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Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第14部分

小说: Born Rich-富贵门(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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with me his view of faith and more specifically; his explanation 
of why he personally seemed to possess such a cornucopia of 
this important attribute。 True to his nature; he explained to 
me he had not developed a plicated philosophy with 
respect to the subject。 He said everything he believed about 

Faith could be summarized in a simple definition; and it was 
this definition which gave him the strength he needed to 
endure the trials and tribulations in his own life。 〃Faith;〃 he 
said; 〃is the ability to see the invisible and believe in the 
incredible and that is what enables believers to receive what 
the masses think is impossible。〃 I have fallen in love with this 
particular definition and have shared it with countless 
numbers of people; since Clarence first shared it with me。 

Using a slightly different vocabulary; I would make the 
observation: 〃If you can show me a person who achieves great 
things; I can show you a person who has great faith in his 
Godgiven ability to achieve what he images。〃 In fact; there is 
absolutely no question in my mind that faith has always been 
the miracle worker throughout history。 It is the connecting 
link between God and You; and therefore; it is your most 
valuable nonphysical possession。 In truth; it is the 
cornerstone to everything you will ever build or achieve during 
the course of your entire lifetime。 

paratively few people today realize just how much 
faith in oneself (that part of oneself which is spiritual; perfect) 
has to do with achievement; because the great majority of 
people never seem to conceive of faith as being a genuine 
creative force。 Yet the truth is that not only is Faith a bona 
fide power; but it is the greatest one we will ever encounter。 In 
fact; I would go so far as to say that whatever you acplish 
in your lifetime; will be in direct proportion to the: 

1。 intensity; and 
2。 persistence of your faith。 

David And Goliath 

Consider; for example; the biblical story of David and 
Goliath; which surely must rank as one of the greatest 
testaments ever written on the subject of faith。 As you will 
recall; Goliath; the giant of Gath; came into the Israelite camp 
boasting pompously and taunting the Israelites to select a 
man to do battle with him。 The Israelites; naturally; were 

terrified and; not surprisingly; none of them leaped forward to 
accept the challenge。 

Sometime later; however; when Goliath returned to 
reiterate his challenge; David; an Israelite youth; overheard 
the giant's obnoxious boasting and he stepped forward to pick 
up the gauntlet。 Finally; after much pleading before his elders 
for the dubious honor of facing Goliath in battle; the youth 
was accorded the great 〃privilege〃 of going forth to do battle。 
The elders insisted; however; that David clothe himself in 
heavy protective armor。 They also gave him a sword with 
which to smite his powerful adversary。 But David said; 〃I am 
not used to these things; I cannot fight with these handicaps。 
These are not my weapons。 I have other weapons with which 
to fight the giant。〃 So he stripped himself of all his armor; and 
went into battle with no weapon other than a simple slingshot 
and a few pebbles which he had gathered from the nearby 

When the giant leader of the Philistines; protected as he 
was with armor from head to toe; armed with mighty weapons 
and preceded by his shieldbearer; saw the unarmed; 
unprotected Israelite youth approaching; he was infuriated。 He 
said to David; 〃e to me and I will give thy flesh unto the 
fowls of the air and to the beasts of the field。〃 Young David; 
however; never one to be intimidated; answered the giant 
saying; 〃Thou est to me with a sword and with a spear; 
and with a shield; but I e to thee in the name of the Lord 
of hosts; the God of the armies of Israel whom thou has defied。 
This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hands。〃 While the 
giant Goliath placed his faith in physical objects like armor; 
swords and shields; David placed his solely in an unseen God。 
The resultthe young Israelite shepherd defeated his far 
mightier foe! With nothing; save a single stone from his sling; 
David struck Goliath; and the giant fell lifeless to the ground。 

By accepting the principle 〃Let Go And Let God〃; and 
believing that whatever must happen for you to reach your 
goal; will happenlike Davidyou too will successfully conquer 

the 〃giant〃 in your life (i。e。 you will witness the physical 
manifestation of your image; and in the proper time)。 You see; 
the trouble with those of us who fail to achieve what we desire; 
is not that we lack the ability to do so; but that we lack the 
faith implicit in the 〃Let Go And Let God〃 principle; which 
dictates whatever is necessary for us to reach our goal will 
indeed occur。 

We do not believe we can simply tap into the great 
spiritual reservoir that lies within us; to make connection with 
divinity; allsupply; or whatever else you wish to call that 
power which sustains each one of us。 However; if you fail to 
make this connection in your own mind; or if you lack the 
divine selfconfidence born of faith in omnipotence; you will 
never be what you long to be; or have what you rightly deserve 
to have。 All of your prayers will return to you unanswered; 
your best efforts will bear no fruit and your negative attitudes 
will thwart the realization of your goal。 

A mind 〃saturated〃 with fear of failure or images of 
unwanted results; can no more acplish; create; or produce 
anything of value; than a stone can violate the law of gravity 
by flying upwards in the air。 You must realize the creator does 
not alter the law of gravity to acmodate a person who 
walks off the roof of a house。 (Even though the person may do 
it unconsciously or in a drugged state。) Similarly; the creative 
principle of the law of achievement cannot be violated with 
impunity。 Therefore; you will achieve what you desire; be what 
you long to be; only when you bee obedient to that 
inexorable law of life。 

To recapitulate  the first step in the creative process is to 
relax and see yourself already in possession of the good that 
you desire。 (Build the image。) The second step is toLet Go And 
Let God。 

In working with Spirit; it helps to focus on the truth that 
Spirit is in all places at all times。 Since this is so; it follows 
that you possess the godlike ability to tap into positive 
thoughts anytime you wish and anywhere you choose。 

Moreover; once you bee aware of your kinship with the 
creative power; that you are in truth a child of spirit; you 
cannot possibly be anything other than positive; forceful; 
radiant and selfreliant in your dealings with the world (a 
conqueror of those forces which would attempt to drag you 
down or hold you back)。 Once this happens; all the forces in 
the universe will e together to help you reach your goal or 
the manifestation of your Image。 Finally; gaining the 
understanding that you are made in the image of the creator of 
the universeand are a living part of eternal spiritwill 
ultimately transform the results that you are achieving in your 
life; every day。 

Another thing you should know about Spirit is that it is a 
power which is forever flowing into and through you (we also 
call this power 〃thought〃)。 But as Spirit or thought flows into 
you; you choose the image you will then form with it。 
Experiment for yourselfsit back; relax and then bee fully 
aware of this great creative capacity。 You can actually form 
one image or picture; after another; on the screen of your 
mind (images of things which already exist physically; like 
your car; your home; your place of business; or images of 
things that do not yet existsuch as your shortterm and long
term goals)。 

But the point I want to impress upon you now; is that 
although Spirit is the very essence of your being; it will never 
move into form or into an image; without your assistance。 So 
those people who sit back and do nothing; saying; 〃God will 
look after me;〃 are just fooling themselves。 For since it is true 
that God helps only those who first he

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