神鸟电子书 > 科幻恐怖电子书 > tg.wizardfirstrule >



小说: tg.wizardfirstrule 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃You did not choose wrong; Richard; they did。〃 Her anger at the elders had a finality to it; too; a door closing on any hope for these people。 She cut off her concern for them; they were the walking dead。 They had been offered a chance; and had chosen their own fate。
 When they passed Savidlin; the two men locked arms for a moment without looking at each other。 No; one else made a move to leave; they stayed and watched the two outsiders walk quickly among them。 As they passed; a few reached out and touched Richard; he returning the wordless sympathy with a squeeze of his hand on their arms; unable to bear meeting their eyes。
 They gathered up their things from Savidlin's house; stuffing their cloaks into the packs。 Neither spoke。 Kahlan felt empty; drained。 When their eyes met at last; they suddenly came together in a wordless embrace; a shared grief for their new friends; for what they both knew would happen to them。 They had gambled with the only thing they had…time。 And lost。
 When they separated; Kahlan put the last of her things in the pack and closed the flap。 Richard pulled his cloak back out。 She watched as he pushed his hand inside and rummaged around; an urgency to his search。 He went to the doorway for light; and looked inside as he moved items roughly about。 The arm holding the pack lowered and his face came up to hers; alarm in his expression。
 〃The night stone is gone。〃
 The way he said it frightened her。 〃Maybe you left it out somewhere 。 。 。 。〃
 〃No。 I never took it out of my pack。 Never。〃
 Kahlan didn't understand why he seemed so panicked about it。 〃Richard; we don't need it now; we are through the pass。 I'm sure Adie will forgive its loss。 We have more important things to worry about。〃
 He took a step closer to her。 〃You don't understand。 We have to find it。〃
 〃Why?〃 she frowned。
 〃Because I think that thing can wake the dead。〃 Her mouth fell open。 〃Kahlan; I've been thinking about it。 Do you remember how nervous Adie was when she gave it to me; how she kept looking around until it was put away? And when did the shadow things in the pass start ing for us? After I took it out。 Remember?〃
 Her eyes were wide。 〃But; even if someone else used it; she said it would only work for you。〃
 〃She was talking about it giving off light。 She said nothing about waking the dead。 I can't believe Adie wouldn't warn us。〃
 Kahlan looked away; thinking。 Her eyes closed as a wave of realization swept over her。 〃Yes; she did; Richard。 She warned you with a sorceress's riddle。 I'm sorry; I never gave it a thought。 That is the way of a sorceress。 She will not always e right out with what she knows; with a warning。 She will sometimes put it in the form of a riddle。〃
 Richard turned to the door; glaring out。 〃I can't believe it。 The world is being sucked into oblivion; and that old woman gives us riddles。〃 He pounded his fist against the doorframe。 〃She should have told us!〃
 〃Richard; maybe she had a reason; maybe it was the only way。〃
 He stared out the door; thinking。 〃If you have need enough。 That's what she said。 Like water。 It is valuable only under the right conditions; that to a drowning man it is of little worth and great trouble。 That was how she was trying to warn us。 Great trouble。〃 He turned back to the room; picking up the pack again; taking another look inside。 〃It was here last night; I saw it。 What could have happened to it?〃 Together they looked up; their eyes meeting。 〃Siddin;〃 they both said at once
 DROPPING THEIR PACKS; THEY both ran out the door; heading for the open area where they had last seen Savidlin。 Both screamed out Siddin's name。 As they ran; splashing through the mud; people scattered out of the way。 By the time they reached the open area; the crowd was in a panic; not knowing what was happening; and were sweeping back for the shelter of the buildings。 The eiders retreated on the platform。 The Bird Man stretched up; trying to see。 The band of hunters behind him nocked arrows to their bowstrings。
 She saw Savidlin; frightened and confused that they were calling out his son's name。
 〃Savidlin!〃 Kahlan screamed。 〃Find Siddin! Don't let him open the pouch he has!〃
 Savidlin paled; whirled around; searching; then ran off in a half crouch; looking for his son; his head darting among the running people。 Kahlan didn't see Weselan anywhere。 Richard and Kahlan separated; widening their search。 The area was turning to mass confusion; she had to push people out of her way。 Kahlan's heart was in her throat。 If Siddin opened the pouch 。 。 
 And then she saw him。
 As people cleared the center of the village; there he was; paying no attention to the panic all around him as he sat in the mud; shaking the leather pouch in his little fist; trying to get the stone out。
 〃Siddin! No!〃 she yelled at him over and over; running toward him。
 He couldn't hear her screams。 Maybe he wouldn't be able to get it out。 He was just a defenseless little boy。 Please; she begged in her mind; let the fates be kind to him。
 The stone dropped from the pouch and plopped into the mud。 Siddin smiled and picked it up。 Kahlan felt her skin go cold。
 Shadow things began to materialize all around。 They turned like wisps of mist in the damp air; as if looking about。 Then they floated for Siddin。
 Richard ran for him; screaming over at her; 〃Get the stone! Put it back in the pouch!〃
 His sword flashed through the air; cutting through the shadows as he ran in a straight line for Siddin。 When the sword sliced through them; they howled in agony and spun apart。 Upon hearing the terrifying wails Siddin looked up and froze; wide…eyed。
 Kahlan yelled at him to put the stone back in the pouch; but he could not move。 He was hearing other voices。 She ran faster than she had ever run; weaving back and forth around the dense knots of shadows as they floated toward the boy。
 Something dark and small zipped past her; making her breath catch in her throat。 Then another; behind her。 Arrows。 The air suddenly became thick with arrows; the Bird Man having ordered his hunters to bring down the shadows。 Every one went true and found its mark; but they simply passed through the shadow things as if they were whizzing through smoke。 Poison tipped arrows were flying wildly everywhere。 She knew that if one even nicked her or Richard; they were dead。 Now she had to dodge the arrows as well as the shadows。 She heard another whistle past her ear as she ducked at the last second。 One skipped in the mud and flew past her leg。
 Richard had reached the boy; but couldn't grab the stone。 All he was able to do was frantically strike down the advancing shadows。 He couldn't pause to try for the stone
 Kahlan was still a long way off; not able to run in as Richard had; cutting through them。 She knew that if she inadvertently touched a shadow; she was dead。 There were so many materializing around her the very air was like a gray maze。 Richard fought around the boy in a circle that got smaller all the time。 He held the sword in both hands; swinging it wildly。 He dared not slow for an instant or they would close over him。 There was no end to the shadow things。
 Kahlan couldn't make any headway。 The shadows; floating past her from all around; and the arrows streaking by; cut her off at every turn; the arrows forcing her to jump back just as she went for an opening。 She knew Richard wouldn't be able to hold out much longer。 Hard as he fought; he was falling back in a tighter and tighter circle; closer to the boy。 She was their only chance; and she wasn't even close。
 Another arrow zipped past; the feather flicking her hair。
 〃Stop the arrows!〃 she yelled angrily at the Bird Man。 〃Stop shooting the arrows! You're going to kill us!〃
 Frustrated; he recognized her plight and reluctantly called a halt to the archers。 But then they all drew knives and quickly advanced on the shadows。 They had no idea what they were up against。 They would be killed to the last man。
 〃No!〃 she screamed; shaking her fists。 〃If you touch them you will die! Stay back!〃
 The Bird Man h

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