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the silmarillion-第95部分

小说: the silmarillion 字数: 每页4000字

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the Noldor after the death of his father; slain by Gothmog in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad。 64; 94…6; 98; 101; 128…9; 137;  
140; 144; 156; 166; 183; 186; 194; 198; 231…9; 302; 354 
Finrod The eldest son of Finarfin; called 'the Faithful' and 'the Friend of Men'。 Founder and King of  
Nargothrond; whence his name Felagund; encountered in。 Ossiriand the first Men to cross the Blue Mountains;  
rescued by Barahir in the Dagor Bragollach; redeemed his oath to Barahir by acpanying Beren on his quest; slain  
in defence of Beren in the dungeons of Tol…in…Gaurhoth。 The following references include those to Felagund used  
alone: 64; 93; 96; 102; 127; 130; 133…4; 142…6; 148; 151; 154…5; 167…72; 176; 178; 182…3; 193; 197; 201…13; 223;  
250; 259; 261; 264; 267…8; 284…5; 287 
Finw? Leader of the Noldor on the westward journey from Cuiviénen; King of the Noldor in Aman; father of  
F?anor; Fingolfin; and Finarfin; slain by Morgoth at Formenos。 53…6; 60…71; 75…8; 83; 87; 92; 152; other references  
are to his sons or his house。 
Fírimar 'Mortals'; one of the Elvish names for Men。 119 
Firstborn; The The Elder Children of Ilúvatar; the Elves。 7; 9; 13; 34; 37…8; 41…2; 44; 48; 309; 315; 321; 325; 355;  
370; 378 
Followers; The The Younger Children of Ilúvatar; Men; translation of Hildor。 7 
Ford of Stones See Sarn Athrad。 
Fords of Aros See Arossiach。 
Formenos 'Northern Fortress'; the stronghold of F?anor and his sons in the north of Valinor; built after the  
banishment of F?anor from Tirion。 79; 83; 88; 152 
Fornost 'Northern Fortress'。 Númenórean city on the North Downs in Eriador。 361 
Forsaken Elves See Eglath。 
Frodo The Ringbearer。 377 
Fuinur A renegade Númenórean who became mighty among the Haradrim at the end of the Second Age; 363 
Gabilgathol See Belegost。 104 
Galadriel Daughter of Finarfin and sister of Finrod Felagund; one of the leaders of the Noldorin rebellion  
against the Valar; wedded Celeborn of Doriath and with him remained in Middle…earth after the end of the First Age;  
keeper of Nenya; the Ring of Water; m Lothlórien。 64; 93…4; 102; 134…5; 151…3; 155; 172; 204; 290; 315; 370…3 
Galathilion 'The White Tree of Tirion; the image of Telperion made by Yavanna for the Vanyar and the Noldor' 62;  
324; 361 
Galdor Called the Tall; son of Hador Lórindol and lord of Dor…lómin after him; father of Húrin and Huor;  
slain at Eithel Sirion。 177; 183; 187; 190…3; 242; 257; 284; 311 
galvorn The metal devised by E?l。 159 
Gandalf The name among Men of Mithrandir; (the of the Istari (Wizards); see Olórin。 372 
Gates of Summer A great festival of Gondolin; on the eve of which the city was assaulted 'by the forces of Morgoth。 300 
Gelion The great river of East Beleriand; rising in Himring and Mount Rerir and fed by the rivers of Ossiriand  
flowing down from the Blue Mountains。 56…7; 103…4; 109; 132; 144…8; 167; 170; 174; 184; 229; 287…90 
Gelmir (I) Elf of Nargothrond; brother of Gwindor; captured in the Dagor Bragollach and afterwards put to death  
in front of Eithel Sirion; as a provocation to its defenders; before the Nirnaeth Arnoediad。 230; 233 
Gelmir (2) Elf of the people of Angrod; who with Arminas came to Nargothrond to warn Orodreth of its peril。 260 
Gildor One of the twelve panions of Barahir on Dorthonion。 187 
Gil…Estel 'Star of Hope'; Sindarin name for E?rendil bearing the Silmaril in his ship Vingilot。 310 
Gil…galad 'Star of Radiance'; the name by which Ereinion son of Fingon was afterwards known。 After the death  
of Turgon he became the last High King of the Noldor in Middle…earth; and remained in Lindon after the end of the  
First Age; leader with Elendil of the Last Alliance of Men and Elves and slain with him in bat with Sauron。 186;  
239; 302; 305; 315; 330…1; 335; 359…60; 362…5; 369…70 
Gimilkhad Younger son of Ar…Gimilz?r and Inzilbêth and father of Ar…Pharaz?n; the last King of Númenor。 332 
Gimilz?r See Ar…Gimilz?r。 
Ginglith River in West Beleriand flowing into the Narog above Nargothrond。 204; 261 
Gladden Fields Partial translation of Loeg Ningloron; the great stretches of reeds and iris (gladden) in and about the  
Anduin; where Isildur was slain and the One Ring lost 367; 374 
Glaurung The first of the Dragons of Morgoth; called the Father of Dragons; in the Dagor Bragollach; the  
Nirnaeth Arnoediad; and the Sack of Nargothrond; cast his spell upon Túrin and upon Nienor; slain by Túrin at  
Cabed…en…Aras。 Called also the Great Worm and the Worm of Morgoth。 137; 177; 181…2; 184; 235…6; 261…5; 268;  
271…9; 283…4; 296; 300 
Glingal 'Hanging Flame'; the image of Laurelin made by Turgon in Gondolin。 151 
Glirhuin A minstrel of Brethil。 283…4 
Glóredhel Daughter of Hador Lórindol of Dor…lómin and sister of Galdor; wedded Haldir of Brethil。 190 
Glorfindel Elf of Gondolin; who fell to his death in Cirith Thoronath in bat with a Balrog after the escape  
from the sack of the city。 The name means 'Golden…haired'。 237; 301…2 
Golodhrim The Noldor。 Golodh was the Sindarin form of Quenya Noldo; and …rim a collective plural ending; cf。  
Annon…in…Gelydh; the Gate of the Noldor。 160 
Gondolin 'The Hidden Rock' (see Ondolind?); secret city of King Turgon surrounded by the Encircling  
Mountains (Echoriath)。 64; 125; 150…1; 157; 186; 191…3; 221; 231…2; 234; 237; 240; 252; 281…2; 295…302; 305; 315;  
Gondolindrim The people of Gondolin。 166; 192; 234 
Gondor 'Land of Stone'; name of the southern Númenórean kingdom in Middle…earth; established by Isildur  
and Anárion。 361…9; 376…7。 City of Gondor: Minas Tirith。 377 
Gonnhirrim 'Masters of Stone'; a Sindarin name for the Dwarves。 103 
Gorgoroth (1) See Ered Gorgoroth。 
Gorgoroth (2) A plateau in Mordor; between the converging Mountains of Shadow and Mountains of Ash。 363; 365;  
Gorlim Called the Unhappy; one of the twelve panions of Barahir on Dorthonion; who was ensnared by a  
phantom of his wife Eilinel and revealed to Sauron the hiding…place of Barahir。 187; 195…7 
Gorthaur The name of Sauron in Sindarin。 26;187; 353 
Gorthol 'Dread Helm'; the name that Túrin took as one of the Two Captains in the land of Dor…Cúarthol。 252 
Gothmog Lord of Balrogs; high…captain of Angband; slayer of F?anor; Fingon; and Ecthelion。 (The same name  
was borne in the Third Age by the Lieutenant of Minas Morgul; The Return of the King V 6。) 125; 236; 238; 300 
Greater Gelion One of the two tributary branches of the river Gelion in the north; rising in Mount Rerir。 146 
Great Lands Middle…earth。 324 
Great River See Anduin。 
Green…elves Translation of Laiquendi; the Nandorin Elves of Ossiriand。 For their origin see 107; and for the name  
110; 133; 147…8; 167;170; 184; 238; 291 
Greenwood the Great The great forest east of the Misty Mountains; afterwards named Mirkwood。 360; 366; 371…2;  
Grey…elven tongue See Sindarin。 
Grey…elves See Sindar。 
Grey Havens See (The) Havens; Mithlond。 
Greymantle See Singollo; Thingol。 
Grinding Ice See Helcarax?。 
Grond  The great mace of Morgoth; with which he fought Fingolfin; called the Hammer of the Underworld。  
The battering…ram used against the Gate of Minas Tirith was named after it (The Return of the King V 4)。 185 
Guarded Plain See Talath Dirnen。 
Guarded Realm See Valinor。 82; 98 
Guilin Father of Gelmir and Gwindor; Elves of Nargothrond。 230; 233; 253; 256; 261 
Gundor Younger son of Hador Lórindol; lord of Dor…lómin; slain with his father at Eithel Sirion in the Dagor  
Bragollach。 177; 183; 311 
Gurthang 'Iron of Death'; name of Beleg's sword Anglachel after it was reforged for Túrin in Nargothrond; and  
from which he was named Mormegil。 258; 262; 265…6; 273; 276…8 
Gwaith…i…Mírdain 'People of the Jewel…smiths'; name of the fellowship of craftsmen in Eregion; greatest of whom was  
Celebrimbor son of Curufin。 354…5 
Gwindor Elf of Nargothrond; brother of Gelmir; enslaved in Angband; but escaped and aided Beleg in the rescue of  
Túrin; brought Túrin to Nargothrond; loved Finduilas Orodreth's daughter; slain in the Battle or Tumhalad。 230; 232… 
4; 254…61 
Hadhodrond The Sindarin name of Khazad…d?m (Moria)。 104;354 
Hador Called Lórindol 'Goldenhead'; also Hador the Golden…

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