the fellowship of the ring-第101部分
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I will do
what I can for you。 e; Boromir! We will carry them。'
Soon afterwards they came upon another stream that ran down from thewest; and joined its bubbling water with the hurrying Silverlode。 Togetherthey plunged over a fall of green…hued stone; and foamed down into a dell。
About it stood fir…trees; short and bent; and its sides were steep and clothedwith harts…tongue and shrubs of whortle…berry。 At the bottom there was a levelspace through which the stream flowed noisily over shining pebbles。 Here theyrested。 It was now nearly three hours after noon; and they had e only a fewmiles from the Gates。 Already the sun was westering。
While Gimli and the two younger hobbits kindled a fire of brush… and fir…
wood; and drew water; Aragorn tended Sam and Frodo。 Sam's wound was not deep;
but it looked ugly; and Aragorn's face was grave as he examined it。 After amoment he looked up with relief。
'Good luck; Sam! ' he said。 'Many have received worse than this inpayment for the slaying of their first orc。 The cut is not poisoned; as thewounds of orc…blades too often are。 It should heal well when I have tended it。
Bathe it when Gimli has heated water。'
He opened his pouch and drew out some withered leaves。 ‘They are dry andsome of their virtue has one; he said; but here I have still some of theleaves of _athelas_ that I gathered near Weathertop。 Crush one in the water;
and wash the wound clean; and I will bind it。 Now it is your turn。 Frodo! '
'I am all right;' said Frodo; reluctant to have his garments touched。
‘AII I needed was some food and a little rest。'
‘No! ' said Aragorn。 ‘We must have a look and see what the hammer and theanvil have done to you。 I still marvel that you are alive at all。' Gently hestripped off Frodo's old jacket and worn tunic; and gave a gasp of wonder。
Then he laughed。 The silver corslet shimmered before his eyes like the lightupon a rippling sea。 Carefully he took it off and held it up; and the gems onit glittered like stars。 and the sound of the shaken rings was like the tinkleof rain in a pool。
‘Look; my friends!' he called。 ‘Here's a pretty hobbit…skin to wrap anelven…princeling in! If it were known that hobbits had such hides; all thehunters of Middle…earth would be riding to the Shire。'
‘And all the arrows of all the hunters in the world would be in vain;'
said Gimli; gazing at the mail in wonder。 ‘It is a mithril…coat。 Mithril! Ihave never seen or heard tell of one so fair。 Is this the coat that Gandalf
spoke of? Then he undervalued it。 But it was well given! '
‘I have often wondered what you and Bilbo were doing; so close in hislittle room;' said Merry。 'Bless the old hobbit! I love him more than ever。 Ihope we get a chance of telling him about it! '
There was a dark and blackened bruise on Frodo's right side and breast。
Under the mail there was a shirt of soft leather; but at one point the ringshad been driven through it into the flesh。 Frodo's left side also was scoredand bruised where he had been hurled against the wall。 While the others setthe food ready。 Aragorn bathed the hurts with water in which athelas wassteeped。 The pungent fragrance filled the dell; and all those who stooped overthe steaming water felt refreshed and strengthened。 Soon Frodo felt the painleave him; and his breath grew easy: though he was stiff and sore to the touchfor many days。 Aragorn bound some soft pads of cloth at his side。
‘The mail is marvellously light;' he said。 ‘Put it on again; if you canbear it。 My heart is glad to know that you have such a coat。 Do not lay itaside; even in sleep; unless fortune brings you where you are safe for awhile; and that will seldom chance while your quest lasts。'
When they had eaten; the pany got ready to go on。 They put out thefire and hid all traces of it。 Then climbing out of the dell they took to theroad again。 They had not gone far before the sun sank behind the westwardheights and great shadows crept down the mountain…sides。 Dusk veiled theirfeet; and mist rose in the hollows。 Away in the east the evening light laypale upon the dim lands of distant plain and wood。 Sam and Frodo now feelingeased and greatly refreshed were able to go at a fair pace; and with only one
brief halt Aragorn led the pany on for nearly three more hours。
It was dark。 Deep night had fallen。 There were many clear stars; hut thefast…waning moon would not be seen till late。 Gimli and Frodo were at therear; walking softly and not speaking; listening for any sound upon the roadbehind。 At length Gimli broke the silence。
'Not a sound but the wind;' he said。 ‘There are no goblins near; or myears are made of wood。 It is to be hoped that the Orcs will be content withdriving us from Moria。 And maybe that was all their purpose; and they hadnothing else to do with us…with the Ring。 Though Orcs will often pursue foesfor many leagues into the plain; if they have a fallen captain to avenge。'
Frodo did not answer。 He looked at Sting; and the blade was dull。 Yet hehad heard something; or thought he had。 As soon as the shadows had fallenabout them and the road behind was dim; he had heard again the quick patter offeet。 Even now he heard it。 He turned swiftly。 There were two tiny gleams oflight behind; or for a moment he thought he saw them; but at once they slippedaside and vanished。
‘What is it? ' said the dwarf。
‘I don't know。' answered Frodo。 'I thought I heard feet; and I thought Isaw a light…like eyes。 I have thought so often; since we first entered Moria。'
Gimli halted and stooped to the ground。 'I hear nothing but the night…
speech of plant and stone;' he said。 'e! Let us hurry! The others are outof sight。'
The night…wind blew chill up the valley to meet them。 Before them a widegrey shadow loomed; and they heard an endless rustle of leaves like poplars inthe breeze。
‘Lothlórien! ' cried Legolas。 'Lothlórien! We have e to the eaves ofthe Golden Wood。 Alas that it is winter! '
Under the night the trees stood tall before them; arched over the roadand stream that ran suddenly beneath their spreading boughs。 In the dim lightof the stars their stems were grey; and their quivering leaves a hint offallow gold。
'Lothlórien! ' said Aragorn。 'Glad I am to hear again the wind in thetrees! We are still little more than five leagues from the Gates; but we cango no further。 Here let us hope that the virtue of the Elves will keep ustonight from the peril that es behind。'
‘If Elves indeed still dwell here in the darkening world;' said Gimli。
'It is long since any of my own folk journeyed hither back to the landwhence we wandered in ages long ago;' said Legolas; 'but we hear that Lórienis not yet deserted; for there is a secret power here that holds evil from theland。 Nevertheless its folk are seldom seen; and maybe they dwell now deep inthe woods and far from the northern border。'
'Indeed deep in the wood they dwell;' said Aragorn; and sighed as if somememory stirred in him。 ‘We must fend for ourselves tonight。 We will go forwarda short way; until the trees are all about us; and then we will turn asidefrom the path and seek a place to rest in。'
He stepped forward; but Boromir stood irresolute and did not follow。 'Isthere no other way? ' he said。
‘What other fairer way would you desire? ' said Aragorn。
‘A plain road; though it led through a hedge of swords;' said Boromir。
‘By strange paths has this pany been led; and so far to evil fortune。
Against my will we passed under the shades of Moria; to our loss。 And now wemust enter the Golden Wood; you say。 But of that perilous land we have heardin Gondor; and it is said that few e out who once go in; and of that fewnone have escaped unscathed。'
‘Say not _unscathed_; but if you say _unchanged_; then maybe you willspeak the truth said Aragorn。 But lore wanes in Gondor; Boromir; if in thecity of those who once were wise they now speak evil of Lothlórien。 Believewhat you will; there is no other way for us – unless you would go back toMoria…gate; or scale the pathless mountains; or swim the Great River allalone。'
‘Then lead on! ' said Boromir。 ‘But it is perilous。'
‘Perilous indeed;' said Aragorn; 'fair and perilous; but only evil needfear it; or those who bring some evil with them。 Follow