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Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第1部分

小说: Born Rich-富贵门(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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Every human being has been 〃Born Rich;〃 it's just that 
most people are temporarily a little short of money! This book 
has been written in an attempt to bridge the gap between 
where you currently are and where you want to be。 Step by 
step; chapter by chapter; it will help you piece together the 
puzzle we most often refer to as 〃life;〃 so you can build a 
picture of prosperity in your mind; and then go on to create 
that prosperity in your life。 Indeed; life is very much like the 
Rubic's Cube because we have all the right pieces; and all the 
right colors; but it is a frustrating; neverending process; 
trying to get them to fit together。 Inevitably; it seems; there are 
always at least one or two pieces we have left out。 

As you journey through this book; you will soon bee 
very aware I am not telling you anything you do not already 
know。 I am just expressing the ideas in an anized; coherent 
manner; which will enable you to achieve the results you have 
desired since you were first able to think。 Every day; all over 
the world; millions of 〃dreamers〃 purchase lottery tickets; 
wishing for someone to fortuitously pick their names; and drop 
a fortune into their laps。 These people never seem to 
understand that the real joy in life es not from having 
money handed to them on a 〃silver platter;〃 but from going out 
and actually earning it themselves。 Moreover; if the truth were 
known to you; you would realize that you already have the 
ability to achieve those things which you presently only dream 

Let this book prove to be your Aladdin's Lamp。 You have; 
in your hands; something which you have been searching for。 
This is a plana very simple planthat will take you from where 
you are; to where you want to be。 It is actually a deceptively 
simple plan。 But do not let its apparent simplicity deceive you; 
because each chapter contains an idea which will prove to be 
of enormous value。 These ideas are extremely effective。 I have 
personally put each and every one of them to a test over the 
past quarter of a century。 I have watched thousands of people; 

who have attended my seminars; put these ideas to a test as 
well。 I can tell you; therefore; from both my first and 
secondhand experiences; the results in many cases have been 

For example; individuals with barely enough resources to 
meet their basic needs have bee very wealthy。 Others; who 
had pressing problems which caused them to be unhappy and 
depressed; have literally transformed themselves into happy; 
wellbalanced individuals。 

Now you have the opportunity to put these ideas to the 
supreme test; in your own life。 What is it that you want? Know 
you can have ityou can have all of the things you wantbut 
you must clearly understand and apply all of the ideas I am 
about to present to you。 No amount of reading or memorizing 
will give you the success you desire。 It is only the 
understanding and application of rightthinking that counts。 
So; regardless of what I; or anyone else; might say; you are 
going to have to prove these ideas for yourself。 

I could have filled this book with scientific data; showing 
youin black and whiteexhaustive studies documenting the 
fact that these ideas actually do work。 However; other than 
possibly satisfying the analytical side of your mind; that sort of 
information would be of little practical use to you。 Although I 
do use many examples in the following pages which describe 
how individuals; or possibly families; have put these ideas to 
work and have explained the benefits which they have derived; 
I have deliberately omitted any scientific research; as I have 
found that it serves little purpose; from a practical; or result
oriented; point of view。 It will only slow you down and possibly 
cloud your thinking。 

This book has been written in such a way that it actually 
maps out a mental course for you to take to reach any 
objective that you would like to reach。 You can journey from 
one chapter to the next; each successive chapter lifting you to 
a greater awareness of yourselfyour true selfand of your true 
abilities。 You must; however; keep in the forefront of your 

mind one important fact: the rewards which you will receive in 
this life; material or psychic; will not e to you because of 
your potential but; rather; because of your performance。 

e with me and enjoy a sneak preview of the journey 
which you are about to take。 In the first chapter; 〃Me And 
Money;〃 we start to see what this elusive stuff called 〃money〃 
actually is。 We begin to relate to money as we should; and we 
develop an understanding of why all great thinking people 
burn a basic principle deep into the recesses of their mind: 
that is; 〃we should love people; and use money。〃 We also find 
out what happens to anyone who is careless enough to get 
that equation reversed。 This chapter will help you realize there 
is; in point of fact; no sin in great wealth。 On the contrary; it is 
your duty to bee wealthy。 

The second chapter; 〃How Much Is Enough;〃 will help 
you take a careful inventory of your thoughts and your true 
financial situation。 You will learn how to decide how much is 
enough for you。 You will discover that you should have the 
amount of money you need; to provide you with the things you 
want; and to live in the style you choose。 

When this decision has been made; you will be prepared 
to march into chapter three; 〃The ImageMaker。〃 You will gain 
the awareness that your entire life is governed by images。 It 
necessarily follows; then; that you should be acutely aware of 
the images you are building in your mind and you should also 
be aware of the necessity of building these images which will 
produce the results that will move you onward and upward; 
toward your desired destination。 You will begin to understand 
that you are; in truth; a cocreator。 Make certain that you 
often review what your responsibilit

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