Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第29部分
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thing each morning。 In other words; if; instead of writing as I
do; try to simulate a sales presentation with an imaginary
prospect; or possibly with one of your associates。 (I used the
word simulate rather than role play; because the latter usually
turns out to be exactly what the word suggestsplay; and the
exercise often turns into a game。 The word simulate; on the
other hand; came into popular parlance when we learned how
astronauts prepared for their space missions。 When they were
simulating; they were actually preliving the inspace
experience; as if it were already happening。) Therefore; I would
suggest that if you practised your sales presentation in a
similar manner; every morningfor one or two hoursyou
would witness an incredible improvement in your
performance; in a relatively short span of time。 With a year or
two of diligent effort under your belt; you would bee so
proficient; you would rarely miss a sale。 So remember; 〃If the
need is there; and the means are there and you still haven't
made the sale; it is probably because you are not good
enough; yet!〃
A guaranteed way to bee 〃good enough;〃 is to do what
Dr。 DeVries prescribed: namely; 〃Rehearse; rehearse; and then
rehearse some more。〃 For in this manner; you will attain the
stature of a true professional; and of course; you will receive
the pensation a true professional deserves。 And; although
I am only suggesting you set aside one hour per day for
preparation; like the actors in Zanuck's movie; you will
probably be rewarded many times over。
Consider the following account。 Several years ago; I was
traveling through the southeastern United States with Rudy
Michaud; the Senior VicePresident of one of the world's
largest insurance panies。 Rudy had some papers out that
he was working on; as we were flying from one city to the next;
and I was also busy working on a project。 Suddenly Rudy
turned to me and showed me some figures he had written on a
sheet of paper。 He then pointed out to me: there were actually
individual salespeople; in his pany; who were earning
more money themselves; than the bined ines of the
thirty or forty people who constitute 〃a district sales
Do you think these individuals were really thirty or forty
times better than their colleagues? of course not! For like the
race horse ARMED; they were probably only three or four
percent more effective。 But in terms of annual ine; there
was absolutely no parison。 What made the difference for
them? Perhaps they planned their day; while others didn't; or
maybe they practised for that one hour; while the others did
not。 Nevertheless; whatever it was that they did; you can be
sure the difference was as fine as a Razor's Edge!
Now stop reading; sit back; relax; and think; really think
what is it in your life that will make the Razor's Edge
difference for you? You know what it is? Goodthen do it now!
Don't Think In Reverse
〃Let us not look back in anger
nor forward in fear
but around us in awareness。〃
Leland Val Van De Wall
You will never obtain any substantial measure of
material wealth if you insist upon living your life as if you were
looking back through the rearview mirror of your automobile。
Nevertheless; this seems to be a very mon error which
many people have turned into a pernicious habit。 That is to
say; many of us spend most of our present moments;
〃floundering mentally;〃 in the time zone of the dead and
shouldbefotten past。
Let The Dead Bury The Dead
Remember the old adage which says; 〃Let the dead bury
the dead。〃 In other words; what you want to do is to stop
looking back in your life and worrying about things which
have already occurred and which you can no longer alter。 For
pursuing that kind of mental activity will never lead to any
worthwhile acplishments in your life。 You should
understand; moreover; that all of the great achievers of the
past have been visionary figures; they were men and women
who projected into the future and did not belabor over things
which had already past。 They thought of what could be; rather
than what already was; and then they moved themselves into
action to bring these things into fruition。
Think of the magnificent legacy which these forward
thinking individuals have left for us living today。 Due to their
formidable efforts; we are now able to enjoy breakfast in Paris;
lunch in New York and dinner in Toronto。 We are now able to
live our lives in brightness and light (twentyfour hours a day
if we so desire)。 We can hear the voice of a loved one on the
other side of the ocean; merely by pressing some buttons on a
telephone。 All of these miraculous possibilities; and so much
more; are available to us; simply because ordinary human
beingslike you and mehave built extraordinary images on the
screen of their minds; of things which had never been before。
The pioneering spirit of men and women of all faiths;
creeds; and color has been put to great use。 Those
praiseworthy individuals were able to look into the future; to
see what could be rather than what already was; and then
they ignored those who scoffed and said; 〃It couldn't be done。〃
Also understand that all great achievers always expect to do
great things and then they turn around and do them! Do not
be misled by your sensory factorswe are endowed with the
same; basic mental tools which the Wright's; the Edison's and
the Bell's possessed; and we all have the Godgiven ability to
employ those tools; just as they did。 All of us have been
blessed with the mental capacity to gaze into the future and to
see our lives in a richer and much more satisfying state。
Therefore; regardless of the present circumstances in
which you find yourself; clearly understand that if you can
build the image of something new in your mind; something
that far surpasses anything that has occurred up until now;
you have the ability to realize that result in the physical world。
It could not be more clear; that all of us have been 〃Born
Rich〃; in the sense of having a magnificent Godgiven
potential; which we owe ourselves to nurture。
Just how great is this human potential?
Let's check with the experts。 Dr。 Alexander Rich;
Professor of Biophysics at M。I。T。; has estimated our central
nervous system contains from 10 to 100 million cells; each
one of which has a storage capacity equal to that of a large
puter。 If his estimates are even close to being correct; it
would imply that the human mind has the capacity to store all
of the known information in the worldwith room to spare!
Other specialists in the field of human creativity are
similarly convinced that all people have uncharted reservoirs
of untapped potential; locked up within the confines of their
incredible minds。 For example; Dr。W。 Ross Addey; of the Space
Biology Laboratory of the Brain Research Institute at U。C。L。A。;
has said that; 〃The ultimate creative capacity of your brain
may be; for all practical purposes; infinite。〃 One must
conclude; therefore; the more a person delves into the
potential of the human being; the more that person will
bee aware of how great he or she truly is; and the more
that person bees aware of his or her own potential; the
easier it will be to build images of ideas or things which have
never even been contemplated up until the present time。
Now; pause for just a moment and reflect upon the
degree to which you have been utilizing this incredible power
to improve the quality of your own life; and the lives of those
people who surround you。 If you know; for a fact; that you
have not been tapping into these great reservoirs of talent and
ability; then you should ask yourself very candidly why you
have not been。 For if you do this; you might just discover you
have been 〃telling yourself〃 for such a long period of time that
you can't do certain things; that you have actually
manufactured a genuine 〃mental block〃 in your own conscious
But; you should remove these mental blocks by putting
yourself into a very relaxed state and by then bei