神鸟电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > the fellowship of the ring >


the fellowship of the ring-第77部分

小说: the fellowship of the ring 字数: 每页4000字

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The change in the wizard's voice was astounding。 Suddenly it becamemenacing; powerful; harsh as stone。 A shadow seemed to pass over the high sun; 
and the porch for a moment grew dark。 All trembled; and the Elves stoppedtheir ears。  
‘Never before has any voice dared to utter the words of that tongue inImladris; Gandalf the Grey;' said Elrond; as the shadow passed and the panybreathed once more。  
‘And let us hope that none will ever speak it here again;' answeredGandalf。 ‘Nonetheless I do not ask your pardon; Master Elrond。 For if thattongue is not soon to be heard in every corner of the West; then let all putdoubt aside that this thing is indeed what the Wise have declared: the  
treasure of the Enemy; fraught with all his malice; and in it lies a greatpart of his strength of old。 Out of the Black Years e the words that theSmiths of Eregion heard; and knew that they had been betrayed:  
_One Ring to rule them all; One Ring to find them; One Ringto bring them all and in the Darkness bind them。_  
‘Know also; my friends; that I learned more yet from Gollum。 He was lothto speak and his tale was unclear; but it is beyond all doubt that he went toMordor; and there all that he knew was forced from him。 Thus the Enemy knowsnow that the One is found; that it was long in the Shire; and since hisservants have pursued it almost to our door; he soon will know; already he mayknow; even as I speak; that we have it here。'  
All sat silent for a while; until at length Boromir spoke。 ‘He is a smallthing; you say; this Gollum? Small; but great in mischief。 What became of him? 
To what doom did you put him?' 
'He is in prison; but no worse;' said Aragorn。 ‘He had suffered much。 
There is no doubt that he was tormented; and the fear of Sauron lies black onhis heart。 Still I for one am glad that he is safely kept by the watchfulElves of Mirkwood。 His malice is great and gives him a strength hardly to bebelieved in one so lean and withered。 He could work much mischief still; if hewere free。 And I do not doubt that he was allowed to leave Mordor on some evil  
‘Alas! alas!' cried Legolas; and in his fair elvish face there was greatdistress。 ‘The tidings that I was sent to bring must now be told。 They are notgood; but only here have I learned how evil they may seem to this pany。 
Sméagol; who is now called Gollum; has escaped。' 
'Escaped?' cried Aragorn。 'That is ill news indeed。 We shall all rue itbitterly; I fear。 How came the folk of Thranduil to fail in their trust?' 
‘Not through lack of watchfulness;' said Legolas; ‘but perhaps throughover…kindliness。 And we fear that the prisoner had aid from others; and thatmore is known of our doings than we could wish。 We guarded this creature dayand night; at Gandalf's bidding; much though we wearied of the task。 ButGandalf bade us hope still for his cure; and we had not the heart to keep himever in dungeons under the earth; where he would fall back into his old blackthoughts。' 
'You were less tender to me;' said Glóin with a flash of his eyes as oldmemories were stirred of his imprisonment in the deep places of the Elven… 
king's halls。 
'Now e!' said Gandalf。 ‘Pray do not interrupt; my good Glóin。 That wasa regrettable misunderstanding; long set right。 If all the grievances thatstand between Elves and Dwarves are to be brought up here; we may as wellabandon this Council。'  
Glóin rose and bowed; and Legolas continued。 'In the days of fair weatherwe led Gollum through the woods; and there was a high tree standing alone farfrom the others which he liked to climb。 Often we let him mount up to thehighest branches; until he felt the free wind; but we set a guard at thetree's foot。 One day he refused to e down; and the guards had no mind toclimb after him: he had learned the trick of clinging to boughs with his feetas well as with his hands; so they sat by the tree far into the night。 
'It was that very night of summer; yet moonless and starless; that Orcscame on us at unawares。 We drove them off after some time; they were many andfierce; but they came from over the mountains; and were unused to the woods。 
When the battle was over; we found that Gollum was gone; and his guards wereslain or taken。 It then seemed plain to us that the attack had been made forhis rescue; and that he knew of it beforehand。 How that was contrived wecannot guess; but Gollum is cunning; and the spies of the Enemy are many。 The  
dark things that were driven out in the year of the Dragon's fall havereturned in greater numbers; and Mirkwood is again an evil place; save whereour realm is maintained。  
‘We have failed to recapture Gollum。 We came on his trail among those ofmany Orcs; and it plunged deep into the Forest; going south。 But ere long itescaped our skill; and we dared not continue the hunt; for we were drawingnigh to Dol Guldur; and that is still a very evil place; we do not go thatway。' 
‘Well; well; he is gone;' said Gandalf。 'We have no time to seek for himagain。 He must do what he will。 But he may play a part yet that neither he norSauron have foreseen。  
'And now I will answer Galdor's other questions。 What of Saruman? Whatare his counsels to us in this need? This tale I must tell in full; for onlyElrond has heard it yet; and that in brief; but it will bear on all that wemust resolve。 It is the last chapter in the Tale of the Ring; so far as it hasyet gone。 
'At the end of June I was in the Shire; but a cloud of anxiety was on mymind; and I rode to the southern borders of the little land; for I had aforeboding of some danger; still hidden from me but drawing near。 Theremessages reached me telling me of war and defeat in Gondor; and when I heardof the Black Shadow a chill smote my heart。 But I found nothing save a fewfugitives from the South; yet it seemed to me that on them sat a fear of whichthey would not speak。 I turned then east and north and journeyed along theGreenway; and not far from Bree I came upon a traveller sitting on a bankbeside the road with his grazing horse beside him。 It was Radagast the Brown; 
who at one time dwelt at Rhosgobel; near the borders of Mirkwood。 He is one ofmy order; but I had not seen him for many a year。 
‘ 〃Gandalf! 〃 he cried。 〃I was seeking you。 But I am a stranger in theseparts。 All I knew was that you might be found in a wild region with theuncouth name of Shire。〃  
' 〃Your information was correct;〃 I said。 〃But do not put it that way; ifyou meet any of the inhabitants。 You are near the borders of the Shire now。 
And what do you want with me? It must be pressing。 You were never a traveller; 
unless driven by great need。〃 
' 〃I have an urgent errand;〃 he said。 〃My news is evil。〃 Then he lookedabout him; as if the hedges might have ears。 〃Nazg。l;〃 he whispered。 〃The Nineare abroad again。 They have crossed the River secretly and are movingwestward。 They have taken the guise of riders in black。〃 
'I knew then what I had dreaded without knowing it。 
‘ 〃The enemy must have some great need or purpose;〃 said Radagast; 〃butwhat it is that makes him look to these distant and desolate parts; I cannotguess。〃 
‘ 〃What do you mean? 〃 said I。 
‘ 〃I have been told that wherever they go the Riders ask for news of aland called Shire。〃  
' 〃_The_ Shire;〃 I said; but my heart sank。 For even the Wise might fearto withstand the Nine; when they are gathered together under their fellchieftain。 A great king and sorcerer he was of old; and now he wields a deadlyfear。 〃Who told you; and who sent you? 〃 I asked。 
' 〃Saruman the White;〃 answered Radagast。 〃And he told me to say that ifyou feel the need; he will help; but you must seek his aid at once; or it willbe too late。〃  
'And that message brought me hope。 For Saruman the White is the greatestof my order。 Radagast is; of course; a worthy Wizard; a master of shapes andchanges of hue; and he has much lore of herbs and beasts; and birds areespecially his friends。 But Saruman has long studied the arts of the Enemyhimself; and thus we have often been able to forestall him。 It was by thedevices of Saruman that we drove him from Dol Guldur。 It might be that he hadfound some weapons that would drive back the Nine。 
' 〃I will go to Saruman;〃 I said。  
' 〃Then you must go _now_;〃 said Radagast; 〃for I have 

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