神鸟电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > the fellowship of the ring >


the fellowship of the ring-第50部分

小说: the fellowship of the ring 字数: 每页4000字

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And the little dog laughed to see such fun; 
And the Saturday dish went off at a run 
with the silver Sunday spoon。  
The round Moon rolled behind the hill  
as the Sun raised up her head。 
She hardly believed her fiery eyes; 
For though it was day; to her surprise 
they all went back to bed!  
There was loud and long applause。 Frodo had a good voice; and the songtickled their fancy。 'Where's old Barley?' they cried。 'He ought to hear this。 
Bob ought to learn his cat the fiddle; and then we'd have a dance。' Theycalled for more ale; and began to shout: 'Let's have it again; master! e onnow! Once more!'  
They made Frodo have another drink; and then begin his song again; whilemany of them joined in; for the tune was well known; and they were quick atpicking up words。 It was now Frodo's turn to feel pleased with himself。 Hecapered about on the table; and when he came a second time to _the cow jumped  
over the Moon;_ he leaped in the air。 Much too vigorously; for he came down; 
bang; into a tray full of mugs; and slipped; and rolled off the table with acrash; clatter; and bump! The audience all opened their mouths wide forlaughter; and stopped short a gaping silence; for the singer disappeared。 Hesimply vanished; as if he had gone slap through the floor without leaving ahole!  
The local hobbits stared in amazement; and then sprang to their feet andshouted for Barliman。 All the pany drew away from Pippin and Sam; who foundthemselves left alone in a er; and eyed darkly and doubtfully from adistance。 It was plain that many people regarded them now as the panions ofa travelling magician of unknown powers and purpose。 But there was one swarthyBree…lander; who stood looking at them with a knowing and half…mockingexpression that made them feel very unfortable。 Presently he slipped out ofthe door; followed by the squint…eyed southerner: the two had been whisperingtogether a good deal during the evening。 Harry the gatekeeper also went outjust behind them。。 
Frodo felt a fool。 Not knowing what else to do; he crawled away under thetables to the dark er by Strider; who sat unmoved; giving no sign of histhoughts。 Frodo leaned back against the wall and took off the Ring。 How itcame to be on his finger he could not tell。 He could only suppose that he hadbeen handling it in his pocket while he sang; and that somehow it had slippedon when he stuck out his hand with a jerk to save his fall。 For a moment hewondered if the Ring itself had not played him a trick; perhaps it had triedto reveal itself in response to some wish or mand that was felt in theroom。 He did not like the looks of the men that had gone out。 
'Well?' said Strider; when he reappeared。 'Why did you do that? Worsethan anything your friends could have said! You have put your foot in it! Orshould I say your finger?' 
'I don't know what you mean;' said Frodo; annoyed and alarmed。 
'Oh yes; you do;' answered Strider; 'but we had better wait until theuproar has died down。 Then; if you please; Mr。 _Baggins; I_ should like aquiet word with you。' 
'What about?' asked Frodo; ignoring the sudden use of his proper name。 
'A matter of some importance – to us both;' answered Strider; lookingFrodo in the eye。 'You may hear something to your advantage。' 
'Very well;' said Frodo; trying to appear unconcerned。 'I'll talk to youlater。'  
Meanwhile an argument was going on by the fireplace。 Mr。 Butterbur hade trotting in; and he was now trying to listen to several conflictingaccounts of the event at the same time。  
'I saw him; Mr。 Butterbur;' said a hobbit; 'or leastways I didn't seehim; if you take my meaning。 He just vanished into thin air; in a manner ofspeaking。' 
'You don't say; Mr。 Mugwort!' said the landlord; looking puzzled。 
'Yes I do!' replied Mugwort。 'And I mean what I say; what's more。' 
'There's some mistake somewhere;' said Butterbur; shaking his head。 Therewas too much of that Mr。 Underhill to go vanishing into thin air; or intothick air; as is more likely in this room。' 
'Well; where is he now?' cried several voices。 
'How should I know? He's wele to go where he will; so long as he paysin the morning。 There's Mr。 Took; now: he's not vanished。' 
'Well; I saw what I saw; and I saw what I didn't;' said Mugwortobstinately。 
'And I say there's some mistake;' repeated Butterbur; picking up the trayand gathering up the broken crockery。 
'Of course there's a mistake!' said Frodo。 'I haven't vanished。 Here I  
am! I've just been having a few words with Strider in the er。' 
He came forward into the firelight; but most of the pany backed away; 
_;_ even more perturbed than before。 They were not in the least satisfied by  
his explanation that he had crawled away quickly under the tables after he hadfallen。 Most of the Hobbits and the Men of Bree went off then and there in a  
huff; having no fancy for further entertainment that evening。 One or two gaveFrodo a black look and departed muttering among themselves。 The Dwarves andthe two or three strange Men that still remained got up and said good night tothe landlord; but not to Frodo and his friends。 Before long no one was leftbut Strider; who sat on; unnoticed; by the wall。 
Mr。 Butterbur did not seem much put out。 He reckoned; very probably; thathis house would be full again on many future nights; until the present mysteryhad been thoroughly discussed。 'Now what have you been doing; Mr。 Underhill?' 
he asked。 'Frightening my customers and breaking up my crocks with youracrobatics!'  
'I am very sorry to have caused any trouble;' said Frodo。 'It was quiteunintentional; I assure you。 A most unfortunate accident。' 
'All right; Mr。 Underhill! But if you're going to do any more tumbling; 
or conjuring; or whatever it was; you'd best warn folk beforehand – and warn_me。_ We're a bit suspicious round here of anything out of the way …uncanny; 
if you understand me; and we don't take to it all of a sudden。' 
'I shan't be doing anything of the sort again; Mr。 Butterbur; I promiseyou。 And now I think I'll be getting to bed。 We shall be making an earlystart。 Will you see that our ponies are ready by eight o'clock?' 
'Very good! But before you go; I should like a word with you in private; 
Mr。 Underhill。 Something has just e back to my mind that I ought to tellyou。 I hope that you'll not take it amiss。 When I've seen to a thing or two; 
I'll e along to your room; if you're willing。' 
'Certainly!' said Frodo; but his heart sank。 He wondered how many privatetalks he would have before he got to bed; and what they would reveal。 Werethese people all in league against him? He began to suspect even oldButterbur's fat face of concealing dark designs。  
_Chapter 10_ 
Frodo; Pippin; and Sam made their way back to the parlour。 There was nolight。 Merry was not there; and the fire had burned low。 It was not until theyhad puffed up the embers into a blaze and thrown on a couple of faggots thatthey discovered Strider had e with them。 There he was calmly sitting in achair by the door! 
'Hallo!' said Pippin。 'Who are you; and what do you want?' 
'I am called Strider;' he answered: 'and though he may have forgotten it; 
your friend promised to have a quiet talk with me。' 
'You said I might hear something to my advantage; I believe;' said Frodo。 
'What have you to say?' 
'Several things;' answered Strider。 'But; of course; I have my price。' 
'What do you mean?' asked Frodo sharply。 
'Don't be alarmed! I mean just this: I will tell you what I know; andgive you some good advice – but I shall want a reward。' 
'And what will that be; pray?' said Frodo。 He suspected now that he hadfallen in with a rascal; and he thought unfortably that he had brought onlya little money with him。 All of it would hardly satisfy a rogue; and he couldnot spare any of it。 
'No more than you can afford;' answered Strider with a slow smile; as ifhe guessed Frodo's thoughts。 'Just this: you must take me along with you; 
until I wish to leave you。' 
'Oh; indeed!' replied Frodo; surprised; but not much relieved。 'Even if Iwanted another panion; I should not agree to any such thing; until I knew agood deal more about you; and your business。' 
'Excellent!' exclaimed Strider; crossing his legs and sitting backfortably。 'You seem to be in

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