神鸟电子书 > 科幻恐怖电子书 > tg.wizardfirstrule >



小说: tg.wizardfirstrule 字数: 每页4000字

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aid the council had taken actions that made the death of the wizard's wife and daughter at the hands of a quad stand for nothing; and as punishment the wizard did the worst thing possible to them: he left them to suffer the consequences of their own actions。
 〃That sounded like the very thing you would do; but I couldn't be sure then; I had to find a way to know。 When you first saw Kahlan; and were angry that she had e here from the Midlands; I told you she had been attacked by a quad。 I watched your eyes。 They told me I was right。 Only someone who had suffered a loss like yours would have had that look in his eyes。 And; you changed your attitude toward her after I told you
 pletely。 Only someone who had known the terror personally would have that kind of empathy。 But still I didn't trust my instinct。 I waited。〃
 He looked up at Zedd and held the other's gaze while he spoke。 〃Your biggest mistake was when you told Kahlan she was safe here。 You would not lie; especially about something like that。 And you know what a quad is。 How could an old man make it safe here; against a quad; without magic? He couldn't; but one old wizard could。 The next quad is nowhere to be found; you said so yourself; they ran into some trouble。 I think they ran into some wizard trouble。 You were as good as your word。 You always are。〃
 Richard's voice turned gentler。 〃I have always known; in a thousand little ways; that you were more than you claimed to be; that you were a special person。 I have always been honored to have you as my friend。 And I know that as my friend; you would do anything; anything you must; to help me if my life were in danger; just as I would do anything for you。 I trust you with my life; and it is now in your hands。〃 Richard hated closing the trap in this fashion; but all their lives were at risk。 There could be no games。
 Zedd put his hands on the table and leaned forward。 〃I have never before been this proud of you; Richard。〃 His eyes told that he meant it。 〃You got it all right。〃 He stood and came around the table。 When Richard stood; they hugged。 〃I have also never been this sad for you。〃 Zedd held Richard in a tight embrace for a moment longer。 〃Sit。 I will be right back。 I have something for you。 Both of you sit and wait a moment。〃
 Zedd cleared the table; then; holding the plates in the crook of his arm; he strode to the house。 Kahlan looked worried as she watched him go。 Richard had thought that she would be happy to have found the wizard; but now she looked more frightened than anything else。 Things were going differently from what he had expected。
 When Zedd reappeared; he was carrying something long。 Kahlan came to her feet。 Richard realized Zedd's fist clutched the scabbard of a sword。 Kahlan put herself in front of him before he reached the table; grabbing fistfuls of his robes。
 〃Don't do this; Zedd。〃 Her voice was desperate。
 〃It is not my choice。〃
 〃Zedd; please no; choose someone else; not Richard 。 。 。 。〃
 Zedd cut her off。 〃Kahlan! I warned you about this。 I told you; he picks himself。 If I choose someone other than the true one; we all die。 If you have a better way 。 。 。 put words to it!〃
 He swept her aside; came to the side of the table opposite Richard; and slammed the sword down in front of him。 Richard jumped。 He looked from the sword up into Zedd's fierce eyes as the other leaned over the table。
 〃This belongs to you;〃 the wizard said。 Kahlan turned her back to them。
 Richard's gaze fell upon the sword。 The silver scabbard gleamed with gold flourishes that embellished it in sweeps and waves。 Steel crossguards swept out and down aggressively。 Finely twisted silver wire covered the grip; and interwoven along the side of the braided silver; gold wire formed the word Truth。 This; Richard thought; was the sword of a king。 It was the finest weapon he had ever seen。
 Slowly; he rose to his feet。 Zedd picked up the scabbard by the point and held the hilt of the sword to Richard。 〃Draw it。〃
 As if in a trance; Richard closed his fingers around the hilt and pulled the sword free; the blade making a ringing; metallic sound that hung in the air。 Richard had never heard a sword make a sound quite like it。 His hand closed tightly around the grip; and in his palm and on his fingers opposite he could feel the bumps of the gold wire that spelled out the word Truth on each side of the hilt pressing almost painfully into his flesh。 Inexplicably; it felt precisely correct。 The weight fit him exactly。 He felt as if a part of him was now plete。
 From deep within; he felt his anger stir; brought to life; searching direction。 He was suddenly aware of the tooth against his chest。
 As his rage rose; he felt an awakening power rushing into him from the sword: the twin to his own anger。 His own feelings had always seemed independent; whole。 This was like having an image in a mirror e to life。 It was a terrifying specter。 His anger fed on the force from the sword; and in return; the wrath from the sword fed on his anger。 Together the twin storms spiraled through him。 He felt like a helpless bystander; being dragged along。 It was a frightening and at the same time seductive sensation that bordered on violation。 Fearful perceptions of his own anger twisted with tantalizing promise。 The bewitching emotions rushed headlong through him; seizing his anger; soaring with it。 Richard struggled to control the rage。 He was on the brink of panic。 On the brink of abandon。
 Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander threw his head back and spread his arms。 To the sky; he called out; 〃Fair warning to those living and those dead! The Seeker is named!〃
 Thunder from the blue sky shook the ground and rolled off toward the boundary。
 Kahlan fell to her knees in front of Richard; head bowed; hands held behind her back。 〃I pledge my life in the defense of the Seeker。〃
 Zedd knelt beside her; his head bowed。 〃I pledge my life in the defense of the Seeker。〃 '
 Richard stood gripping the Sword of Truth in his hand; eyes wide in breathless bewilderment。
 〃Zedd;〃 he whispered; 〃what in the name of everything good is a Seeker?〃 
 WITH THE AID OF a hand to his knee; Zedd rose to his feet; rearranged his robes around his bony body; and held his hand out to Kahlan; who was staring at the ground。 Noticing the hand; she took it; ing to her feet as well。 Her face bore a distressed expression。 Zedd considered her for a moment; and she nodded that she was all right。
 Zedd turned to Richard。 〃What is a Seeker? A wise first question in your new capacity; but not one swiftly answered。〃
 Richard gazed down at the gleaming sword in his hand; not at all sure he wanted anything to do with it。 He slid it back into its scabbard; glad to be free of the feelings it invoked; and held it in both hands before him。 〃Zedd; I've never seen this before。 Where have you kept it?〃
 Zedd smiled proudly。 〃In the cabinet; in the house。〃
 Richard eyed him skeptically。 〃There's nothing in the cabinet but dishes and pans and your powders。〃
 〃Not that cabinet;〃 he said; lowering his voice as if to thwart anyone who might be listening; 〃in my wizard's cabinet!〃 Richard straightened with a frown。 〃I've never seen any other cabinet。〃
 〃Bags; Richard! You're not supposed to see it! It's a wizard's cabinet; it's invisible!〃
 Richard felt more than a little stupid。 〃And how long have you had this?〃
 〃Oh; I don't know; maybe a dozen years or so。〃 Zedd swept his slender hand in the air as if trying to brush the question away。
 〃And how did you e to have it?〃
 Zedd's tone hardened。 〃The naming of the Seeker is a wizard's task。 The High Council wrongly took it upon itself to name the person。 They didn't care anything about finding the right person。 They gave the post to whoever suited them at the time。 Or whoever offered the most。 The sword belongs to the Seeker as long as he is alive; or as long as he chooses to be Seeker。 In between; while a new Seeker is sought; the Sword of Truth belongs to the wizards。 Or more precisely; it belongs to me; as naming Seekers is my responsibility。 The last fellow who had it becam

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