神鸟电子书 > 科幻恐怖电子书 > tg.wizardfirstrule >



小说: tg.wizardfirstrule 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃I will do my best for your people; and hope only that they judge me fairly。〃
 〃Then you are free to try; but I cannot see how you will make a roof of clay that will not crack and leak。 〃
 〃I will make you a roof for your spirit house that will have a thousand cracks; but will not leak。 Then I will teach you to make more for yourselves。〃
 The Bird Man smiled and gave a nod
 The Master; sitting cross…legged on the grass; looked down at the bitter expression on the boy's face and waited a moment before he answered in a quiet voice。 〃That is a very strong thing to say; Carl。 I would not want you to say something you would e to regret when you had thought it over。〃
 〃I've thought it over plenty;〃 Carl snapped。 〃We've talked about it a long time。 I know now how they've twisted me around; deceived me。 How selfish they are。〃 He squinted his eyes。 〃How they are enemies of the people。〃
 Rahl glanced up at the windows; at the last tinge of fading sunlight turning the wisps of clouds a beautiful deep reddish purple; frosted with tips of gold。 Tonight。 Tonight; at long last; would be the night he returned to the underworld。
 For most of long days and nights he had kept the boy awake with the special gruel; allowing him to sleep for only brief spells; kept him awake to hammer away at him until his mind was empty; and could be molded。 He had talked to the boy endlessly; convincing him how others had used him; abused him; and lied to him。 Sometimes he had left the boy to think over what he had been told; and used the excuse to visit his father's tomb and read the sacred inscriptions again; or to snatch some rest。
 And then; last night; he had taken that girl to his bed; to get some relaxation; a small; momentary diversion。 An interlude of gentleness to feel another's soft flesh against his; to relieve his pent…up excitement。 She should have been honored; especially after he had been so tender with her; so charming。 She had been anxious enough to be with him。
 But what did she do? She laughed。 When she saw the scars; she laughed。
 As he thought of it now Rahl had to strain to control his rage; strain to show the boy a smile; strain to hide his impatience to get on with it。 He thought of what he had done to the girl; the exhilaration of his violence unleashed; her ripping screams。 The smile came more easily to his lips。 She would laugh at him no more。
 〃What's the big grin for?〃 Carl asked。
 Rahl looked down at the boy's big brown eyes。 〃I was just thinking about how proud 1 am of you。〃 His smile widened as he remembered the way her hot sticky blood pumped and spurted as she screamed。 Where was her haughty laughter then?
 〃Me?〃 Carl asked; smiling shyly。
 Rahl's blond head nodded。 〃Yes; Carl; you。 Not many young men of your age would be intelligent enough to see the world as it really is。 To see beyond their own lives to the wider dangers and wonders all about。 To see how hard I work to bring safety and peace to the people。〃 He shook his head sadly。 〃Sometimes it hurts my heart to see the very ones for whom I struggle so hard turn their backs to me; reject my tireless efforts; or worse yet; join with the enemies of the people。
 〃I have not wanted to burden you with worry for me; but right now; as I speak with you; there are evil people who plot to conquer us; to crush us。 They have brought down the boundary that protected D'Hara; and now the second boundary too。 I fear they plot an invasion。 I have tried to warn the people of the danger from Westland; to get them to do something to protect themselves; but they are poor and simple people; they look to me for protection。〃 Carl's eyes widened。 〃Father Rahl; are you in danger?〃
 Rahl brushed the matter away with a wave of his hand。 〃It's not me I fear for; it's the people。 If I were to die; who would protect them?〃
 〃Die?〃 Carl's eyes filled with tears。 〃Oh; Father Rahl! We need you! Please don't let them get you! Please let me fight at your side。 I want to help protect you。 I couldn't stand the thought of you getting hurt。〃
 Rahl's breathing quickened; his heart raced。 The time was near。 It would not be long now。 He smiled warmly at Carl as he remembered the girl's hoarse screams。 〃I could not stand the thought of you being in danger for me。 Carl; I have e to know you these last days; you are more to me than simply a young man who was chosen to help me with the ceremony; you have bee my friend。 I have shared my deepest concerns with you; my hopes; my dreams。 I don't do that with many。 It's enough to know you care。〃
 Tears in his eyes; Carl looked up at the Master。 〃Father Rahl;〃 he whispered; 〃I'd do anything for you。 Please let me stay? After the ceremony; let me stay and be with you? I'll do anything you need; I promise; if I could just stay with you。〃
 〃Carl; that's so like you; so kind。 But you have a life; parents; friends。 And Tinker; don't forget your dog。 Soon you will be wanting to go back to all that。〃
 Carl slowly shook his head while his eyes stayed on Rahl。 〃No I won't。 I only want to be with you。 Father Rahl; I love you。 I'd do anything for you。〃
 Rahl considered the boy's words; a serious look on his face。 〃It would be dangerous for you to stay with me。〃 Rahl could feel his heart pounding。
 〃I don't care。 I want to serve you; I don't care if I might get killed。 I only want to help you。 I don't want to do anything else but help you in your fight with those enemies。 Father Rahl; if I got killed helping you; it would be worth it。 Please; let me stay; I'll do whatever you ask。 Forever。〃
 To help control his rapid breathing; Rahl took a deep breath; and let it out slowly。 His face was grave。 〃Are you sure of what you are saying; Carl? Are you sure you really mean it? I mean; are you really sure you would give your life for me?〃 〃I swear。 I'd die to help you。 My life is yours; if you'll have it。〃
 Rahl leaned back a little; put his hands on his knees; and nodded slowly; his blue eyes riveted on the boy。
 〃Yes; Carl。 I will have it。〃
 Carl didn't smile; but shook slightly with the excitement of acceptance; his face set in determination。 〃When can we do the ceremony? I want to help you and the people。〃
 〃Soon;〃 Rahl said; his eyes getting wide and his speech slow。 〃Tonight; after I have fed you。 Are you ready to begin?〃
 Rahl rose; feeling the surge of blood through his veins; he strained to control the flush of arousal。 It was dark outside。 The torches gave off a flickering light that danced in his blue eyes; gleamed on his long blond hair; and made his white robes seem to glow。 Before going to the forge room; he placed the feeding horn near Carl's mouth。
 Inside the dark room; his guards waited; their massive arms folded across their chests。 Sweat rolling from their skin left little trails in the light covering of soot。 A crucible sat in the fire of the forge; an acrid smell rising from the dross。
 Eyes wide; Rahl addressed his guards。 〃Is Demmin back?〃
 〃For several days; Master。〃
 〃Tell him to e and wait;〃 Rahl said; unable to manage more than a whisper。 〃And then I would like you two to leave me alone for now。〃
 They bowed and left through the back door。 Rahl swept his hand over the crucible; and the smell changed to an appetizing aroma。 His eyes closed as he offered silent prayers to the spirit of his father。 His breathing was a shallow pant。 In the fervor of his emotions he was unable to control it。 He licked his shaking fingertips and rubbed them on his lips。
 Affixing wooden handles to the crucible so as to lift it without burning himself; he used the magic to make its weight easy to maneuver; and went back through the door with it。 The torches lit the area around the boy; the white sand with the symbols traced in it; the ring of grass; the altar set on the wedge of white stone。 Torchlight reflected off the polished stone block that held the iron bowl with the Shinga on its lid
 Rahl's blue eyes took it all in as he approached the boy。 He stopped in front of him; by the mouth of the feeding horn。 There was a glaze in

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