Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第16部分
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reasonand go your own way; the minute you recognize your
error and reaffirm your image; Spirit will pick up right where it
left off when you chose to take over the controls。 Then you will
instantaneously be back in the right vibration and on the
correct pathway; leading to success in life。
Follow the instructions below; to the letter。
First Principle
Relax and see yourself already in possession of the good
that you desire。
Second Principle
Let Go And Let God!
Expect An Abundance
〃The mind is a powerful mag and as such; it
attracts whatever corresponds to its ruling state。
Expectation dictates what that ruling state will be
and therefore governs what corresponds to the mind
and is attracted into your life。 Expectation can be
either a blessing or a curse but either way it is
certainly one of the most powerful unseen forces in
your life。〃
John Kanary
Public Speaker; Author; Entrepreneur
What are you doing to increase your ine?
If your answer to this question is 〃nothing〃 or if you are
just beginning to think seriously about what you could do; you
have probably not yet grasped the ideas presented in the
previous chapters。 You should be aware that the chapters in
this book resemble the individual pieces of a jigsaw puzzle。
Each chapter is related; one to the other; in such a way that if
we put them all together; we can see the entire picture。 Since
you are now well into the heart of the book; I would ask you to
pay particularly close attention to the ideas which follow; so
you can use them to successfully tie all the pieces together。
You will soon discover that if the ideas in this chapter are
applied with intelligence; Expectation can be the triggering
mechanism which attracts into your life; every good you
desire。 However; if you do not exercise extreme caution;
Expectation can also turn; just as rapidly; into a destructive;
lethal enemy。 Therefore; you must be cognizant of how you are
exercising this invisible; but powerful; force。
I believe you already understand you cannot have wealth
in your material world until you have first visualized the
wealth in your mind。 But what does this really mean? It
means that before any of us can even begin to overe the
poverty which surrounds us in our external world; we must
first conquer the impoverishment that is buried deep within
In the preceding pages; I explained how prosperity
properly understoodis simply the inward awareness of the
opulence; wholeness and pleteness that abounds within
the spiritual realm。 In other words; it is impossible to feel poor
when you are conscious of being enveloped in the protective
care of a loving God; universal spirit; or whatever else you may
wish to call the spiritualcenter of our universe。 Let me repeat
there never is; and there never has been any lack of supply
other than that which we have created for ourselves because
of our own limited awareness。
The Lightbulb Tale
The following story should help underscore this great
truth about your infinite source of supply。 Visualize; if you
will; a poor couple who have spent their entire lives living in
the 〃backwaters〃 of civilization。 Then imagine them suddenly
transported to a small village where; to their astonishment;
they discover that their new home is being lighted by
〃electricity。〃 Since they have had no previous experience with
that forcein fact they have never even seen an electric light
before; they are pletely mesmerized by the little eight
candlepower electric bulbs which light their home。
Several months pass by and eventually the couple start
to regard the lightbulbs as an accepted facet of modern life。
However; one day a smoothtalking salesman appears at their
door; telling them their eight candlepower electric bulbs are no
longer adequate for their needs。 He tells them they should buy
the new sixty candlepowered bulbs which have just 〃e on
the market。〃 Since the couple has now bee slightly more
adventuresome; they agree to let the salesman demonstrate
his 〃newfangled〃 product。 As soon as the new bulb is plugged
in and the electricity turned on; the couple bees transfixed
once again; for not only does the new bulb emit a light; it
actually illuminates the entire room。 Never in their wildest
fantasies had the couple ever imagined that the source of the
new flood of illumination had been there all the time。 Nor had
they realized this enormously increased light could originate
from the same current which fed their little eight candlepower
It's strange! We smile at the naiveté demonstrated by this
poor couple; but the truth is; most of us are even less aware of
our own power; than this couple was of the power of electric
current。 For like the couple in the story; we never even dream
that the infinite current which surrounds us could flood our
lives with a light more magnificent than the most powerful
light bulb ever devised。 We never grasp the simple truth that
all we need to do to improve our results is to plug a larger;
more prosperous idea into the infinite current of life。 Instead;
most of us strangle our supply with energyimpoverished
thoughts of doubt and fear; which entirely cutoff the inflow of
I want to exhort you; therefore; to resolve to change your
habitual pattern of thinking now。 That's right; change it now;
and remember; the stream of plenty always flows towards the
open; expectant mind。 You must understand you already have
in substance; if not in physical form; everything necessary to
produce prosperity in your material world。 The two
determining factors for you to attain the results you want are:
1。 desire; and
2。 expectation。
Up to this point you might have been living the way the
masses live their entire lives; simply because you are
harboring the false assumption that desire is the only thing
which you need to reach your goal。 But you must understand;
if your desire is not bined with the expectation that you
will receive what you desire; you will find yourself continually
frustrated and disappointed whenever you begin working
toward any kind of material goal。
When you cast your mind back over the experiences of
your own life; you will soon realize that whenever you did
reach a desired goal; you not only desired that goal but you
actually expected to attain it as well。
Let me repeat desire without expectation is nothing
more than wishful thinking and as we have already pointed
out; since the vast majority of people wish positive but expect
negative; they seldom attain what they are after。
In his magnificent book The Science of Getting Rich; the
author; Wallace D。 Wattles; gave us an excellent definition of
〃desire。〃 He said: 〃Desire is the effort of the unexpressed
possibility within seeking expression without through your
In other words; your ideal; dream or goal this wealth
you wish to see materialize can only bee a desire once it
has been properly planted in the subconscious mind。 However;
once your desire has been firmly established; it is the
expectant attitude which ensures that your goal or dream is
not uprooted or replaced by any opposing or peting ideas。
In an effort to help you kindle this expectant attitude
toward 〃real wealth;〃 let us journey together through some of
the preceding chapters in this book。 As you will remember; we
began by discussing 〃money。〃 We attempted to understand the
〃true nature〃 of money and we arrived at the conclusion it is a
〃useful; obedient servant。〃 However; like all servants; we
learned it is useful to us only when it is being employed。
Therefore; we concluded; money must always be kept working
or otherwise circulating。 For if it is not; as we have already
mentioned; it will bee as useless as old newspapers
stashed away in an attic。
Next; we explored the idea relating to exactly 〃how much
money you want。〃 You bee aware of the fact it is necessary
to be very specific about how much money you need; to
provide the things you want; to live in the style