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小说: 托福写作1000词 字数: 每页4000字

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infection[in'fek?n]n。 传染,感染;传染病
搭配 respiratory infection 呼吸道感染
例句 1。 That's beyond what we could expect if infections caused by pollution impact a lot of people。 如果由污染引起的传染病影响了许多人,这种情况是我们难以想象的。
2。 The death of sea otters is due to the increased sources of ocean contaminants that lead to greater vulnerability to infections。 海獭的死亡是由于越来越多的海洋污染物来源,这些污染物来源使海獭面对感染时抵抗力更弱。
3。 In the past; we might die from some reason as simple as an infection from a cut; but with the development of medicine; now we have antibiotics and other medicines to cure us。 过去,我们可能会因为像是简单的伤口感染这样的原因而死掉,但随着医学的发展,如今有抗生素和其他药物可以治愈我们。
infinite['infin?t]a。 无限的,无穷的 n。 无限
例句 1。 They must realize that the depth of this subject is almost to be infinite while both the students' energy and time are limited。 他们必须认识到,这门学科的深度几乎是无穷无尽的,而学生们的精力和时间却都是有限的。
2。 They argue that since hydrogen can be extracted from many resources including water; therefore the fuel cell engine is a great invention for it is powered by this infinite source of energy。 他们认为,既然氢气可以从包括水在内的许多种物质中提取,那么燃料电池发动机毫无疑问是一个伟大的发明,因为其驱动能量的来源是无限的。
innovation[?in?'vei?n]n。 新方法;新事物;创新
例句 Innovation and change are integral parts of modern life。 创新和改变是现代生活不可或缺的部分。
insight['insait]n。 洞察力,洞悉;领悟
例句 1。 We all hope to have a group member who works especially well and has the insight on problems we are facing。 我们都希望拥有这样一位团队成员,他/她工作出色,而且在我们面临的问题上有见解。
2。 The female writer's novels are marked by insight and finesse。 这位女作家的小说以富有洞察力和巧妙的技巧著称。
同义 perception(n。 洞察力)
instrumental[?instr?'mentl]a。 起作用的,有帮助的;乐器的
搭配 instrumental in 在…上有帮助的,起作用的
例句 1。 The United Nations has played an instrumental role in the eradication of this infectious disease。 联合国在根除这种传染性疾病方面起到了重要作用。
2。 Education has made people become more aware of their potential and reading and writing skills are extremely instrumental to one's success in this competitive world。 教育使人们能够更好地认识到自己的潜能,而读写技巧则对一个人在这个竞争激烈的世界里获得成功起到极其重要的作用。
invention[in'ven?n]n。 发明,创造;虚构
例句 1。 Many of the inventions that were designed for space exploration have been adapted to use on Earth。 许多为太空探索设计的发明都被修改并在地球上使用。
2。 Some think the greatest invention was television; while others refute that it should be cars。 一些人认为最伟大的发明是电视机,而另一些人反驳说应该是汽车。
3。 The most basic living requirements are food; clothing and a place to live; along with some intelligent inventions。 最基本的生活必需品包括食物、衣服、居住的地方,以及一些智能发明。
investigation[in?vesti'gei?n]n。 调查,调查研究
例句 1。 I'd invite someone compatible with me to join the investigation。 我希望邀请一位能与我和睦相处的人参与到调查研究中来。
2。 The ongoing investigations indicate that predation is the primary cause of the animals' death。 正在进行的调查研究表明捕食者是这些动物死亡的主要原因。
例句 1。 We should raise the educational level of the farmers and provide them with better seeds and fertilizers; advanced machinery and equipment; and up…to…date technical guidance。 我们应该提高农民的教育水平,并为他们提供更好的种子和化肥、先进的机械和设备,以及最新的技术指导。
2。 The machinery of democracy is supported by most people。 民主的体制得到了多数人的支持。
同义 organization(n。 机构)
maintain[mein'tein]v。 维持;维修;主张;赡养
例句 1。 Every doctor will tell you that enough sleep is the basic factor to maintain good health。 每位医生都会告诉你,充足的睡眠是保持健康的基本因素。
2。 More and more consumers believe that organic foods can help maintain health。 越来越多的消费者认为有机食品能够帮助维持健康。
malnutrition[?m?lnu:'tri?n]n。 营养不良
搭配 suffer from malnutrition 患有营养不良;evidence/signs of malnutrition 营养不良的迹象
例句 1。 Some reports indicate a high potential of malnutrition among people who are addicted to the diet of burgers and colas or other junk foods。 一些报告表明,那些对汉堡和可乐及其他垃圾食品上瘾的人群患有营养不良的可能性很大。
2。 I agree with the saying that food preparation should take its necessary time and care; otherwise it may lead to some health problems or even make us stay in hospital suffering from malnutrition。 我同意这个说法:准备食物要花足够的时间,给予足够的关注,否则会导致一些健康问题,甚至会让我们因营养不良而住院。
3。 There are various diseases that often follow malnutrition。 营养不良往往会引发多种疾病。
mammal['m?ml]n。 哺乳动物
例句 1。 The young of most mammals would like to play; including humans。 许多年幼的哺乳动物都喜欢玩耍,人类也是一样。
2。 Desert…adapted mammals have great ability to feed normally when they are extremely dehydrated。 适应沙漠生活的哺乳动物拥有在极度脱水的情况下也能正常哺乳的强大能力。
microclimate['maikrouklaim?t]n。 小气候,微气候
例句 When weather conditions inside a relatively small area differ from the other places of that area; a microclimate is formed。 当一个相对较小地区的气候条件与这一地区的其他地方不同时,就形成了一个微气候。
mild[maild]a。 温和的;温暖的
例句 1。 I enjoy the mild temperature in South America; and also I can tolerate the coldness in northern areas。 我享受南美洲温和的气温,也可以忍受北方地区的寒冷。
2。 The southwestern region of this country has a humid mild marine climate。 这个国家的西南地区有着湿润温和的海洋性气候。
monitor['mɑ:nit?r]n。 显示器;监视器;班长 v。 监控;调节;检测
搭配 monitor alarm system 监控警报系统
例句 1。 However; animals are much harder to track and monitor in the wilderness for it is their habitat。 然而,在野外更难追踪或监视动物,因为这是它们的栖息地。
2。 Seeds and saplings can be moved from the wild and planted in a closely monitored environment where it is easier for scientists to protect them and conduct research on certain species。 种子和树苗可以从野外移植到一个受到密切观察的环境中去,在这个环境中,科学家更方便保护这些植物,并可以针对特定的品种开展调查。
同义 track(v。 追踪);regulate(v。 调节)
operate['ɑ:p?reit]v。 运转;动手术;经营
搭配 operate the machine 操作机器
例句 1。 Fuel cell engines will be economically competitive for we need to spend less money to operate such an engine than an internal…combustion engine。 燃料电池发动机会在经济方面很有竞争力,因为发动这样一台发动机要比发动内燃机的花费少。
2。 Being able to operate a computer can increase your work efficiency and simplify many works; at the same time; if you know how to operate a computer; you can stay in your own home and control distant work。 能够操作电脑会增加你的工作效率并简化许多工作,同时,如果你知道如何操作电脑,你就可以待在自己家里远程办公。
3。 It's important for you all to understand that quartz heaters operate in a totally different way compared with common convection heaters。 重要的是你们所有人都要理解,石英加热器与普通的对流加热器的工作原理完全不同。
operation[?ɑ:p?'rei?n]n。 操作,经营;手术;行动
例句 1。 Furthermore; salvage logging requires the participance of more workers than traditional logging operations; so we need to call up more workers。 而且,抢救性砍伐比传统的砍伐作业需要更多工人的参与,因此我们需要召集更多的工人。
2。 Operations become more efficient with the help of microscopic and laser surgery nowadays。 如今,在显微镜和激光手术的帮助下,手术变得更加有效。
3。 We should pay close attention to the efforts of the private collectors; because instead of increasing the number of fossils; their field operations caused serious damages。 我们应该密切关注私人(化石)收藏家的行为,因为他们的实地操作不但没有增加化石的数量,反而造成了严重的破坏。
original[?'ri??nl]a。 最初的,原始的;新颖的 n。 原件
例句 1。 X…rays and analysis of the pigments in the paint proved that it wasn't part of the original painting。 X射线以及对画中颜料的分析证明,这确实不是画中原有的一部分。
2。 Once the added color was removed; the original could be seen—the woman is wearing a light…colored collar in the original p

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