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the silmarillion-第41部分

小说: the silmarillion 字数: 每页4000字

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People of Haleth; obtained this grace for her: that she should dwell free in Brethil; upon the condition only that her  
people should guard the Crossings of Teiglin against all enemies of the Eldar; and allow no Orcs to enter their woods。 To  
this Haleth answered: 'Where are Haldad my father; and Haldar my brother? If the King of Doriath fears a friendship  
between Haleth and those who have devoured her kin; then the thoughts of the Eldar are strange to Men。' And Haleth  
dwelt in Brethil until she died; and her people raised a green mound over her in the heights of the forest; T?r Haretha;  
the Ladybarrow; Haudh…en…Arwen in the Sindarin tongue。 
In this way it came to pass that the Edain dwelt in the lands of the Eldar; some here; some there; some wandering;  
some settled in kindreds or small peoples; and the most part of them soon learned the Grey…elven tongue; both as a  
mon speech among themselves and because many were eager to learn the lore of the Elves。 But after a time the Elf… 
kings; seeing that it was not good for Elves and Men to dwell mingled together without order; and that Men needed lords  
of their own kind; set regions apart where Men could live their own lives; and appointed chieftains to hold these lands  
freely。 They were the allies of the Eldar in war; but marched under their own leaders。 Yet many of the Edain had delight  
in the friendship of the Elves; and dwelt among them for so long as they had leave; and the young men often took service  
for a time in the hosts of the kings。 
Now Hador Lórindol; son of Hathol; son of Magor; son of Malach Aradan; entered the household of Fingolfin in  
his youth; and was loved by the King。 Fingolfin therefore gave to him the lordship of Dor…lómin; and into that land he  
gathered most of the people of his kin; and became the mightiest of the chieftains of the Edain。 In his house only the  
Elven…tongue was spoken; but their own speech was not forgotten; and from it came the mon tongue of Númenor。  
But in Dorthonion the lordship of the people of B?or and the country of Ladros was given to Boromir; son of Boron;  
who was the grandson of B?or the Old。 
The sons of Hador were Galdor and Gundor; and the sons of Galdor were Húrin and Huor; and the son of Húrin  
was Túrin the Bane of Glaurung; and the son of Huor was Tuor; father of E?rendil the Blessed。 The son of Boromir was  
Bregor; whose sons were Bregolas and Barahir; and the sons of Bregolas were Baragund and Belegund。 The daughter of  
Baragund was Morwen; the mother of Túrin; and the daughter of Belegund was Rían; the mother of Tuor。 But the son of  
Barahir was Beren One…hand; who won the love of Lúthien Thingol's daughter; and returned from the Dead; from them  
came Elwing the wife of E?rendil; and all the Kings of Númenor after。 
All these were caught in the net of the Doom of the Noldor; and they did great deeds which the Eldar remember  
still among the histories of the Kings of old。 And in those days the strength of Men was added to the power of the  
Noldor; and their hope was high; and Morgoth was straitly enclosed; for the people of Hador; being hardy to endure cold  
and long wandering; feared sot at times to go far into the north and there keep watch upon the movements of the Enemy。  
The Men of the Three Houses throve and multiplied; but greatest among them was the house of Hador Goldenhead; peer  
of Elven…lords。 His people were of great strength and stature; ready in mind; bold and steadfast; quick to anger and to  
laughter; mighty among the Children of Ilúvatar in the youth of Mankind。 Yellow…haired they were for the most part; and  
blue…eyed; but not so was Túrin; whose mother was Morwen of the house of B?or。 The Men of that house were dark or  
brown of hair; with grey eyes; and of all Men they were most like to the Noldor and most loved by them; for they were  
eager of mind; cunning…handed; swift in understanding; long in memory; and they were moved sooner to pity than to  
laughter。 Like to them were the woodland folk of Haleth; but they were of lesser stature; and less eager for lore。 They  
used few words; and did not love great concourse of men; and many among them delighted in solitude; wandering free in  
the greenwoods while the wonder of the lands of the Eldar was new upon them。 But in the realms of the West their time  
was brief and their days unhappy。 
The years of the Edain were lengthened; according to the reckoning of Men; after their ing to Beleriand; but  
at last B?or the Old died when he had lived three and ninety years; for four and forty of which he had served King  
Felagund。 And when he lay dead; of no wound or grief; but stricken by age; the Eldar saw for the first time the swift  
waning of the life of Men; and the death of weariness which they knew not in themselves; and they grieved greatly for  
the loss of their friends。 But B?or at the last had relinquished his life willingly and passed in peace; and the Eldar  
wondered much at the strange fate of Men; for in all their lore there was no account of it; and its end was hidden from  
Nonetheless the Edain of old learned swiftly of the Eldar all such art and knowledge as they could receive; and  
their sons increased in wisdom and skill; until they far surpassed all others of Mankind; who dwelt still east of the  
mountains and had not seen the Eldar; nor looked upon the faces that had beheld the Light of Valinor。 
Chapter 18 
Of the Ruin of Beleriand and the Fall of Fingolfin 
Now Fingolfin; King of the North; and High King of the Noldor; seeing that his people were bee numerous and  
strong; and that the Men allied to them were many and valiant; pondered once more an assault upon Angband; for he  
knew that they lived in danger while the circle of the siege was inplete; and Morgoth was free to labour in his deep  
mines; devising what evils none could foretell ere he should reveal them。 This counsel was wise according to the  
measure of his knowledge; for the Noldor did not yet prehend the fullness of the power of Morgoth; nor understand  
that their unaided war upon him was without final hope; whether they hasted or delayed。 But because the land was fair  
and their kingdoms wide; most of the Noldor were content with things as they were; trusting them to last; and slow to  
begin an assault in which many must surely perish were it in victory or in defeat Therefore they were little disposed to  
hearken to Fingolfin; and the sons of F?anor at that time least of all。 Among the chieftains of the Noldor Angrod and  
Aegnor alone were of like mind with the King; for they dwelt in regions whence Thangorodrim could be descried; and  
the threat of Morgoth was present to their thought。 Thus the designs of Fingolfin came to naught; and the land had peace  
yet for a while。 
But when the sixth generation of Men after B?or and Marach were not yet e to full manhood; it being then  
four hundred years and five and fifty since the ing of Fingolfin; the evil befell that he had long dreaded; and yet  
more dire and sudden than his darkest fear。 For Morgoth had long prepared his force in secret; while ever the malice of  
his heart grew greater; and his hatred of the Noldor more bitter; and he desired not only to end his foes but to destroy  
also and defile the lands that they had taken and made fair。 And it is said that his hate overcame his counsel; so that if he  
had but endured to wait longer; until his designs were full; then the Noldor would have perished utterly。 But on his part  
he esteemed too lightly the valour of the Elves; and of Men he took yet no account。 
There came a time of winter; when night was dark and without moon; and the wide plain of Ard…galen stretched  
dim beneath the cold stars; from the hill…forts of the Noldor to the feet of Thangorodrim。 The watch…fires burned low;  
and the guards were few; on the plain few were waking in the camps of the horsemen of Hithlum。 Then suddenly  
Morgoth sent forth great rivers of flame that ran down swifter than Balrogs from Thangorodrim; and poured over all the  
plain; and the Mountains of Iron belched forth fires of many poisonous hues; and the fume of them st

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