Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第20部分
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Therefore; vibrations are certainly not something which
are new to us。 Indeed; all of us have an awareness of them。
However; the problem which we encounter is that the vast
majority of people are not aware of the connection between
their vibrations and their results in life。
It is; unfortunately; a very mon sight to see people in
bad or confused vibrations; busily attemptingthrough forceto
achieve good results。 However; due to the negative vibration
which they are in; they are continually being bombarded by all
manner of negative people and situations; which by law; are
being attracted to them。 Consequently; at some point; their
battle must bee overwhelming for them。
These people may be likened to a person who is jumping
off the top of a building; and trying to go up; at one and the
same time。 The result; in either case; would be equally
predictable and equally disastrous。
Everything Is Energy; Everything Vibrates
For you to gain a better awareness of how you are to take
control over your results (i。e。 to better understand how and
why the thoughts and things e into your life as they do);
you must go back to the basic premise with which we started:
namely; everything vibrates and nothing stands still。 There is;
in truth; no such thing as inertia。 Scientists today support
this thesis and every new scientific discovery tends to lend
even more credibility to it。
However; by virtue of your Free Will and the many other
mental factors in your marvelous mind; you have the Co
Creative ability to cause vibratory changes to take place at
your bidding in your life。 The cause for our lack of ability to
exercise this tremendous power for good is nothing other than
our own ignorance about the Law of Vibration。
Let There Be LightYour Connecting Link
Slowly but surely; let us see with our inner eye of
understanding; how you may 〃connect〃 with the good that you
desire; to improve the quality of your own life。
Two objects whose electromagic fields are the same
are operating on the same frequency。 Therefore; we can say
they are in resonance; in harmony; or in rapport。 When two
objects are in resonance or vibrating at the same speed; the
vibratory rate may be transmitted from one to the other
through the medium of the electron。 (〃Resonance〃 as a field of
study; is concerned with the electromagic fields
surrounding objects。)
For example; we find a globe in a chandelier will vibrate
when in resonance with a certain key on a piano; yet it will not
vibrate to any other note on the piano keyboard。
The two objects under discussion are posed of
entirely different material and they have pletely different
shapes。 Still; they are in resonance with one another; due to
the fact their ultimate magic fields are the same。 They are
within the same sphere of relative motion; and this holds true;
irrespective of their size; shape; or the elements of which they
are posed。
All electromagic s; have their own
particular rate or frequency; which corresponds to the number
of changes in direction they make per second。 The
electromagic wave spectrum is simply a 〃Scale of
Vibration;〃 and it is subdivided into specific regions。
Nevertheless; one must always remember these regions
are not actual divisions; but merely arbitrary spaces covering
frequencies that manifest in our senses in different ways。 Each
region actually 〃blends〃 into the one above and the one below;
and in truth; there are no definite lines of demarcation。
Everything Is An Expression Of The Same Thing
Everything in this entire universe is connected to
everything else in this entire universe; through the Law of
Vibration。 Just as the colors in a rainbow are connected in
such a way that you are not able to tell where one color stops
and the other begins; so too are you unable to distinguish
where one 〃thing〃 starts and another one stops。 Everything in
this universe is connected to everything else in this universe;
just as the water that boils is connected to the steam into
which it transmutes; and the steam is connected to the ether
or air into which it changes。
You too are connected to everything in the universe。
Whether you can see it with the naked eye or not is
unimportant。 The only physical difference which exists
between one thing and another; relates to the density or the
amplitude of their vibration。
Therefore; as soon as you choose certain thoughts; your
brain cells are affected。 These cells vibrate and send off
electromagic waves。 When you concentrate on those
thoughts; you increase the amplitude of vibration of those
cells; and the electric waves; in turn; bee much more
Know that it is you who is originating those electric
waves and know that you are also determining the density of
them by your own free will。 You must also know; since you are
originating these electric waves; your whole being is being put
in that particular vibration。
We have already covered the point that two objects may
be of entirely different material and shape; and yet still be in
Resonance。 This is due to the fact their ultimate magic
fields are the same; because they are within the same sphere
of relative motion。 (Keep in mind that resonance is the factor
governing the transmutation of vibrations。)
When you hold the image of your goal on the screen of
your mind; in the present tense; you are vibrating in harmony
(in resonance) with every particle of energy necessary for the
manifestation of your image on the physical plane。 By holding
that image; those particles of energy are moving toward you
(attraction) and you are moving toward thembecause that is
the law。
All things are merely manifestations of energy or Spirit。
When the world es to understand this great truth; we
will be aware that all people are the same; they only appear to
be different。 The true dividing lines for mankind are not
borders; color or language; but simply ignorance and its polar
opposite; understanding。
Know The Truth
And The Truth Will Set You Free。
Helping Others Feel Better
You automatically like people who cause you to feel good。
It would necessarily follow; therefore; that others will like you
when you cause them to feel good; or when you move them
into a more positive vibration。
Vibratory control of the body; mind and soul of a person
gives you a means for the restoration of positive vibrations;
through the medium of resonant electric waves of the brain
cells; from you to another person。
As already stated; the human body; including the brain;
is a highpowered electrical instrument。 Therefore; you are a
veritable 〃broadcasting station;〃 relative to other people。 When
the 〃tune in〃 between you and them has been pleted; or
when the posite personality has been established between
you and the other person; the other person receives and
bees conscious of the vibrating thought which is being
broadcast by you。
Under the Law Of The Perpetual Transmission And
Transmutation Of Energy; the other person; being a low
potential of energy; takes on this added energy which is being
sent out by you。 And; like a weak battery; the other person
bees recharged; more energetic; and more positive as a
result of his contact with you。
The process of transmitting energy between you and the
other person is exactly the same as the process which takes
place between the broadcasting station and the radio。 That is
to say; laws which are identical in nature; govern both
Vibrations And Attitude
Every physical thing throws off a vibration。 Everything
which you see; hear; smell; taste; or touch; throws off a
vibration because these things; like everything else; are in a
constant state of motion。 Whenever you get near enough to
them to enter into their 〃sphere of vibration;〃 you will be
affected by that vibration; whether you realize it or not。 Have
you ever noticed; for example; how peaceful you feel (vibrate)
while walking alone in the woods?
The Law operates exactly in the s