Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第35部分
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you can travel in both directions; simultaneously。 Clearly; it is
absolutely essential that you 〃let go〃 of the one idea; before
you can move yourself into action on the other。 The reason for
this; as we have already stated; is that 〃nature truly abhors a
Therefore; if you sincerely desire to receive something
which is new; you must first make room for it by ridding
yourself of that which is old。 This is an ironclad law of life; and
yet; you might encounter one person in a thousand who truly
understands it。 Nevertheless; when you do encounter that one
person in a thousand; you will see before you; someone who
not only lives in extreme fort today; but someone who is
also moving ahead in life each day; and at a fairly rapid rate of
So put the law to the test in your own life。 Use the ideas
contained in the various chapters of this book and you will
find that the law works every timeit never fails。
Remove The Kinks From Your Mind
God never expresses Himself other than perfectly。
Therefore; whatever imperfection does exist; it is always the
result of our individual or collective modes of thinking。 Since
this is true; it is not necessary that you hold onto anything;
〃for fear of losing it。〃 In fact; the truth is; you will never truly
enjoy anything you must hold on to; because freedom in all
negative areas of your life is absolutely essential if you are to
grow into the truly great human being who you are quite
capable of one day being。 Stated slightly differently; we
can say that energy must flow through you freely without any
obstructions; if you are to achieve the good which you desire。
At this point you may be asking; 〃What are these
obstructions?〃 that I have been referring to。 Let me list some of
them。 They include doubt; guilt; resentment; and any
thoughts of lack or limitation。 They include any negative ideas
which have a tendency to block the flow of creative energy; to
and through you。 For example; you might very well be
attempting to get a beautiful image in your mind; which would
cause you to feel wonderful; and yet because of these
〃inhibitors;〃 as they are sometimes called; you end up with
nothing but frustration。
Your problem whether you realize it or not is that you
haven't created the space for the beautiful image which you
are trying to create。 Therefore; you must resolve yourself to let
go of all of these obstructions; to enable you to make a space
for the good you desire。
You should visualize your body as being an instrument
through which a nonphysical; creative energy flows。 You
should liken it to an ordinary garden hose; which you may be
using to water the garden at the back of your home。 Suppose;
for a moment; that you decide to water the flowerbed in the
front of your home。 In order to acplish this; you must drag
the hose to the front of the house。 But while you are dragging
it; suppose that you form a loop in the hose and as you pull on
itunbeknownst to youit kinks。
Although there is an abundance of water at the source;
the water will just be trickling out of the hose; a drop at a
time; onto the flower bed。 The reason for this is that the kink
is obstructing the flow of the water; which could; if it were
allowed to flow freely; actually breathe new life into the plants。
In a similar manner; these negative concepts which you
hold in your mind are obstructing the flow of energy which
could; if it were given a chance to; breathe new life into you
and into your results in life。
In the case of the garden hose; you would immediately
investigate to find the cause of the interrupted flow of water。
Once you found the kink; you would then proceed to remove
it; so the water could resume flowing freely in a steady stream。
Now; be aware of thisthe process that I have described
for the garden hose; is exactly the same process that you must
undertake; yourself; with respect to your marvelous mind。
That is to say; you must let go of all of the obstructions that
are hampering yourelease the mental kinksand you will
immediately find that there is no lack of creative energy at the
source。 In truth; there never has been any; and there never
will be any。 The mental kinks which you have carelesslyand
very likelyunconsciously built; are actually limiting the flow of
the lifegiving power which ultimately transforms your results
in life。
Each chapter in this book highlighted various concepts;
which you must begin to use; if you are to enjoy the benefits
that may be derived by simply permitting this power to flow
freely through you。 You have now read the entire book。 I would
like to suggest that you go back to the beginning of the book;
to pare the results you are presently obtaining in your life;
with the results you could obtain; were you to make proper
use of each idea。 Study each chapter very seriouslybut in a
relaxed stateand keep acting on each idea until it bees a
fixed part of your personality structure。
Remember; regardless of how the results of your life may
presently appear to you; you have truly been 〃Born Rich。〃
〃God's gift to you
is more talent and ability
than you will ever use in one lifetime。
Your gift to God
is to develop and utilize
as much of that talent and ability
as you can; in this lifetime。〃
Steve Bow
The Beginning
As far back as my memory will take me; there have been
people wanting to help me improve various aspects of my life。
For the first twentyfive years; I rejected most of this help; for
the past twentyfive years; I have gratefully accepted it。
Anything I have acplished of any consequence has been
largely due to the assistance of others。 Some of these people
whom I would like to recognize are:
Joe Farkas
Joe has bee a very close friend who has given me far
more than I could ever give back。 He has been largely
responsible for the pletion of this book。 Joe has spent
hundreds of hours polishing up my ideas; and has
transformed a few thousand pages of rough ideas into a
smoothflowing manuscript for the publisher。 As you read
each page; realize that a lot of Joe Farkas is blended into the
Lois Ward
On many occasions; I have stated that Lois has to be;
ost petent people I have
ever had the pleasure of working with。 Lois typed every page of
this book; over and over; many times。 There have been
thousands of edits and every time the page; or chapter; went
back to Lois for typing。 Not once did she plain。 Late
nights; early mornings and long weekends; she pounded away
on the keyboard and always with a smile。 We could all learn
something about attitude from Lois。 Joe and Lois actually did
the hard; gruelling; tiresome work to make this book possible。
Marguerite Proctor
My mother is an excellent example of what this book is
all about。 She has been a real inspiration to our entire family
and we all love her dearly。 When she had every reason to
believe I would never win; she kept telling me I could do
anything。 Those positive seeds she planted in the garden of my
subconscious mind; just had a long incubation period。 I would
have still been living in the dark were it not for her help。
Raymond Douglas Stanford
Ray was the best friend I will ever have。 Although Ray
has been gone for many years and I truly miss him; he
continues to influence me and my life。 Ray; and his wife Lynn;
had a tremendous impact on my development。 Ray was not
only wise; but he had a unique way of making a person see the
truth。 Many times he made me angry because of his candid
approach; but I will forever be grateful to him; because he
made me think。
Leland Val Van De Wall
My teacher; it almost appears as if Val has a direct line to
infinite intelligence; which is always open。 For almost 10
years; I spent hours every day studying human potential; and
yet it was still a puzzle in my mind。 It only took Val about two
hours to show me how to make the pieces fit together。 I have
learned more from him than from anyone else I have ever met。
I will forev