the fellowship of the ring-第119部分
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ings there were high seatsupon them; and watch was kept there。 But it is said that no foot of man orbeast has ever been set upon Tol Brandir。 Ere the shade of night falls weshall e to them。 I hear the endless voice of Rauros calling。'
The pany rested now for a while; drifting south on the current thatflowed through the middle of the lake。 They ate some food; and then they tookto their paddles and hastened on their way。 The sides of the westward hillsfell into shadow; and the Sun grew round and red。 Here and there a misty starpeered out。 The three peaks loomed before them; darkling in the twilight。
Rauros was roaring with a great voice。 Already night was laid on the flowingwaters when the travellers came at last under the shadow of the hills。
The tenth day of their journey was over。 Wilderland was behind them。 Theycould go no further without choice between the east…way and the west。 The laststage of the Quest was before them。
_Chapter 10_
The Breaking of the Fellowship
Aragorn led them to the right arm of the River。 Here upon its westernside under the shadow of Tol Brandir a green lawn ran down to the water fromthe feet of Amon Hen。 Behind it rose the first gentle slopes of the hill cladwith trees; and trees marched away westward along the curving shores of thelake。 A little spring fell tumbling down and fed the grass。
'Here we will rest tonight;' said Aragorn。 ‘This is the lawn of ParthGalen: a fair place in the summer days of old。 Let us hope that no evil hasyet e here。'
They drew up their boats on the green banks; and beside them they madetheir camp。 They set a watch; but had no sight nor sound of their enemies。 IfGollum had contrived to follow them; he remained unseen and unheard。
Nonetheless as the night wore on Aragorn grew uneasy; tossing often in hissleep and waking。 In the small hours he got up and came to Frodo; whose turnit was to watch。
‘Why are you waking? ' asked Frodo。 ‘It is not your watch。'
‘I do not know;' answered Aragorn; ‘but a shadow and a threat has beengrowing in my sleep。 It would be well to draw your sword。'
‘Why? ' said Frodo。 ‘Are enemies at hand? '
‘Let us see what Sting may show;' answered Aragorn。
Frodo then drew the elf…blade from its sheath。 To his dismay the edgesgleamed dimly in the night。 ‘Orcs! ' he said。 ‘Not very near; and yet toonear; it seems。'
‘I feared as much;' said Aragorn。 ‘But maybe they are not on this side ofthe River。 The light of Sting is faint; and it may point to no more than spiesof Mordor roaming on the slopes of Amon Lhaw。 I have never heard before ofOrcs upon Amon Hen。 Yet who knows what may happen in these evil days; now thatMinas Tirith no longer holds secure the passages of Anduin。 We must go warilytomorrow。'
The day came like fire and smoke。 Low in the East there were black barsof cloud like the fumes of a great burning。 The rising sun lit them frombeneath with flames of murky red; but soon it climbed above them into a clearsky。 The summit of Tol Brandir was tipped with gold。 Frodo looked out eastwardand gazed at the tall island。 Its sides sprang sheer out of the running water。
High up above the tall cliffs were steep slopes upon which trees climbed;
mounting one head above another; and above them again were grey faces ofinaccessible rock; crowned by a great spire of stone。 Many birds were circlingabout it; but no sign of other living things could be seen。
When they had eaten; Aragorn called the pany together。 ‘The day hase at last;' he said: 'the day of choice which we have long delayed。 Whatshall now bee of our pany that has travelled so far in fellowship? Shallwe turn west with Boromir and go to the wars of Gondor; or turn east to theFear and Shadow; or shall we break our fellowship and go this way and that aseach may choose? Whatever we do must be done soon。 We cannot long halt here。
The enemy is on the eastern shore; we know; but I fear that the Orcs mayalready be on this side of the water。'
There was a long silence in which no one spoke or moved。
'Well; Frodo;' said Aragorn at last。 ‘I fear that the burden is laid uponyou。 You are the Bearer appointed by the Council。 Your own way you alone canchoose。 In this matter I cannot advise you。 I am not Gandalf; and though Ihave tried to bear his part; I do not know what design or hope he had for thishour; if indeed he had any。 Most likely it seems that if he were here now thechoice would still wait on you。 Such is your fate。'
Frodo did not answer at once。 Then he spoke slowly。 ‘I know that haste isneeded; yet I cannot choose。 The burden is heavy。 Give me an hour longer; andI will speak。 Let me be alone! '
Aragorn looked at him with kindly pity。 ‘Very well; Frodo son of Drogo;'
he said。 ‘You shall have an hour; and you shall be alone。 We will stay herefor a while。 But do not stray far or out of call。'
Frodo sat for a moment with his head bowed。 Sam; who had been watching
his master with great concern; shook his head and muttered: 'Plain as apikestaff it is; but it's no good Sam Gamgee putting in his spoke just now。' ;
Presently Frodo got up and walked away; and Sam saw that while the othersrestrained themselves and did not stare at him; the eyes of Boromir followedFrodo intently; until he passed out of sight in the trees at the foot of AmonHen。
Wandering aimlessly at first in the wood; Frodo found that his feet wereleading him up towards the slopes of the hill。 He came to a path; thedwindling ruins of a road of long ago。 In steep places stairs of stone hadbeen hewn; but now they were cracked and worn; and split by the roots oftrees。 For some while he climbed; not caring which way he went; until he cameto a grassy place。 Rowan…trees grew about it; and in the midst was a wide flatstone。 The little upland lawn was open upon the East and was filled now withthe early sunlight。 Frodo halted and looked out over the River; far below him;
to Tol Brandir and the birds wheeling in the great gulf of air between him andthe untrodden isle。 The voice of Rauros was a mighty roaring mingled with adeep throbbing boom。
He sat down upon the stone and cupped his chin in his hands; staringeastwards but seeing little with his eyes。 All that had happened since Bilboleft the Shire was passing through his mind; and he recalled and ponderedeverything that he could remember of Gandalf's words。 Time went on; and stillhe was no nearer to a choice。
Suddenly he awoke from his thoughts: a strange feeling came to him thatsomething was behind him; that unfriendly eyes were upon him。 He sprang up andturned; but all that he saw to his surprise was Boromir; and his face wassmiling and kind。
‘I was afraid for you; Frodo;' he said; ing forward。 ‘If Aragorn isright and Orcs are near; then none of us should wander alone; and you least ofall: so much depends on you。 And my heart too is heavy。 May I stay now andtalk for a while; since I have found you? It would fort me。 Where there areso many; all speech bees a debate without end。 But two together may perhapsfind wisdom。'
‘You are kind;' answered Frodo。 'But I do not think that any speech willhelp me。 For I know what I should do; but I am afraid of doing it; Boromir:
Boromir stood silent。 Rauros roared endlessly on。 The wind murmured inthe branches of the trees。 Frodo shivered。
Suddenly Boromir came and sat beside him。 ‘Are you sure that you do notsuffer needlessly? ' he said。 ‘I wish to help you。 You need counsel in yourhard choice。 Will you not take mine? '
'I think I know already what counsel you would give; Boromir;' saidFrodo。 'And it would seem like wisdom but for the warning of my heart。'
‘Warning? Warning against what? ' said Boromir sharply。
'Against delay。 Against the way that seems easier。 Against refusal of theburden that is laid on me。 Against…well; if it must be said; against trust inthe strength and truth of Men。'
‘Yet that strength has long protected you far away in your littlecountry; though you knew it not。'
'I do not doubt the valour of your people。 But the world is changing。 Thewalls of Minas Tirith may be strong; but they are not strong enough。 If theyfail; what then? '
'We shall fall in battle valiantly。 Yet there is still hope that theywill not fail。'
'No hope while the Ring lasts;' said