The Ghost(英文版)-第42部分
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I turned off the engine and hunted around for the instructions。 I even braved the sleet and opened up the back of the Ford to see if they’d been left there。 I returned empty…handed and turned on the ignition。 Once again the navigation system lit up。 As it went through its start…up routine; communicating with its mother ship; I put the car into gear and headed down the hill。
Turn around when possible。
I tapped the steering wheel with my forefingers。 For the first time in my life I was confronted with the true meaning of the word “predestination。” I had just passed the Victorian whaling church。 Before me the hill dipped toward the harbor。 A few white masts were faintly visible through the dirty lace curtain of rain。 I was not far from my old hotel—from the girl in the white mobcap; and the sailing prints; and old Captain John Coffin staring sternly from the wall。 It was eight o’clock。 There was no traffic on the road。 The sidewalks were deserted。 I carried on down the slope; past all the empty shops with their cheery closed…for…the…winter…see…you…next…year!! notices。
Turn around when possible。
Wearily; I surrendered to fate。 I flicked the indicator and turned into a little street of houses—Summer Street; I think it was called; inappropriately enough—and braked。 The rain pounded on the roof of the Ford; the windscreen wiper thudded back and forth。 A small black…and…white terrier was defecating in the gutter; with an expression of intense concentration on its ancient wise face。 Its owner; too thickly swaddled against the wet and cold for me to tell either age or sex; turned clumsily to look at me; like a spaceman maneuvering himself on a lunar walk。 In one hand was a pooperscooper; in the other a white plastic scrotum of dog’s crap。 I quickly reversed back out into Main Street; swinging the wheel so hard I briefly mounted the curb。 With a thrilling screech of tire; I set off back up the hill。 The arrow swung wildly; before settling contentedly over the yellow route。
Exactly what I thought I was doing I still don’t really know。 I couldn’t even be sure that McAra had been the last driver to enter an address。 It might have been some other guest of Rhinehart’s; it might have been Dep or Duc; it could even have been the police。 Whatever the truth; it was certainly in the back of my mind that if things started to get remotely alarming; I could stop at any point; and I suppose that gave me a false sense of reassurance。
Once I was out of Edgartown and onto Vineyard Haven Road; I heard nothing more from my heavenly guide for several minutes。 I passed dark patches of woodland and small white houses。 The few approaching cars had their headlights on and were traveling slowly; swishing over the water…slicked road。 I sat well forward; peering into the grimy morning。 I passed a high school; just starting to get busy for the day; and beside it the island’s set of traffic lights (they were marked on the map; like a tourist attraction: something to go and look at in the winter)。 The road bent sharply; the trees seemed to close in; the screen showed a fresh set of evocative names: Deer Hunter’s Way; Skiff Avenue。 In two hundred yards; turn right。 In fifty yards; turn right。 Turn right。
I steered down the hill into Vineyard Haven; passing a school bus toiling up it。 I had a brief impression of a deserted shopping street away to my left; and then I was into the flat; shabby area around the port。 I turned a corner; passed a café; and pulled up in a big car park。 About a hundred yards away; across the puddled; rain…swept tarmac; a queue of vehicles was driving up the ramp of a ferry。 The red arrow pointed me toward it。
In the warmth of the Ford; as shown on the navigation screen; the proposed route was inviting; like a child’s painting of a summer holiday—a yellow jetty extending into the bright blue of Vineyard Haven Harbor。 But the reality through the windscreen was distinctly uninviting: the sagging black mouth of the ferry; smeared at the corners with rust; and; beyond it; the heaving gray swell and the flailing hawsers of sleet。
Someone tapped on the glass beside me and I fumbled for the switch to lower the window。 He was wearing dark blue oilskins with the hood pulled up; and he had to keep one hand pressed firmly on top of it to prevent it flying off his head。 His spectacles were dripping with rain。 A badge announced that he worked for the Steamship Authority。
“You’ll have to hurry;” he shouted; turning his back into the wind。 “She leaves at eight…fifteen。 The weather’s getting bad。 There might not be another for a while。” He opened the door for me and almost pushed me toward the ticket office。 “You go pay。 I’ll tell them you’ll be right there。”
I left the engine running and went into the little building。 Even as I stood at the counter; I remained of two minds。 Through the window I could see the last of the cars boarding the ferry; and the car park attendant standing by the Ford; stamping his feet to ward off the cold。 He saw me staring at him and beckoned at me urgently to get a move on。
The elderly woman behind the desk looked as though she; too; could think of better places to be at a quarter past eight on a Friday morning。
“You going or what?” she demanded。
I sighed; took out my wallet; and slapped down seven ten…dollar bills。
ONCE I’D DRIVEN UPthe clanking metal gangway into the dark; oily belly of the ship; another man in waterproofs directed me to a parking space; and I inched forward until he held up his hand for me to stop。 All around me; drivers were leaving their vehicles and squeezing through the narrow gaps toward the stairwells。 I stayed where I was and carried on trying to figure out how the navigation system worked。 But after about a minute the crewman tapped on my window and indicated by a mime that I had to switch off the ignition。 As I did so; the screen died again。 Behind me; the ferry’s rear doors closed。 The ship’s engines started to throb; the hull lurched; and with a discouraging scrape of steel we began to move。
I felt trapped all of a sudden; sitting in the chilly twilight of that hold; with its stink of diesel and exhaust fumes; and it was more than just the claustrophobia of being belowdecks。 It was McAra。 I could sense his presence next to me。 His dogged; leaden obsessions now seemed to have become mine。 He was like some heavy; half…witted stranger one makes the mistake of talking to on a journey and who then refuses to leave one alone。 I got out of the car and locked it; and went in search of a cup of coffee。 At the bar on the upper deck I queued behind a man readingUSA Today ; and over his shoulder I saw a picture of Lang with the secretary of state。 “Lang to face war crimes trial” was the headline。 “Washington shows support。” The camera had caught him grinning。
I took my coffee over to a corner seat and considered where my curiosity had led me。 For a start; I was technically guilty of stealing a car。 I ought at least to call the house and let them know I’d taken it。 But that would probably entail talking to Ruth; who would demand to know where I was; and I didn’t want to tell her。 Then there was the question of whether or not what I was doing was wise。 If thiswas McAra’s original route I was following; I had to face the fact that he hadn’t returned from the trip alive。 How was I to know what lay at the end of the journey? Perhaps I should tell someone what I was contemplating; or better still; take a companion along as a witness? Or perhaps I should simply disembark at Woods Hole; wait in one of the bars; catch the next ferry back to the island; and plan the whole thing properly; rather than launch myself into the unknown so unprepared?
Oddly enough; I didn’t feel any particular sense of danger—I suppose because it was all so ordinary。 I glanced around at the faces of my fellow passengers: working people mostly; to judge by their denims and boots—weary guys who had just made an early…morning delivery to the island; or people going over to America to pick up supplies。 A big wave hit the side of the ship and we all swayed as one; like rippling weed on th