神鸟电子书 > 科幻恐怖电子书 > tg.wizardfirstrule >



小说: tg.wizardfirstrule 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃I was thinking of my sister; Dennee。 She was murdered by order of Darken Rahl。 I found her。 。 。 。 She died in my arms 。。。。 They hurt her so bad。 Rahl is not content to kill。 He must see to it that people suffer before they die。 〃
 He nodded his understanding。 〃Though we be different peoples; we hurt the same。 〃 With his thumb; he brushed a tear from her cheek; then reached into his pocket。 〃Hold out your hand。 〃
 She did as he asked; and he poured some small seeds in it。 Surveying the sky; he blew the whistle that made no sound; the one that hung from his neck; and shortly a small; bright yellow bird lit with a flutter upon his finger。 He placed his hand next to hers so it could climb over and eat the seeds。 Kahlan could feel its tiny little feet gripping her finger while it pecked away at the seeds。 The bird was so bright and pretty it made her smile。 The Bird Man's leathery face smiled with her。 When it finished eating; the bird fluffed itself up and sat contentedly; without fear。
 〃I thought you might like to gaze upon a small vision of beauty among the ugliness。 〃
 〃Thank you; 〃 she smiled。
 〃Do you wish to keep him?〃
 Kahlan watched the bird a moment longer; its bright yellow feathers; the way it cocked its head; and then cast it into the air。
 〃I have no right; 〃 she said; watching the bird flit away。 〃It should be free。 〃
 A small smile brightened the Bird Man's face as he gave a single nod。 Leaning forward and resting his forearms on his knees; he looked over at the spirit house。 The work was almost done; maybe one more day。 Long; silver…gray hair slipped off his shoulders and down around his face; hiding his expression from her。 Kahlan sat awhile and watched Richard working on the roof。 She ached to have him hold her right now; and hurt all the more because she knew she couldn't allow it。
 〃You wish to kill him; this man; Darken Rahl?〃 he asked without turning to her。
 〃Very much。 〃
 〃And is your power enough?〃 〃No;〃 she admitted。
 〃And does the Seeker's blade have enough power to kill him?〃
 〃No。 Why do you ask?〃
 The clouds were getting darker as the day was drawing to an end。 Light rain was beginning to fall once more; and the gloom among the buildings was deepening。
 〃As you said yourself; it is dangerous to be with a Confessor who is in great want of something。 I think this is also true of the Seeker。 Maybe even more so。 〃
 She paused a moment; then spoke softly。 〃I do not wish to put words to what Darken Rahl did with his own hands to Richard's father; it would make you fear the Seeker all the more。 But know that Richard would also have let the bird fly free。 〃
 The Bird Man seemed to laugh without sound。 〃You and I are too smart for these tricks with words。 Let us speak without them。 〃 He sat back and folded his arms across his chest。 〃I have tried to tell the other elders what a wonderful thing the Seeker is doing for our people; how good it is that he is teaching us these things。 They are not so sure; as they are set in their ways and can be stubborn; 。sometimes almost beyond my tolerance。 I fear what you and the Seeker will do to my people if the elders say no。 〃
 〃Richard has given you his word that he will not harm your people。 〃
 〃Words are not as strong as a father's blood。 Or as strong as a sister's。 〃
 Kahlan leaned back against the wall; pulling her cloak around her; shutting out the wet breeze。 〃I am a Confessor because I was born so。 I did not seek the power。 I would have chosen otherwise; would have chosen to be like other people。 But I must live with what J was given; and make the best of it。 Despite what you may think of the Confessors; despite what most people think; we are here to serve the people; to serve the truth。 1 love all the people of the Midlands; and would give my life to protect them; to keep them free。 That is all I wish to do。 And vet I am alone。 〃
 〃Richard keeps his eyes on you; he watches over you; cares for you。 〃
 She looked over out of the corner of her eye。 〃Richard is from Westland。 He does not know what I am。 If he; knew 。 。 。 〃 The Bird Man lifted his eyebrow at hearing this。 〃For one who serves the truth 。 。 。 〃
 〃Please do not remind me。 It is trouble of my own making; with consequences 1 must bear; and fear greatly。 And that only proves my words。 The Mud People live in a land distant from the other peoples。 That has given them the luxury of being out of reach of trouble in the past。 This trouble has long arms; it will reach you。 The elders can argue against helping all they want; but they will not be able to argue against the fangs of truth。 All of your people will pay the price if these few put pride before wisdom。 〃
 The Bird Man listened carefully; respectfully。 Kahlan turned to him。
 〃I cannot honestly say at this moment what I will do if the elders say no。 It is not my wish to harm your people; but to save them from the pain I have seen。 I have seen what Darken Rahl does to people。 I know what he will do。 If I knew l could somehow stop Rahl by killing Savidlin's precious little boy; 1 would do it without hesitation; with my bare hands if need be; because as much as the doing of it would wound my heart; 1 know 1 would be saving all the other precious little children。 It is a terrifying burden I carry; the burden of the warrior。 You are one who has killed other men to save others; and I know you take no joy in it。 Darken Rahl takes joy in it; believe me。 Please; help me save your people without hurting any of them。 〃 Tears ran down her cheeks。 〃I want so much not to hurt anyone。 〃
 Tenderly he drew her to him and let her sob against his shoulder。 〃The people of the Midlands are fortunate to have you as their warrior。 〃
 〃If we can find the thing we seek; and keep it from Darken Rahl until the first day of winter; he will die。 No one else will have to be hurt。 But we must have help to find it。〃
 〃The first day of winter。 Child; that is not much time。 This season withers away; the next will be here soon。 〃
 〃I do not make the rules of life; honored elder。 If you know the secret to stopping time; please tell me; that I might make it so。 〃
 He sat quietly; without an answer。 〃I have watched you among our people before。 You have always respected our wishes; never acted to bring us harm。 It is the same with the Seeker。 I am on your side; child I will do my best to win over the others。 I only hope my words to them will be enough。 I wish my people to e to no harm。 〃
 〃It is not the Seeker or me you must fear if they say no; 〃 she said as she lay against his shoulder; staring off at nothing in particular。 〃It is the one from D'Hara。 He will e like a storm and destroy you。 You have no chance against him。 He will butcher you。 〃
 That night in the warmth of Savidlin's home; sitting on the floor; Kahlan told Siddin the story of the fisherman who turned into a fish and lived in the lake; cleverly stealing bait from hooks without ever being caught。 It was an old story her mother had told her when she was as little as he。 The wonder in his face made her remember her own excitement when she had first heard it。
 Later; while Weselan cooked sweet roots; the pleasant aroma mingling with the smoke; Savidlin showed Richard how to carve proper arrow points for different animals; harden them in the coals of the cooking fire; and apply poison to their tips。 Kahlan lay on a skin on the floor with Siddin curled up in a ball; snuggled asleep against her stomach as she stroked his dark hair。 She had to swallow back the lump in her throat as she thought about how she had told the Bird Man she would even be willing to kill this little boy。
 She wished she could take back those words。 She hated that it was true; but wished she had not put words to it。 Richard hadn't seen her talking to the Bird Man; and she did not tell him of their conversation。 She saw no point in worrying him; what would happen would happen。 She only hoped the elders would listen to reason。
 The next day was windy and exceptionally warm; with occasional periods of driving rain。 By early afternoon a crowd h

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