have asked you that?”
“She did。”
“Then there must have been some meaning in it。  What did my mother say besides?”
“I don’t know what she said; except in so far as this; that we both said words which can never be forgiven!”
“Oh; there must be some misapprehension。  Whose fault was it that her meaning was not made clear?”
“I would rather not say。  It may have been the fault of the circumstances; which were awkward at the very least。  O Clym—I cannot help expressing it—this is an unpleasant position that you have placed me in。  But you must improve it—yes; say you will—for I hate it all now! Yes; take me to Paris; and go on with your old occupation; Clym! I don’t mind how humbly we live there at first; if it can only be Paris; and not Egdon Heath。”
“But I have quite given up that idea;” said Yeobright; with surprise。  “Surely I never led you to expect such a thing?”
“I own it。  Yet there are thoughts which cannot be kept out of mind; and that one was mine。  Must I not have a voice in the matter; now I am your wife and the sharer of your doom?”
“Well; there are things which are placed beyond the pale of discussion; and I thought this was specially so; and by mutual agreement。”
“Clym; I am unhappy at what I hear;” she said in a low voice; and her eyes drooped; and she turned away。 
This indication of an unexpected mine of hope in Eustacia’s bosom disconcerted her husband。  It was the first time that he had confronted the fact of the indirectness of a woman’s movement towards her desire。  But his intention was unshaken; though he loved Eustacia well。  All the effect that her remark had upon him was a resolve to chain himself more closely than ever to his books; so as to be the sooner enabled to appeal to substantial results from another course in arguing against her whim。 
Next day the mystery of the guineas was explained。  Thomasin paid them a hurried visit; and Clym’s share was delivered up to him by her own hands。  Eustacia was not present at the time。 
“Then this is what my mother meant;” exclaimed Clym。 
“Thomasin; do you know that they have had a bitter quarrel?”
There was a little more reticence now than formerly in Thomasin’s manner towards her cousin。  It is the effect of marriage to engender in several directions some of the reserve it annihilates in one。  “Your mother told me;” she said quietly。  “She came back to my house after seeing Eustacia。”
“The worst thing I dreaded has e to pass。  Was Mother much disturbed when she came to you; Thomasin?”
“Very much indeed?”
Clym leant his elbow upon the post of the garden gate; and covered his eyes with his hand。 
“Don’t trouble about it; Clym。  They may get to be friends。”
He shook his head。  “Not two people with inflammable natures like theirs。  Well; what must be will be。”
“One thing is cheerful in it—the guineas are not lost。”
“I would rather have lost them twice over than have had this happen。”

Amid these jarring events Yeobright felt one thing to be indispensable—that he should speedily make some show of progress in his scholastic plans。  With this view he read far into the small hours during many nights。 
One morning; after a severer strain than usual; he awoke with a strange sensation in his eyes。  The sun was shining directly upon the window…blind; and at his first glance thitherward a sharp pain obliged him to close his eyelids quickly。  At every new attempt to look about him the same morbid sensibility to light was manifested; and excoriating tears ran down his cheeks。  He was obliged to tie a bandage over his brow while dressing; and during the day it could not be abandoned。  Eustacia was thoroughly alarmed。  On finding that the case was no better the next morning they decided to send to Anglebury for a surgeon。 
Towards evening he arrived; and pronounced the disease to be acute inflammation induced by Clym’s ni

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