神鸟电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > the fellowship of the ring >


the fellowship of the ring-第88部分

小说: the fellowship of the ring 字数: 每页4000字

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‘Give them this;' said Gandalf; searching in his pack and drawing out aleathern flask。 ‘Just a mouthful each – for all of us。 It is very precious。 Itis _miruvor_; the cordial of Imladris。 Elrond gave it to me at our parting。 
Pass it round!'  
As soon as Frodo had swallowed a little of the warm and fragrant liquorhe felt a new strength of heart; and the heavy drowsiness left his limbs。 Theothers also revived and found fresh hope and vigour。 But the snow did notrelent。 It whirled about them thicker than ever; and the wind blew louder。 
'What do you say to fire?' asked Boromir suddenly。 'The choice seems nearnow between fire and death; Gandalf。 Doubtless we shall be hidden from allunfriendly eyes when the snow has covered us; but that will not help us。' 
'You may make a fire; if you can;' answered Gandalf。 'If there are anywatchers that can endure this storm; then they can see us; fire or no。' Butthough they had brought wood and kindlings by the advice of Boromir; it passedthe skill of Elf or even Dwarf to strike a flame that would hold amid the  
swirling wind or catch in the wet fuel。 At last reluctantly Gandalf himselftook a hand。 Picking up a faggot he held it aloft for a moment; and then witha word of mand_; naur an edraith ammen!_ he thrust the end of his staffinto the midst of it。 At once a great spout of green and blue flame sprangout; and the wood flared and sputtered。 
‘If there are any to see; then I at least am revealed to them;' he said。 
'I have written _Gandalf is here_ in signs that all can read from Rivendell tothe mouths of Anduin。'  
But the pany cared no longer for watchers or unfriendly eyes。 Theirhearts were rejoiced to see the light of the fire。 The wood burned merrily; 
and though all round it the snow hissed; and pools of slush crept under theirfeet; they warmed their hands gladly at the blaze。 There they stood; stoopingin a circle round the little dancing and blowing flames。 A red light was ontheir tired and anxious faces; behind them the night was like a black wall。 
But the wood was burning fast; and the snow still fell。  
The fire burned low。 and the last faggot was thrown on。 
The night is getting old;' said Aragorn。 〃The dawn is not far off。' 
‘If any dawn can pierce these clouds;' said Gimli。 
Boromir stepped out of the circle and stared up into the blackness。 'Thesnow is growing less;' he said; ‘and the wind is quieter。' 
Frodo gazed wearily at the flakes still falling out of the dark to berevealed white for a moment in the light of the dying fire; but for a longtime he could see no sign of their slackening。 Then suddenly; as sleep wasbeginning to creep over him again; he was aware that the wind had indeedfallen; and the flakes were being larger and fewer。 Very slowly a dim light  
began to grow。 At last the snow stopped altogether。 
As the light grew stronger it showed a silent shrouded world。 Below theirrefuge were white humps and domes and shapeless deeps beneath which the paththat they had trodden was altogether lost; but the heights above were hiddenin great clouds still heavy with the threat of snow。 
Gimli looked up and shook his head。 ‘Caradhras has not forgiven us。' hesaid。 ‘He has more snow yet to fling at us; if we go on。 The sooner we go backand down the better。'  
To this all agreed; but their retreat was now difficult。 It might wellprove impossible。 Only a few paces from the ashes of their fire the snow laymany feet deep; higher than the heads of the hobbits; in places it had beenscooped and piled by the wind into great drifts against the cliff。 
‘If Gandalf would go before us with a bright flame; he might melt a pathfor you;' said Legolas。 The storm had troubled him little; and he alone of thepany remained still light of heart。 
‘If Elves could fly over mountains; they might fetch the Sun to saveus;' answered Gandalf。 ‘But I must have something to work on。 I cannot burnsnow。'  
‘Well;' said Boromir; ‘when heads are at a loss bodies must serve; as wesay in my country。 The strongest of us must seek a way。 See! Though all is nowsnow…clad; our path; as we came up; turned about that shoulder of rock downyonder。 It was there that the snow first began to burden us。 If we could reachthat point; maybe it would prove easier beyond。 It is no more than a furlongoff; I guess。' 
‘Then let us force a path thither; you and I!' said Aragorn。 
Aragorn was the tallest of the pany; but Boromir; little less inheight; was broader and heavier in build。 He led the way; and Aragorn followedhim。 Slowly they moved off; and were soon toiling heavily。 In places the snowwas breast…high; and often Boromir seemed to bc swimming or burrowing with hisgreat arms rather than walking。 
Legolas watched them for a while with a smile upon his lips; and then heturned to the others。 ‘The strongest must seek a way; say you? But I say: leta ploughman plough; but choose an otter for swimming; and for running lightover grass and leaf or over snow…an Elf。' 
With that he sprang forth nimbly; and then Frodo noticed as if for thefirst time; though he had long known it; that the Elf had no boots; but woreonly light shoes; as he always did; and his feet made little imprint in thesnow。  
'Farewell!' he said to Gandalf。 ‘I go to find the Sun!' Then swift as arunner over firm sand he shot away; and quickly overtaking the toiling men; 
with a wave of his hand he passed them; and sped into the distance; andvanished round the rocky turn。  
The others waited huddled together; watching until Boromir and Aragorndwindled into black specks in the whiteness。 At length they too passed fromsight。 The time dragged on。 The clouds lowered; and now a few flakes of snowcame curling down again。 
An hour; maybe; went by; though it seemed far longer; and then at lastthey saw Legolas ing back。 At the same time Boromir and Aragorn reappearedround the bend far behind him and came labouring up the slope。 
‘Well;' cried Legolas as he ran up; ‘I have not brought the Sun。 She iswalking in the blue fields of the South; and a little wreath of snow on thisRedhorn hillock troubles her not at all。 But I have brought back a gleam ofgood hope for those who are doomed to go on feet。 There is the greatest wind… 
drift of all just beyond the turn; and there our Strong Men were almostburied。 They despaired; until I returned and told them that the drift waslittle wider than a wall。 And on the other side the snow suddenly grows less; 
while further down it is no more than a white coverlet to cool a hobbit's  
‘Ah; it is as I said;' growled Gimli。 'It was no ordinary storm。 It is  
the ill will of Caradhras。 He does not love Elves and Dwarves; and that driftwas laid to cut off our escape。' 
'But happily your Caradhras has forgotten that you have Men with you;' 
said Boromir; who came up at that moment。 ‘And doughty Men too; if I may sayit; though lesser men with spades might have served you better。 Still; we havethrust a lane through the drift; and for that all here may be grateful whocannot run as light as Elves。' 
‘But how are we to get down there; even if you have cut through thedrift?' said Pippin; voicing the thought of all the hobbits。 
'Have hope!' said Boromir。 'I am weary; but I still have some strengthleft; and Aragorn too。 We will bear the little folk。 The others no doubt willmake shift to tread the path behind us。 e; Master Peregrin! I will beginwith you。' 
He lifted up the hobbit。 'Cling to my back! I shall need my arms' he saidand strode forward。 Aragorn with Merry came behind。 Pippin marvelled at hisstrength; seeing the passage that he had already forced with no other toolthan his great limbs。 Even now; burdened as he was; he was widening the trackfor those who followed; thrusting the snow aside as he went。 
They came at length to the great drift。 It was flung across the mountain… 
path like a sheer and sudden wall; and its crest; sharp as if shaped withknives; reared up more than twice the height of Boromir; but through themiddle a passage had been beaten; rising and falling like a bridge。 On the farside Merry and Pippin were set down; and there they waited with Legolas forthe rest of the pany to arrive。 
After a while Boromir returned carrying Sam。 Behind in the narrow but nowwell…trodden track came Gandalf

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