神鸟电子书 > 科幻恐怖电子书 > tg.wizardfirstrule >



小说: tg.wizardfirstrule 字数: 每页4000字

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 Zedd had told him; told him that most of the。 things people believed were wrong。 Wizard's First Rule。 He had been the fool long enough; listened to others enough。 He avoided the truth no longer。 A smile spread on his face。
 He stood。 He believed with all his heart。 Excited; he turned; stepping among the people chanting the devotion on their knees。
 The two Mord…Sith rose。 They stood grim…faced; shoulder to shoulder; blocking his way。 He jerked to a halt。 The one with blond hair and blue eyes brought her Agiel up to a menacing posture; waving it in front of him。
 〃No one is allowed to miss a devotion。 No one。〃
 Richard returned the threatening glare。 〃I am the Seeker。〃 He lifted Denna's Agiel in his fist。 〃Mate to Denna。 I am the one who killed her。 Killed her with the magic by which she held me。 I have said my last devotion to Father Rahl。 The next move you make will determine if you live or die。 Choose。〃
 An eyebrow lifted over a cold blue eye。 The two Mord…Sith glanced at each other; then stepped aside。 Richard marched off to the Garden of Life; to Darken Rahl
 Zedd warily scanned the edges as they ascended the road up the side of the plateau; the surroundings brightening the higher they went。 The three of them emerged from the fog into midmorning sunlight。 Ahead; a drawbridge began lowering; the catch on the gears clattering as the span lowered across a chasm。 Chase loosened the short sword in the scabbard over his shoulder when the lowering bridge revealed a couple of dozen soldiers waiting on the other side。 Not one of the soldiers brought a weapon to hand; nor did they move to block the way; but stood at ease to the side; seemingly disinterested in the three。
 Kahlan gave them no notice as she strode past。 Chase did。 He looked like a man about to preside over a slaughter。 The guards nodded and smiled politely。
 The boundary warden leaned a little closer to Zedd; but kept his eyes on the well…armed soldiers。 〃I don't like this。 It's too easy。〃
 Zedd smiled。 〃If Darken Rahl is to kill us; he must first let us get to where we are to be killed。〃
 Chase frowned over at the wizard。 〃That doesn't make me feel any better。〃
 Zedd put his hand on Chase's shoulder。 〃No loss of honor; my friend。 Go home; before the door closes behind us forever。〃
 Chase stiffened。 〃Not until it is done。〃
 Zedd nodded and walked a little faster to stay close to Kahlan。 When they gained the top of the plateau; they were confronted by a huge wall stretching off to either side。 The battlements at the top were alive with men。 Kahlan didn't pause; but marched toward the gate。 Straining with the weight; two guards pushed the immense doors back as she approached。 She didn't lose a step as she went through the opening in the wall。
 Chase glared at the captain of the guards。 〃You let anyone in?〃
 The captain gave a surprised stare。 〃She is expected。 By Master Rahl。〃 Chase grunted and followed after。 〃So much for our sneaking up on him。〃
 〃One does not sneak up on a wizard of Rahl's talents。〃
 Chase grabbed Zedd's arm。 〃Wizard! Rahl is a wizard?〃
 Zedd frowned at him。 〃Of course。 How do you suppose he is able to mand magic the way he does? He is descended from a long line of; wizards。〃
 Chase seemed annoyed。 〃I thought wizards were only supposed to help people; not rule them。〃
 Zedd let out a deep breath。 〃Before some of us decided to no longer interfere with the affairs of man; wizards used to rule。 There was a rift…the wizard wars; as they were known。 A few on their side survived; and continued to follow the old ways; continued to take power for themselves; continued to rule people。 Darken Rahl is a direct descendant of that line…the house of Rahl。 He was born with the gift; not all are。 But he uses it only for himself; he is a person who does not bear the burden of conscience。〃
 Chase fell silent as they ascended a hillside of steps; passing into the shade between fluted columns; and through an opening surrounded by carved stone vines and leaves。 They entered the halls。 Chase's head swiveled about; astonished by the size; the beauty; the sheer overwhelming volume of polished stone about them。 Kahlan walked down the center of the vast hall; seeing none of it; the folds of her dress flowing fluidly behind her; the soft sound of her boots on the stone whispering into the cavernous distance。
 People dressed in white robes strolled the halls。 A few sat on marble benches; and others knelt at squares with a stone and bell; meditating。 All wore the same perpetual smile of the divinely deluded; the peaceful countenance of those self…assured in their fantasy of certainty and understanding。 Truth was only a shifting fog to them; to be burned off by the light of their convoluted reasoning。 Followers; disciples; of Darken Rahl; one and all。 Most paid the three no attention; giving them no more than a vacant nod。
 Zedd caught a glimpse of two Mord…Sith; proud in their red leather; sauntering up a side hall toward them。 When they saw Kahlan; saw the twin red lightning bolts of the Con Dar painted across her face; the two blanched; reversed course; and quickly vanished。
 The route they followed took them to an intersection of enormous halls; built in the pattern of a wheel。 Stained…glass windows that formed the hub high overhead let in sunlight that streamed in colored shafts through the cavernous central area。
 Kahlan stopped and turned her green eyes to the wizard。 〃Which way?〃
 Zedd pointed down a hall to the right。 Kahlan started off without hesitation。
 〃How do you know where we're going?〃 Chase asked。
 〃Two ways。 First; the People's Palace is built on a pattern I recognize; the pattern of a magic spell。 The entire palace is one giant spell drawn on the face of the ground。 It's a power spell; meant to protect Darken Rahl; keep him safe here; amplify his power。 It's a spell drawn to protect him from other wizards。 I have very little power here。 I am next to helpless。 The core of it is a place called the Garden of Life。 Darken Rahl will be there。〃
 Chase gave a troubled look。 〃What's the second。〃
 Zedd hesitated。 〃The boxes。 Their covers are removed。 I can sense them。 They; too; are in the Garden of Life。〃 Something was wrong。 He knew what it was to sense one of the boxes; and two should be twice as strong。 But the feeling wasn't; it was three times as strong。
 The wizard directed the Mother Confessor down the proper halls as they came to them; and up the proper stairways as they appeared。 Each hall; each different level; had stone of unique color or type。 In some places the columns stood several levels high。 Balconies between them looked down on the hall。 Stairways were all marble; each of a different color。 They passed huge statues; standing like stone sentinels at the walls to each side。 The three walked for several hours; working their way higher into the center of the People's Palace。 It was impossible to go in a straight course; there was none。
 At last they came to closed doors; carved in a country scene; clad in gold。 Kahlan stopped and looked to the wizard。
 〃This is the place; dear one。 The Garden of Life。 The boxes are in here。 Darken Rahl will be; too。〃 She gave him a deep stare。 〃Thank you; Zedd; and you; too; Chase。〃
 Kahlan turned to the door; but Zedd put his hand gently on her shoulder and turned her back around。 〃Darken Rahl has only two boxes。 He will be dead soon。 Without your help。〃
 Her eyes were cold fire in the heart of the sharp; red lightning bolts drawn on her resolute face。 〃Then I have no time to waste。〃
 She pushed the doors open; and strode into the Garden of Life
  THE FRAGRANCE OF FLOWERS engulfed them as they stepped into the Garden of Life。 Zedd knew immediately that something was wrong。 There was no doubt; all three boxes were in the room。 He had been wrong。 Rahl did have all three。 He sensed something else; too; something out of place; but with his power diminished; he couldn't put his trust in the feeling。 With Chase at his heels; Zedd stayed close behind Kahlan as she walked along the path; a

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