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the silmarillion-第96部分

小说: the silmarillion 字数: 每页4000字

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Hador Called Lórindol 'Goldenhead'; also Hador the Golden…haired; lord of Dor…lómin; vassal of Fingolfin;  
father of Galdor father of Húrin; slain at Eithel Sirion in the Dagor Bragollach。 The House of Hador was called the  
Third House of the Edain。 177…8; 183; 187; 190; 193。 House of; People of; Hador 177; 189…90; 194; 231; 237…9;  
243; 253; 265; 280; 308。 Helm of Hador: see Dragon…helm of Dor…lómin。 
Haladin The second people of Men to enter Beleriand; afterwards called the People of Haleth; dwelling in the  
Forest of Brethil; also the Men of Brethil。 171; 174…5; 187; 190; 194; 234;238 
Haldad Leader of the Haladin in their defence against the attack on them by Orcs in Thargelion; and slain  
there; father of the Lady Haleth。 174…6 
Haldan Son of Haldar; leader of the Haladin after the death of the Lady Haleth。 175 
Haldar Son of Haldad of the Haladin; and brother of the Lady Haleth; slain with his father in the Orc…raid on  
Thargelion。 175…6 
Haldir Son of Halmir of Brethil; wedded Gidredhel; daughter of Hador of Dor…lómin; slain in the Nirnaeth  
Arnoediad。 190; 231…2; 234; 238 
Haleth Called the Lady Haleth; leader of the Haladin (who were named from her the People of Haleth) from  
Thargelion to the lands west of Sirion。 175…6。 House of; People of; Haleth 175…8; 190; 231; 266; 272…3 
Half…elven Translation of Sindarin Peredhel; plural Peredhil; applied to Elrond and Elros; 304; 315; 322; 354;  
357; and to E?rendil; 298 
Halflings Translation of Periannath (Hobbits)。 377 
Halls of Awaiting The Halls of Mandos。 72 
Halmir Lord of the Haladin; son of Haldan; with Beleg of Doriath defeated the Orcs that came south from the  
Pass of Sirion after the Dagor Bragollach。 190; 231 
Handir Son of Haldir and Glóredhel; father of Brandir the Lame; lord of the Haladin after Haldir's death; slain  
in Brethil in battle with Orcs。 238; 260; 266 
Haradrim The Men of Harad ('the South'); the lands south of Mordor。 363 
Hareth Daughter of Helmir of Brethil; wedded Galdor of Dor…lómin; mother of Húrin and Huor。 190; 194 
Hathaldir Called the Young; one of the twelve panions of Barahir on Dorthonion。 187 
Hathol Father of Hador Lórindol。 177 
Haudh…en…Arwen 'The Ladybarrow'; the burial…mound of Haleth in the Forest of Brethil。 176 
Haudh…en…Elleth The mound in which Finduilas was buried; near the Crossings of Teiglin。 267; 270…1; 275; 277 
Haudh…en…Ndengin 'The Mound of Slain' in the desert of Anfauglith; where were piled the bodies of the Elves  
and Men that died in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad。 241…2 
Haudh…en…Nirnaeth 'The Mound of Tears'; another name of Haudh…en…Ndengin。 241 
Havens; The Brithombar and Eglarest on the coast of Beleriand: 124; 133; 144; 186; 239。 The Havens of Sirion at  
the end of the First Age: 294; 305; 313。 The Grey Havens (Mithlond) in the Gulf of Lh?n: 359; 370…1; 378。  
Alqualond?; the Haven of the Swans or Swanhaven; is also called simply The Haven: 97; 101 
Helcar The Inland Sea in the northeast of Middle…earth; where once stood the mountain of the lamp of Illuin;  
the mere of Cuiviénen where the first Elves awoke is described as a bay in this sea。 48; 54 
Helcarax? The strait between Araman and Middle…earth; also referred to as the Grinding Ice。 51…2; 60; 88; 100…1;  
126; 136; 154; 160 
Helevorn 'Black Glass'; a lake in the north of Thargelion; below Mount Rerir; where Caranthir dwelt。 132; 148;  
Helluin The star Sirius。 48; 69 
Herumor A renegade Númenórean who became mighty among the Haradrim at the end of the Second Age。 363 
Herunúmen 'Lord of the West'; Quenya name of Ar…Adunakh?r。 330 
Hidden Kingdom Name given both to Doriath; 135; 198; 200;277; and to Gondolin; 156;298 
High…elven See Quenya。 
High Elves See Eldar。 370 
High Faroth See Taur…en…Faroth。 
Hildor 'The Followers'; 'The Afterers'; Elvish name for Men; as the Younger Children of Ilúvatar。 114;  
Hildórien The land in the east of Middle…earth where the first Men (Hildor) awoke。 120; 169 
Himlad 'Cool Plain'; the region where Celegorm and Curufin dwelt south of the Pass of Aglon。 147; 158; 161  
Himring The great hill west of Maglor's Gap on which was the stronghold of Maedhros; translated in the text as 'Ever… 
cold'。 131;147…8;157; 183…4; 214; 223; 231 
Hírilorn The great beech…tree in Doriath with three trunks; in which Lúthien was imprisoned。 The name means 'Tree of  
the Lady'。 208; 226 
Hísilóm? 'Land of Mist'; Quenya name of Hithlum。 140 
Hithaeglir 'Line of Misty Peaks': the Misty Mountains; or Mountains of Mist。 (The form Hithaeglin on the map to  
The Lord of the Rings is an error。) 55; 104; 107; 360; 364; 366 
Hither Lands Middle…earth (also called the Outer Lands)。 57; 59…61; 296; 304; 311; 315; 323; 371 
Hithlum 'Land of Mist' (see 140); the region bounded on the east and south by Ered Wethrin and on the west by  
Ered Lómin; see Hísilóm?。 52; 90; 123; 126…8; 130; 137; 140…1; 144; 146; 157; 171; 181…9; 193; 221; 231…4; 238…9;  
242…4;254; 280; 281; 294…5 
Hollin See Eregion。 354 
Hollowbold Translation of Nogrod: 'hollow dwelling' (early English bold; noun related to the verb build)。 104 
Huan The great wolfhound of Valinor that Orom? gave to Celegorm; friend and helper of Beren and  
Lúthien; slew and slain by Carcharoth。 The name means 'great dog; hound'。 209…18; 222; 225…6 
Hunthor A Man of the Haladin in Brethil who acpanied Túrin in his attack on Glaurung at Cabed…en…Aras and was  
killed there by a falling stone。 273 
Huor Son of Galdor of Dor…lómin; husband of Rían and father of Tuor; went to Gondolin with Húrin his  
brother; slain in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad。 150; 177; 190; 232; 236; 237; 242; 294; 296; 298; 301; 311 
Húrin Called Thalion 'the Steadfast'; 'the Strong'; son of Galdor of Dor…lómin; husband of Morwen and father  
of Túrin and Nienor; lord of Dor…lómin; vassal of Fingon。 Went with Huor his brother to Gondolin; captured by  
Morgoth in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad and set upon Thangorodrim for many years; after his release slew M?m in  
Nargothrond and brought the Nauglamír to King Thingol。 150; 177; 191…4; 232…46; 252; 255…9; 261…7; 271; 274…6;  
278…87; 294; 298; 311 
Hyarmentir The highest mountain in the regions south of Valinor。 81 
Iant Iaur 'The Old Bridge' over the Esgalduin on the northern borders of Doriath; also called the Bridge of  
Esgalduin; 144…5; 157 
Ibun One of the sons of M?m the Petty…dwarf。 249; 251…2 
Idril Called Celebrindal 'Silverfoot'; the daughter (and only child) of Turgon and Elenw?; wife of Tuor;  
mother of E?rendil; with whom she escaped from Gondolin to the Mouths of Sirion; departed thence with Tuor into  
the West 151; 160; 163; 165…6; 296…300; 303…4; 308; 315;322 
Illuin One of the Lamps of the Valar made by Aul?。 Illuin stood in the northern part of Middle…earth; and  
after the overthrow of the mountain by Melkor the Inland Sea of Helcar was formed there。 30…1; 48; 59 
Ilmar? A Maia; the handmaid of Varda; 24 
Ilmen The region above the air where the stars are。 116…9; 349 
Ilúvatar 'Father of All; Eru。 3…11; 17…8; 23; 25; 34…42; 46…50; 58; 70; 73; 74; 86; 93; 102; 121; 227; 313; 322…3;  
326…7; 336; 344…5 
Imlach Father of Amlach。 173 
Imladris 'Rivendell' (literally; 'Deep Dale of the Cleft'); Elrond's dwelling in a valley of the Misty Mountains。 282; 364;  
367…70; 377 
Indis Vanyarin Elf; close kin of Ingw?; second wife of Finw?; mother of Fingolfin and Finarfin。 63; 69…70;  
Ingw? Leader of the Vanyar; the first of the three hosts of the Eldar on the westward journey from Cuiviénen。  
In Aman he dwelt upon Taniquetil; and was held High King of all the Elves。 53…4; 60; 62; 65; 69; 117; 310 
Inzilad?n Elder son of Ar…Gimilz?r and Inzilbêth; afterwards named Tar…Palantir。 332 
Inzilbêth Queen of Ar…Gimilz?r; of the house of the lords of Andúni?。 331 
Irmo The Vala usually named Lórien; the place of his dwelling。 Irmo means 'Desirer' or 'Master of Desire'。  
21; 24; 68 
Iron Mountains See Ered Engrin。 
Isengard Translation (to represent the language of Rohan) of the Elvish name Angrenost。 361; 373…7 
Isil Quenya name of the Moon。 114…5 
Isildur Elder son of Elendil; who with his father and his brot

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