the silmarillion-第37部分
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the windy skies of spring; moreover she was often alone in the shadows when both her son and her husband were away。
Of these tales also grew the first quarrels of Maeglin and E?l。 For by no means would his mother reveal to Maeglin
where Turgon dwelt; nor by what means one might e thither; and he bided his time; trusting yet to wheedle the secret
from her; or perhaps to read her unguarded mind; but ere that could be done he desired to look on the Noldor and speak
with the sons of F?anor; his kin; that dwelt not far away。 But when he declared his purpose to E?l; his father was
wrathful。 'You are of the house of E?l; Maeglin; my son;' he said; 'and not of the Golodhrim。 All this land is the land of
the Teleri; and I will not deal nor have my son deal with the slayers of our kin; the invaders and usurpers of our homes。
In this you shall obey me; or I will set you in bonds。' And Maeglin did not answer; but was cold and silent; and went
abroad no more with E?l; and E?l mistrusted him。
It came to pass that at the midsummer the Dwarves; as was their custom; bade E?l to a feast in Nogrod; and he
rode away。 Now Maeglin and his mother were free for a while to go where they wished; and they rode often to the eaves
of the wood; seeking the sunlight; and desire grew hot in Maeglin's heart to leave Nan Elmoth for ever。 Therefore he said
to Aredhel: 'Lady; let us depart while there is time? What hope is there in this wood for you or for me? Here we are held
in bondage; and no profit shall I find here; for I have learned all that my father has to teach; or that the Naugrim will
reveal to me。 Shall we not seek for Gondolin? You shall be my guide; and I will be your guard!'
Then Aredhel was glad; and looked with pride upon her son; and telling the servants of E?l that they went to seek
the sons of F?anor they departed and rode away to the north eaves of Nan Elmoth。 There they crossed the slender stream
of Celon into the land of Himlad and rode on to the Fords of Aros; and so westward along the fences of Doriath。
Now E?l returned out of the east sooner than Maeglin had foreseen; and found his wife and his son but two days
gone; and so great was his anger that he followed after them even by the light of day。 As he entered the Himlad he
mastered his wrath and went warily; remembering his danger; for Celegorm and Curufin were mighty lords who loved
E?l not at all; and Curufin moreover was of perilous mood; but the scouts of Aglon had marked the riding of Maeglin
and Aredhel to the Fords of Aros; and Curufin perceiving that strange deeds were afoot came south from the Pass and
encamped near the Fords。 And before E?l had ridden far across the Himlad he was waylaid by the riders of Curufin; and
taken to their lord。
Then Curufin said to E?l: 'What errand have you; Dark Elf; in my lands? An urgent matter; perhaps; that keeps
one so sun…shy abroad by day。'
And E?l knowing his peril restrained the bitter words that arose in his mind。 'I have learned。 Lord Curufin;' he
said。 'that my son and my wife; the White Lady of Gondolin; have ridden to visit you while I was from home; and it
seemed to me fitting that I should join them on this errand。'
Then Curufin laughed at E?l; and he said: 'They might have found their wele here less warm than they hoped;
had you acpanied them; but it is no matter; for that was not their errand。 It is not two days since they passed over the
Arossiach; and thence rode swiftly westward。 It seems that you would deceive me; unless indeed you yourself have been
And E?l answered: 'Then; lord; perhaps you will give me leave to go; and discover the truth of this matter。'
'You have my leave; but not my love;' said Curufin。 'The sooner you depart from my land the better will it please
Then E?l mounted his horse; saying: 'It is good; Lord Curufin; to find a kinsman thus kindly at need。 I will
remember it when I return。' Then Curufin looked darkly upon E?l。 'Do not flaunt the title of your wife before me;' he
said。 'For those who steal the daughters of the Noldor and wed them without gift or leave do not gain kinship with their
kin。 I have given you leave to go。 Take it; and be gone。 By the laws of the Eldar I may not slay you at this time。 And this
counsel I add: return now to your dwelling in the darkness of Nan El…moth; for my heart warns me that if you now
pursue those who love you no more; never will you return thither。'
Then E?l rode off in haste; and he was filled with hatred of all the Noldor; for he perceived now that Maeglin and
Aredhel were fleeing to Gondolin。 And driven by anger and the shame of his humiliation he crossed the Fords of Aros
and rode hard upon the way that they had gone before; but though they knew not that he followed them; and he had the
swiftest steed; he came never in sight of them until they reached the Brithiach; and abandoned their horses。 Then by ill
fate they were betrayed; for the horses neighed loudly; and E?l's steed heard them; and sped towards them; and E?l saw
from afar the white raiment of Aredhel; and marked which way she went; seeking the secret path into the mountains。
Now Aredhel and Maeglin came to the Outer Gate of Gondolin and the Dark Guard under the mountains; and
there she was received with Joy; and passing through the Seven Gates she came with Maeglin to Turgon upon Amon
Gwareth。 Then the King listened with wonder to all that Aredhel had to tell; and he looked with liking upon Maeglin his
sister…son; seeing in him one worthy to be accounted among the princes of the Noldor。
'I rejoice indeed that Ar…Feiniel has returned to Gondolin;' he said; 'and now more fair again shall my city seem
than in the days when I deemed her lost。 And Maeglin shall have the highest honour in my realm。'
Then Maeglin bowed low and took Turgon for lord and king; to do all his will; but thereafter he stood silent and
watchful; for the bliss and splendour of Gondolin surpassed all that he had imagined from the tales of his mother; and he
was amazed by the strength of the city and the hosts of its people; and the many things strange and beautiful that he
beheld。 Yet to none were his eyes more often drawn than to Idril the King's daughter; who sat beside him; for she was
golden as the Vanyar; her mother's kindred; and she seemed to him as the sun from which all the King's hall drew its
But E?l; following after Aredhel; found the Dry River and the secret path; and so creeping in by stealth he came
to the Guard; and was taken and questioned。 And when the Guard heard that he claimed Aredhel as wife they were
amazed; and sent a swift messenger to the City; and he came to the King's hall。
'Lord;' he cried; 'the Guard have taken captive one that came by stealth to the Dark Gate。 E?l he names himself;
and he is a tall Elf; dark and grim; of the kindred of the Sindar; yet he claims the Lady Aredhel as his wife; and demands
to be brought before you。 His wrath is great and he is hard to restrain; but we have not slain him as your law mands。'
Then Aredhel said: 'Alas! E?l has followed us; even as I feared。 But with great stealth was it done; for we saw
and heard no pursuit as we entered upon the Hidden Way。' Then she said to the messenger: 'He speaks but the truth。 He
is E6L and I am his wife; and he is the father of my son。 Slay him not; but lead him hither to the King's judgement; if the
King so wills。'
And so it was done; and E?l was brought to Turgon's hall and stood before his high seat; proud and sullen。
Though he was amazed no less than his son at all that he saw; his heart was filled the more with anger and with hate of
the Noldor。 But Turgon treated him with honour; and rose up and would take his hand; and he said: 〃Wele; kinsman;
for so I hold you。 Here you shall dwell at your pleasure; save only that you must here abide and depart not from my
kingdom; for it is my law that none who finds the way hither shall depart。'
But E?l withdrew his hand。 'I acknowledge not your law;' he said。 'No right have you or any of your kin in this
land to seize realms or to set bounds; either here or there。 This i