神鸟电子书 > 科幻恐怖电子书 > tg.wizardfirstrule >



小说: tg.wizardfirstrule 字数: 每页4000字

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 made his confession。〃
 The wolf put his paws over his head。 〃Oh; Mistress; please! Must we?〃
 Richard frowned。 〃What was this ‘hobby'?〃
 Kahlan's smile widened。 〃Brophy had a weakness。 Children。 As he traveled around in search of things to trade; he would stop at orphanages and see to it they had what they needed to take care of the children。 All the gold he made ended up in different orphanages; so the children could be cared for; and not go hungry。 He twisted the arms of the people running the orphanages; to swear them to secrecy。 He didn't want anyone knowing。 Of course; he didn't have to twist very hard。〃 Brophy's paws were still over his head; and his eyes squeezed tightly shut。 〃Mistress; please;〃 he whined; 〃I have a reputation。〃 He opened his eyes and rose up on his front paws。 〃And a well earned one at that! I've broken my share of arms and noses! I've done some pretty despicable deeds!〃
 Kahlan lifted an eyebrow to him。 〃Yes; you have。 Some were reason enough to get you thrown in prison for a time。 But none were reason enough to chop off your head。〃 She looked back up at Richard。 〃You see; since Brophy had been seen around orphanages; and because of his reputation; no one was too surprised when he was accused of the murder of a little boy。〃
 〃Demmin Nass;〃 Brophy growled。 〃Accused by Demmin Nass。〃 His lips curled back; showing his long teeth as he growled。
 〃Why didn't the people at the orphanages stand up for you?〃
 〃Demmin Nass;〃 Brophy growled again。 〃He would have slit their throats。〃
 〃Who is this Demmin Nass?〃
 Kahlan exchanged a look with the wolf。 〃Remember when Darken Rahl came to the Mud People; and he took Siddin? Remember when he said Siddin was a gift for a friend? Demmin Nass is that friend。〃 She gave Richard a meaningful look。 〃Demmin Nass has a very sick interest in little boys。〃
 Richard felt a stab of fear; and pain; for Siddin; and for Savidlin and Weselan。 He remembered his promise to try to find their boy。 He had never felt so powerless。
 〃If I ever find him;〃 Brophy growled fiercely; 〃I will settle a few scores。 He's not fit to die。 He must pay first for the things he's done。〃
 〃You just stay away from him;〃 Kahlan warned。 〃He is a dangerous man。 I don't want you hurt any more than you have been already。〃
 The wolf's yellow eyes flared angrily at Kahlan for a moment before they cooled。 〃Yes; Mistress。〃 He lay back down。 〃I would have faced the executioner with my head held high; the spirits know I may have earned it; but not for that。 I would not let them kill me thinking I had done those things to children。 So I demanded a Confessor。〃
 〃I didn't want to take his confession。〃 Kahlan picked up a stick and pushed at the dirt。 〃I knew he wouldn't have requested a Confessor unless he was innocent。 I talked to the judge; he said that in view of the crime; he would not mute the sentence。 It was death or a confession。 Brophy insisted upon the confession。〃 Richard could see the firelight reflecting in the wetness of her green eyes。 〃Afterward; I asked him to pick another creature he would choose to be; if he had a choice。 He chose a wolf。 Why a wolf; I don't know。〃 She smiled a little。 〃I guess it fits his nature。〃
 〃Because wolves are honorable creatures。〃 Richard smiled。 〃You haven't lived in the forest; you've lived among people。 Wolves are very social creatures; have strong ties and relationships。 They are fiercely protective of their young。 The whole pack will fight to protect them。 And all members of the pack care for the young。〃
 〃You understand;〃 Brophy whispered。
 〃Really; Brophy?〃 she asked。
 〃Yes; Mistress。 I have a good life; now。〃 His tail swished back and forth。 〃I have a mate! She's a fine wolf。 She smells divine; and her nips give me shivers; and she has the cutest little 。。 。 well; never mind。〃 He looked up at Kahlan。 〃She is the leader of our pack。 With me at her side; of course。 She is pleased with me。 She says I'm the strongest wolf she has ever seen。 We had a litter; this last spring。 Six。 They're fine pups; almost grown now。 It's a fine life; hard; but fine。 Thank you; Mistress; for releasing me。〃
 〃I'm so glad; Brophy。 But why are you here? Why aren't you back with your family?〃
 〃Well; when you were ing down out of the Rang'Shada; you passed near my den。 I sensed your presence。 I found I could smell you。 The urge to protect you was too strong to overe。 I know you are in danger; and I can't be at peace in my pack until I know you're safe。 I must protect you。〃
 〃Brophy;〃 she protested; 〃we're fighting to stop Darken Rahl。 It's too dangerous for you to be with us。 I don't want you to lose your life。 You have already sacrificed too much to Darken Rahl; through Demmin Nass。〃
 〃Mistress; when I was changed to the wolf; it removed most of my need for you; my need to please you。 Yet I would still die for you。 It is still extremely difficult for me to go against your wishes。 But in this; I must。 I will not leave you to danger。 I must protect you; or I could never be at peace。 mand me to leave if you will; but I will not go。 I will shadow you until you are safe from Darken Rahl。〃
 〃Brophy;〃 Richard said。 The wolf looked over to him。 〃I too want Kahlan protected; so she can do her job and help stop Rahl。 I would be honored to have you along。 You have already proven your value and your heart。 If you can help protect her; you just ignore what she says and go right on protecting her。〃
 Brophy looked up at her。 Kahlan smiled at him。 〃He is the Seeker。 I'm sworn on my life to protect him; as is Zedd。 If that is his word; then I must go along。〃
 Brophy's muzzle opened in surprise。 〃He mands you? He mands the Mother Confessor?〃
 〃He does。〃
 The wolf shook his head。 〃Wonder of wonders。〃 He licked his lips。 〃By the way; I would like to thank you for the food you have left me。〃
 Kahlan frowned。 〃What are you talking about?〃
 〃Whenever he trapped food; he always left some for me。〃
 〃You did?〃 she asked。
 Richard shrugged。 〃Well; I knew he was out there; and I didn't know what he was; but I didn't think he meant us harm。 So I left him food; to let him know we didn't mean him any harm either。〃 He smiled at the wolf。 〃But when you came at me back there; I surely thought I had made a mistake。 Thank you again。〃
 Brophy seemed unfortable with the gratitude; and stood。 〃I have been here long enough。 I have woods to patrol。 There might be things about。 The three of you need not stand watch with Brophy on the job。〃
 Richard pushed a stick at the fire; watching the sparks swirl into the air。 〃Brophy; what was it like when Kahlan touched you? When she released her power into you。〃
 No one spoke。 Richard looked into the wolf's yellow eyes。 Brophy's head turned to Kahlan。
 〃Tell him;〃 she whispered in a broken voice。
 Brophy lay back down; folding one paw over the other; his head held high。 He was silent for a long time before he spoke
 〃It's hard to remember everything of that time; but I will try to explain it the best I can。〃 His head cocked a little to one side。 〃Pain。 I remember the pain。 It was exquisite; beyond anything you could imagine。 The first thing I remember after the pain is fear。 Overpowering fear I might be breathing wrong; and it would somehow displease her。 I almost died from fear that I would displease her。 And then when she told me what she wanted to know; it was a flush of the greatest joy I had ever known。 Joy; because then I knew what I could do to please her。 I was overjoyed that she had made a request of me; that there was something I could do to satisfy her。 That's What I remember the most; the desperate; frantic need to do as she wanted; to satisfy her; and make her happy。 Nothing else was in my mind; only to please her。 To be in her presence was beyond bliss。 The pleasure of being in her presence made me cry with elation。
 〃She told me to tell the truth; and I was so happy; because I knew I could do that。 I was thrilled to have a task within my power。 I started talking as fast as I could; to tell her all the truth I could。 She had to tell me to slow down; because she c

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