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the fellowship of the ring-第106部分

小说: the fellowship of the ring 字数: 每页4000字

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ess and vague; until far away it roseagain like a wall; dark and drear。 The sun that lay on Lothlórien had no powerto enlighten the shadow of that distant height。 
‘There lies the fastness of Southern Mirkwood;' said Haldir。 ‘It is cladin a forest of dark fir; where the trees strive one against another and theirbranches rot and wither。 In the midst upon a stony height stands Dol Guldur; 
where long the hidden Enemy had his dwelling。 We fear that now it is inhabitedagain; and with power sevenfold。 A black cloud lies often over it of late。 In  
this high place you may see the two powers that are opposed one to another; 
and ever they strive now in thought; but whereas the light perceives the veryheart of the darkness; its own secret has not been discovered。 Not yet。' Heturned and climbed swiftly down; and they followed him。 
At the hill's foot Frodo found Aragorn; standing still and silent as atree; but in his hand was a small golden bloom of elanor; and a light was inhis eyes。 He was wrapped in some fair memory: and as Frodo looked at him heknew that he beheld things as they once had been in this same place。 For thegrim years were removed from the face of Aragorn; and he seemed clothed inwhite; a young lord tall and fair; and he spoke words in the Elvish tongue toone whom Frodo could not see_。 Arwen vanimelda; namári。!_ he said; and then hedrew a breath; and returning out of his thought he looked at Frodo and smiled。 
‘Here is the heart of Elvendom on earth;' he said; ‘and here my heartdwells ever; unless there be a light beyond the dark roads that we still musttread; you and I。 e with me! ' And taking Frodo's hand in his; he left thehill of Cerin Amroth and came there never again as living man。  
_Chapter 7_ 
The Mirror of Galadriel  
The sun was sinking behind the mountains; and the shadows were deepeningin the woods; when they went on again。 Their paths now went into thicketswhere the dusk had already gathered。 Night came beneath the trees as theywalked; and the Elves uncovered their silver lamps。 
Suddenly they came out into the open again and found themselves under apale evening sky pricked by a few early stars。 There was a wide treeless spacebefore them; running in a great circle and bending away on either hand。 Beyondit was a deep fosse lost in soft shadow; but the grass upon its brink wasgreen; as if it glowed still in memory of the sun that had gone。 Upon thefurther side there rose to a great height a green wall encircling a green hillthronged with mallorn…trees taller than any they had yet seen in all the land。 
Their height could not be guessed; but they stood up in the twilight likeliving towers。 In their; many…tiered branches and amid their ever…movingleaves countless lights were gleaming; green and gold and silver。 Haldirturned towards the pany。 
‘Wele to Caras Galadhon! ' he said。 'Here is the city of the Galadhrimwhere dwell the Lord Celeborn and Galadriel the Lady of Lórien。 But we cannotenter here; for the gates do not look northward。 We must go round to thesouthern side; and the way is not short; for the city is great。'  
There was a road paved with white stone running on the outer brink of thefosse。 Along this they went westward; with the city ever climbing up like agreen cloud upon their left; and as the night deepened more lights sprangforth; until all the hill seemed afire with stars。 They came at last to awhite bridge; and crossing found the great gates of the city: they facedsouth…west; set between the ends of the encircling wall that here overlapped; 
and they were tall and strong; and hung with many lamps。 
Haldir knocked and spoke; and the gates opened soundlessly; but of guardsFrodo could see no sign。 The travellers passed within; and the gates shutbehind them。 They were in a deep lane between the ends of the wall; andpassing quickly through it they entered the City of the Trees。 No folk couldthey see; nor hear any feet upon the paths; but there were many voices; aboutthem; and in the air above。 Far away up on the hill they could hear the soundof singing falling from on high like soft rain upon leaves。 
They went along many paths and climbed many stairs; until they came tothe high places and saw before them amid a wide lawn a fountain shimmering。 Itwas lit by silver lamps that swung from the boughs of trees; and it fell intoa basin of silver; from which a white stream spilled。 Upon the south side ofthe lawn there stood the mightiest of all the trees; its great smooth bole  
gleamed like grey silk; and up it towered; until its first branches; farabove; opened their huge limbs under shadowy clouds of leaves。 Beside it abroad white ladder stood; and at its foot three Elves were seated。 They sprangup as the travellers approached; and Frodo saw that they were tall and clad ingrey mail; and from their shoulders hung long white cloaks。 
'Here dwell Celeborn and Galadriel;' said Haldir。 ‘It is their wish thatyou should ascend and speak with them。' 
One of the Elf…wardens then blew a clear note on a small horn; and it wasanswered three times from far above。 ‘I will go first;' said Haldir。 'LetFrodo e next and with him Legolas。 The others may follow as they wish。 Itis a long climb for those that are not accustomed to such stairs; but you mayrest upon the way。'  
As he climbed slowly up Frodo passed many flets: some on one side; someon another; and some set about the bole of the tree; so that the ladder passedthrough them。 At a great height above the ground he came to a wide _talan_; 
like the deck of a great ship。 On it was built a house; so large that almostit would have served for a hall of Men upon the earth。 He entered behindHaldir; and found that he was in a chamber of oval shape; in the midst ofwhich grew the trunk of the great mallorn; now tapering towards its crown; andyet making still a pillar of wide girth。 
The chamber was filled with a soft light; its walls were green and silverand its roof of gold。 Many Elves were seated there。 On two chairs beneath thebole of the tree and canopied by a living bough there sat; side by side; 
Celeborn and Galadriel。 They stood up to greet their guests; after the mannerof Elves; even those who were accounted mighty kings。 Very tall they were; andthe Lady no less tall than the Lord; and they were grave and beautiful。 Theywere clad wholly in white; and the hair of the Lady was of deep gold; and thehair of the Lord Celeborn was of silver long and bright; but no sign of agewas upon them; unless it were in the depths of their eyes; for these were keenas lances in the starlight; and yet profound; the wells of deep memory。 
Haldir led Frodo before them; and the Lord weled him in his owntongue。 The Lady Galadriel said no word but looked long upon his face。 
‘Sit now beside my chair; Frodo of the Shire! ' said Celeborn。 ‘When allhave e we will speak together。' 
Each of the panions he greeted courteously by name as they entered。 
‘Wele Aragorn son of Arathorn! ' he said。 ‘It is eight and thirty years ofthe world outside since you came to this land; and those years lie heavy onyou。 But the end is near; for good or ill。 Here lay aside your burden for awhile! '  
'Wele son of Thranduil! Too seldom do my kindred journey hither fromthe North。'  
‘Wele Gimli son of Glóin! It is long indeed since we saw one ofDurin's folk in Caras Galadhon。 But today we have broken our long law。 May itbe a sign that though the world is now dark better days are at hand; and thatfriendship shall be renewed between our peoples。' Gimli bowed low。 
When all the guests were seated before his chair the Lord looked at themagain。 'Here there are eight;' he said。 ‘Nine were to set out: so said themessages。 But maybe there has been some change of counsel that we have notheard。 Elrond is far away; and darkness gathers between us; and all this yearthe shadows have grown longer。' 
‘Nay; there was no change of counsel;' said the Lady Galadriel speakingfor the first time。 Her voice was clear and musical; but deeper than woman'swont。 ‘Gandalf the Grey set out with the pany; but he did not pass theborders of this land。 Now tell us where he is; for I much desired to speakwith him again。 But I cannot see him from afar; unless he es within thefences of Lothlórien: a grey mist is about 

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