Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第4部分
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money today。 Well; one thing they certainly mean is that if we
insist upon constantly worrying about not having enough
money; or if we habitually worry about losing the money we do
have; then we are absolutely guaranteed not to worry in vain。
For just as surely as Job was afflicted by his many maladies;
so too shall we be afflicted by the lack or the loss of money。
To take a more contemporary example; let us again
consider the tragic case of 〃poor old Mr。 Chapman。〃 As you
will recall; he was the elderly gentleman who never spent any
of his hardearned savings。 But the question is; 〃Why didn't
he?〃 Most likely it was because he was afraid that if he spent
his money; he would bee poor and hence would be forced
to live like a pauper。 The irony was; however; that because of
his fear; he lived like a pauper anyway! Or; to be more biblical
about it; 〃The thing that he feared most came to visit upon
In a later chapter you will be given a fuller explanation of
the paradox of why we attract into our lives the very things we
least desire。 But for now; suffice it to say; worrying about
money is always extremely counterproductive。 This principle
holds true; even if you rationalize your worry with the old
platitude that you are 〃just saving a little for a rainy day。〃
I must put forward one other caveat at this time: if you
really want to significantly increase the amount of money you
are presently earning; the first thing you must do is learn to
pay substantially less attention to what others around you are
saying and substantially more attention to what that 〃quiet
voice〃 that speaks within you; is saying。 Put more prosaically:
you must strive to bee much less susceptible to influences
outside of yourself and much more inclined to trust the
instincts and feelings that lie within you。 Let me elaborate。
Most people who fail to accumulate enough money to live
in the style they choose are the same people who are most
easily influenced by other people's opinions。 For instance; they
are often the people who let the writers of economic doom and
gloomwhether in the newspapers or on news broadcasts do
their thinking for them。 But; as Napoleon Hill pointed out in
his great book; Think and Grow Rich; opinions are the
cheapest modities on earth。 In fact; almost everyone has a
flock of them ready to be foisted upon anyone who is willing to
accept them。 Therefore; if you know you have been unduly
influenced in the past by other people's opinions; make up
your mind right nowbefore you read any furtherthat from
here on in; you are going to heed your own counsel; while
keeping an attentive ear open for God's counsel。 Remember; if
you do; there is absolutely no reason why you cannot bee
financially successful within a very reasonable period of time。
Understanding vs。 Memorization
As you read on through the pages in this book; you will
develop an everincreasing awareness of the talents and
abilities that lie deep within you。 You should realize; that with
the proper instruction; you can begin using these undeveloped
talents to attract the good that you desire。 But let me caution
you once againno amount of reading or memorizing will bring
you the success you seek。 It is only the understanding and
application of the ideas in this book that will make the
difference for you。 Therefore; don't be in any hurry to finish
the book; because a plete reading should not be your
objective。 As stated previously; understanding and applying
what you read is the objective。 So if you are able to properly
digest only one page a day; that might be all that is necessary
for you to arrive at your goal。 If you are wondering why this
book is meant to be 〃sipped and tasted;〃 rather than
〃devoured〃 at one reading; bear in mind it is based upon over
twenty years of careful analysis of the methods of both the
very successful and the very unsuccessful。
Strength Through Sharing
One more word of advice。 Since very fewif anypeople
bee great at anything by themselves; I would suggest you
attempt to find at least one other person with whom you can
share and discuss the ideas presented in this book。
Prosperity Consciousness
I believe you will agree it is an observable truth that
human beings will never enjoy anything they are not yet
consciously aware of。 For example; we did not enjoy the luxury
of traveling in airplanes at tremendous rates of speed; until
the Wright Brothers became consciously aware of 〃how to fly。〃
Thomas Edison developed the conscious awareness of the
moving pictures and introduced us to a brand new form of
entertainment。 Dr。 Jonas Salk became consciously aware of
how to develop a serum that would bat the dreadful
disease of infantileparalysismore monly referred to as
polioand as a result of Salk's new awareness; you very rarely
hear of anyone contracting that disease today。 Alexander
Graham Bell became consciously aware of how to transmit the
human voice over metallic wires and; as a result; we all now
enjoy the use of the telephone。
Needless to say; I could go on and on citing example after
example。 However; the point I want to bring to the forefront of
your mind is that these inventionsor the knowledge bringing
about these inventionshave always been here。 In fact; all the
knowledge there ever was or ever will be; is evenly present in
all places at all times。 But it took an individual to bring those
thoughtpatterns together and form ideas which developed
into what we call consciousness; before we could begin to
benefit from them。
We are floating in an 〃ocean〃 of thoughtenergy; where all
the knowledge there ever was or ever will be; is present。 We
are also surrounded by abundance。 Indeed; everywhere we
look in nature; our eyes e in contact with abundance; for
nature knows no such thing as 〃failure。〃 Therefore; there never
has been; and there never will be; a lack of anything; except
consciousawareness。 But if you are going to begin to
perate this world of wealth; it is absolutely essential that
you begin to think。 In other words; you must open your mind
to the stream of thoughtenergy which will create an image; or
a consciousness of prosperity; in your mind。
You are well aware there are literally thousands upon
thousands of honest; good; hardworking people who labor
diligently for their entire stay on this pla; yet never bee
wealthy。 For those individuals; life is a constant grind from
sun up until sun down。 But the ideas presented on these
pages have been put here in the hope they will jar your mind
and inspire you to open it up to this new type of thinking。
Consciousness is; and always has been; developed
through thinking; and regardless of what your present
situation in life may be; if you ever hope to improve it and
truly bee wealthyas this book suggests you canyou must
begin thinking of prosperity in your mind; now。 Not when you
finish the book。 Not when you finish the chapter。 Not
tomorrow; next week; next month or next year。 It must be
done now。 Thinking is the highest function of which a human
being is capable。 Yet; unfortunately; very few people 〃think。〃
They merely trick themselves into believing that because there
is some mental activity taking place in their mind; they are
〃thinking。〃 But the truth is; most people are simply exercising
the mental faculty called 〃memory。〃 They are playing old
movies; so old pictures just keep flashing back on the screen
of their mind。
It is imperative that you begin this new way of thinking at
this moment; because as you do; every fibre of your being will
bee filled with this new thoughtenergy。 Your body is
prised of millions upon millions of cells and each one of
them is influenced in its movement by thought impulses。 So
the second you begin entertaining relaxing thoughts; your
body bees relaxed。 The instant you begin entertaining
worrisome; fearful thoughts; your body bees rigid and
tense。 As you begin to hold thoughts of prosperity and begin
thinking of yourself as a very wealthy; prosperous individual