神鸟电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > Born Rich-富贵门(英文版) >


Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第5部分

小说: Born Rich-富贵门(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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thinking of yourself as a very wealthy; prosperous individual 
who is surrounded by an ocean of thought energy; swimming 
in a sea of plenty; your body and mind will instantly move into 
a prosperous vibration and you will begin to attractjust like a 
mageverything necessary for you to bee wealthy。 

I know to the uninitiated; these ideas are just about as 
bizarre as anything a person could think of。 Nevertheless; they 
are true。 For mental awareness of prosperity always precedes 

wealth in your material world。 It is not difficult; therefore; for 
children today; born into families of great wealthlike the 
Kennedy's or the Bronfman'sto think these prosperous 
thoughts and to have this prosperity consciousness; since that 
is the only type of thinking they were subjected to; right from 
birth。 We say they have been conditioned in; or to; prosperity。 

However; the majority of people have not been born into 
that kind of an environment and so they were not surrounded 
by that type of thinking。 We must; therefore; develop an 
understanding of: 

1。 how we have been conditioned 
2。 why we are getting the results we are getting; 
3。 how we can change our way of thinking or our 

That is not an easy thing to do。 It takes much discipline。 
It takes a tremendous desire。 It takes a lot of diligent effort; 
which is the probable reason so few people ever actually 
change。 Yet I want you to know that regardless of how difficult 
it may be; it can be done and it can be done in a relatively 
short period of time。 The pensation you will receive for 
your effort will delight you。 I know because I have done it and I 
know many; many other people who have done the same 
thing。 Now it is necessary for you to do it。 

The very fact that you have picked up and started 
reading this book is all the proof you will ever need; that you 
truly do have a desire to change。 Moreover; there is a waya 
sure wayfor you to receive your desired good; and this book 
will outline the way for you。 

There Is Real Power Within You 

Below the level of your consciousness is the great 
treasury of your subconscious mind and that is the part of 
your personality we want to begin to influence through our 
new thoughtpatterns。 In order to make the issue definite and 

concrete; consider the following statement: any idea; plan or 
purpose may be planted in the subconscious mind by 
repetition of thought empowered by faith and expectancy。 You 
might be asking: 〃Can this statement be demonstrated to be 
true through experimentation and observation or; is there any 
known method or technique by which the proof may be 
secured; and if there is such a method or technique; is it 
available to everyone?〃 These questions can all be answered 
with an emphatic yes。 As you read; test; and experiment with 
the ideas that will e to you in the following pages; you will 
answer all of these questions for yourself。 And; it is necessary 
that you answer them for yourself; because as human beings; 
we will not truly believe something until we actually discover it 
for ourselves。 

This book was written in the sincere hope that it would 
lead you to the many discoveries that lie within you by the 
repetition of these prosperity ideas。 You must begin to see 
money as an obedient; diligent servant; that you can employ to 
earn more money; and that you can use to provide services far 
beyond the service that you could ever physically provide。 It is 
necessary that you feel fortable when you talk about 
money; because you have truly been 〃Born Rich。〃 You have all 
the mental tools necessary to attract the thoughts you are 
surrounded by; to create the consciousness that you must 
create in order for you to have the wealth you choose to have。 
Lack and limitation can only exist when we make room for 
them in our minds。 But prosperity consciousness knows no 
lack and no limitation。 Resolve to pletely remove the lid 
from your marvelous mind; with respect to your own earning
ability; and understand that the wealth you are seeking isand 
always has beenseeking you in return。 So open wide the 
doors of your conscious mind now; and begin to receive it。 

Mental Money 

Begin immediately to play a mental game with yourself
get into the habit of visualizing yourself in the possession of 
great wealth。 Think of some of the things you would do with 

that money and then mentally start doing them。 Since your 
subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between actually 
doing something and visualizing yourself doing it; this exercise 
will very quickly help you to develop a prosperity 
consciousness。 Remember; it is an absolute law of your being; 
that you must have something mentally before you will ever 
have it physically! 

Also understand that everyone talks to themselves 
mentallyin fact; some people even do it out loud。 Therefore; 
whenever you are carrying on your private conversation with 
yourself; always talk about how good it feels to be wealthy。 
Congratulate yourself on being wealthy and hear others 
congratulating you as well。 You should realize that although 
this might appear to be a game you are playing; you are doing 
one of the wisest things you can possibly doyou are working 
from a higher to a lower potential。 

You are embarking on a program of selfdevelopment。 
You are about to learn that there is much more to your self 
than meets the eye; and you must apprehend this 〃hidden 
factor of your personality;〃 if you are ever to develop yourself 
properly。 In truth; you will never see the greatest part of your 
being because it is nonphysical in nature。 In fact; you will 
soon bee aware that you are constantly living 
simultaneously on three distinct planes of being: you are 
spiritual; you have an intellect and you live in a physical body。 
To understand this abstraction better; you must keep in mind 
that you are living simultaneously on three distinct planes of 

1。 The Spiritual Plane of Thoughts (Highest 
2。 The Intellectual Plane of Ideas (Middle 
3。 The Physical Plane of Results (Lowest 

Therefore; by doing what I have suggested you do; you 
are merely using your 〃divine nature〃 to choose the thoughts 

(i。e。 〃Money is good;〃 〃I love people and I use money;〃 〃Money 
is a servant; I am the master;〃) which will build an idea。 In our 
case; the idea happens to be that of 〃Great Personal Wealth;〃 
or 〃True Financial Success。〃 Be very aware that ideas; such as 
the idea of 〃financial success;〃 never form by themselves; the 
human personality must always enter into the process; by 
thinking the thoughts which can then be used to build the 
idea。 That is the very thing that makes the human being 
〃godlike;〃 or you could say; a creative creaturethe highest 
form of creation! So by holding this beautiful idea; or picture 
of financial success in your mind; you will ultimately be able 
to cause the idea to manifest itself in your life (i。e。 in your 
results)。 As you progress through this book; you will see how 
this actually occurs! 

Now; let's take a couple of steps backward。 You will 
remember that I wrote; in a previous paragraph; that you are 
working from a higher to a lower potential。 What I meant by 
this is that you are working from 

Thoughts 。。。 (Spirit) 
Idea 。。。 (Intellectual) 
Thing 。。。 (Physical) 

rather than working from  

Thing 。。。 (Physical) 
Thoughts 。。。 (Spirit) 
Idea 。。。 (Intellectual) 

as you have probably done in the past and as the vast 
majority of people will continue to do in the future。 That is to 
say; most people will look at a result in their life and then let 
that result dictate the Thoughts they will then use to build 
their Idea。 For example; if they see that their bank account is 
empty (a result); they will choose to think thoughts of lack or 

loss and then they will use those thoughts to build the idea of 
poverty。 However; since the idea they are holding in their mind 
must manifest in their future results; they are actually 
bringing about a repeat performance of the very t

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