神鸟电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > the fellowship of the ring >


the fellowship of the ring-第36部分

小说: the fellowship of the ring 字数: 每页4000字

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'That;' said Merry; pointing with his hand; 'that is the line of theWithywindle。 It es down out of the Downs and flows south…west through themidst of the Forest to join the Brandywine below Haysend。 We don't want to go_that_ way! The Withywindle valley is said to be the queerest part of thewhole wood – the centre from which all the queerness es; as it were。' 
The others looked in the direction that Merry pointed out; but they couldsee little but mists over the damp and deep…cut valley; and beyond it thesouthern half of the Forest faded from view。  
The sun on the hill…lop was now getting hot。 It must have been abouteleven o'clock; but the autumn haze still prevented them from seeing much inother directions。 In the west they could not make out either the line of theHedge or the valley of the Brandywine beyond it。 Northward; where they lookedmost hopefully; they could see nothing that might be the line of the greatEast Road; for which they were making。 They were on an island in a sea oftrees; and the horizon was veiled。 
On the south…eastern side the ground fell very steeply; as if the slopesof the hill were continued far down under the trees; like island…shores thatreally are the sides of a mountain rising out of deep waters。 They sat on thegreen edge and looked out over the woods below them; while they ate their midday  
meal。 As the sun rose and passed noon they glimpsed far off in the eastthe grey…green lines of the Downs that lay beyond the Old Forest on that side。 
That cheered them greatly; for it was good to see a sight of anything beyondthe wood's borders; though they did not mean to go that way; if they couldhelp it: the Barrow…downs had as sinister a reputation in hobbit…legend as theForest itself。  
At length they made up their minds to go on again。 The path that hadbrought them to the hill reappeared on the northward side; but they had notfollowed it far before they became aware that it was bending steadily to theright。 Soon it began to descend rapidly and they guessed that it must actuallybe heading towards the Withywindle valley: not at all the direction theywished lo take。 After some discussion they decided to leave this misleadingpath and strike northward; for although they had not been able to see it fromthe hill…top; the Road must lie that way; and it could not be many miles off。 
Also northward; and to the left of the path; the land seemed lo be drier andmore open; climbing up to slopes where the trees were thinner; and pines andfirs replaced the oaks and ashes and other strange and nameless trees of thedenser wood。  
At first their choice seemed to be good: they got along at a fair speed; 
though whenever they got a glimpse of the sun in an open glade they seemedunaccountably to have veered eastwards。 But after a time the trees began toclose in again; just where they had appeared from a distance to be thinner andless tangled。 Then deep folds in the ground were discovered unexpectedly; likethe ruts of great giant…wheels or wide moats and sunken roads long disused andchoked with brambles。 These lay usually right across their line of march; andcould only be crossed by scrambling down and out again; which was troublesomeand difficult with their ponies。 Each time they climbed down they found thehollow filled with thick bushes and matted undergrowth; which somehow wouldnot yield to the left; but only gave way when they turned to the right; andthey had to go some distance along the bottom before they could find a way upthe further bank。 Each time they clambered out; the trees seemed deeper anddarker; and always to the left and upwards it was most difficult to find away; and they were forced to the right and downwards。 
After an hour or two they had lost all clear sense of direction; thoughthey knew well enough that they had long ceased to go northward at all。 They  
were being headed off; and were simply following a course chosen for them – 
eastwards and southwards; into the heart of the Forest and not out of it。 
The afternoon was wearing away when they scrambled and stumbled into afold that was wider and deeper than any they had yet met。 It was so sleep andoverhung that it proved impossible to climb out of it again; either forwardsor backwards; without leaving their ponies and their baggage behind。 All theycould do was to follow the fold – downwards。 The ground grew soft; and inplaces boggy; springs appeared in the banks; and soon they found themselvesfollowing a brook that trickled and babbled through a weedy bed。 Then theground began to fall rapidly; and the brook growing strong and noisy; flowedand leaped swiftly downhill。 They were in a deep dim…lit gully over…arched bytrees high above them。 
After stumbling along for some way along the stream; they came quitesuddenly out of the gloom。 As if through a gate they saw the sunlight beforethem。 ing to the opening they found that they had made their way downthrough a cleft in a high sleep bank; almost a cliff。 At its feet was a widespace of grass and reeds; and in the distance could be glimpsed another bankalmost as steep。 A golden afternoon of late sunshine lay warm and drowsy uponthe hidden land between。 In the midst of it there wound lazily a dark river ofbrown water; bordered with ancient willows; arched over with willows; blockedwith fallen willows; and flecked with thousands of faded willow…leaves。 Theair was thick with them; fluttering yellow from the branches; for there was awarm and gentle breeze blowing softly in the valley; and the reeds wererustling; and the willow…boughs were creaking。 
'Well; now I have at least some notion of where we are!' said Merry。 'Wehave e almost in the opposite direction to which we intended。 This is theRiver Withywindle! I will go on and explore。' 
He passed out into the sunshine and disappeared into the long grasses。 
After a while he reappeared; and reported that there was fairly solid groundbetween the cliff…foot and the river; in some places firm turf went down tothe water's edge。 'What's more;' he said; 'there seems to be something like afootpath winding along on this side of the river。 If we turn left and followit; we shall be bound to e out on the east side of the Forest eventually。' 
'I dare say!' said Pippin。 'That is; if the track goes on so far; anddoes not simply lead us into a bog and leave us there。 Who made the track; doyou suppose; and why? I am sure it was not for our benefit。 I am getting verysuspicious of this Forest and everything in it; and I begin to believe all thestories about it。 And have you any idea how far eastward we should have to 
'No;' said Merry; 'I haven't。 I don't know in the least how far down theWithywindle we are; or who could possibly e here often enough to make apath along it。 But there is no other way out that I can see or think of。' 
There being nothing else for it; they filed out; and Merry led them tothe path that he had discovered。 Everywhere the reeds and grasses were lushand tall; in places far above their heads; but once found; the path was easyto follow; as it turned and twisted; picking out the sounder ground among thebogs and pools。 Here and there it passed over other rills; running downgullies into the Withywindle out of the higher forest…lands; and at thesepoints there were tree…trunks or bundles of brushwood laid carefully across。 
The hobbits began to feel very hot。 There were armies of flies of allkinds buzzing round their ears; and the afternoon sun was burning on theirbacks。 At last they came suddenly into a thin shade; great grey branchesreached across the path。 Each step forward became more reluctant than thelast。 Sleepiness seemed to be creeping out of the ground and up their legs; 
and falling softly out of the air upon their heads and eyes。 
Frodo felt his chin go down and his head nod。 Just in front of him Pippinfell forward on to his knees。 Frodo halted。 'It's no good;' he heard Merrysaying。 'Can't go another step without rest。 Must have nap。 It's cool underthe willows。 Less flies!'  
Frodo did not like the sound of this。 'e on!' he cried。 'We can't have  
a nap yet。 We must get clear of the Forest first。' But the others were too fargone to care。 Beside them Sam stood yawning and blinking stupidly。 
Suddenly Frodo himself felt

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