神鸟电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 红字-the scarlet letter(英文版) >


红字-the scarlet letter(英文版)-第24部分

小说: 红字-the scarlet letter(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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ow of portraits; representing the forefathers ofthe Bellingham lineage; some with armour on their breasts; andothers with stately ruffs and robes of peace。 All were characterisedby the sternness and severity which old portraits so invariably puton; as if they were the ghosts; rather than the pictures; ofdeparted worthies; and were gazing with harsh and intolerant criticismat the pursuits and enjoyments of living men。  At about the centre of the oaken panels; that lined the hall; wassuspended a suit of mail; not; like the pictures; an ancestralrelic; but of the most modern date; for it had been manufactured bya skilful armourer in London; the same year in which GovernorBellingham came over to New England。 There was a steel headpiece; acuirass; a gorget; and greaves; with a pair of gauntlets and a swordhanging beneath; all; and especially the helmet and breastplate; sohighly burnished as to glow with white radiance; and scatter anillumination everywhere about upon the floor。 This bright panoplywas not meant for mere idle show; but had been worn by the Governor onmany a solemn muster and training field; and had glittered;moreover; at the head of a regiment in the Pequod war。 For; thoughbred a lawyer; and accustomed to speak of Bacon; Coke; Noye; andFinch; as his professional associates; the exigencies of this newcountry had transformed Governor Bellingham into a soldier; as well asa statesman and ruler。  Little Pearl… who was as greatly pleased with the gleaming armour asshe had been with the glittering frontispiece of the house… spent sometime looking into the polished mirror of the breastplate。  〃Mother;〃 cried she; 〃I see you here。 Look! Look!〃  Hester looked; by way of humouring the child; and she saw that;owing to the peculiar effect of this convex mirror; the scarlet letterwas represented in exaggerated and gigantic proportions; so as to begreatly the most prominent feature of her appearance。 In truth; sheseemed absolutely hidden behind it。 Pearl pointed upward; also; at asimilar picture in the head…piece; smiling at her mother; with theelfish intelligence that was so familiar an expression on her smallphysiognomy。 That look of naughty merriment was likewise reflectedin the mirror; with so much breadth and intensity of effect; that itmade Hester Prynne feel as if it could not be the image of her ownchild; but of an imp who was seeking to mould itself into Pearl'sshape。  〃e along; Pearl;〃 said she; drawing her away。 〃e and look intothis fair garden。 It may be; we shall see flowers there; morebeautiful ones than we find in the woods。〃  Pearl; accordingly; ran to the bow…window; at the farther end of thehall; and looked along the vista of a garden…walk; carpeted withclosely shaven grass; and bordered with some rude and immature attemptat shrubbery。 But the proprietor appeared already to haverelinquished; as hopeless; the effort to perpetuate on this side ofthe Atlantic; in a hard soil and amid the close struggle forsubsistence; the native English taste for ornamental gardening。Cabbages grew in plain sight; and a pumpkin vine; rooted at somedistance; had run across the intervening space; and deposited one ofits gigantic products directly beneath the hall…window; as if towarn the Governor that this great lump of vegetable gold was as richan ornament as New England earth would offer him。 There were a fewrose…bushes; however; and a number of apple…trees; probably thedescendants of those planted by the Reverend Mr。 Blackstone; the firstsettler of the peninsula; that half mythological personage; whorides through our early annals; seated on the back of a bull。  Pearl; seeing the rose…bushes; began to cry for a red rose; andwould not be pacified。  〃Hush; child; hush!〃 said her mother earnestly。 〃Do not cry; dearlittle Pearl! I hear voices in the garden。 The Governor is ing; andgentlemen along with him!〃  In fact; adown the vista of the garden avenue; a number of personswere seen approaching towards the house。 Pearl; in utter scorn ofher mother's attempt to quiet her; gave an eldritch scream; and thenbecame silent; not from any notion of obedience; but because the quickand mobile curiosity of her disposition was excited by theappearance of these new personages。                             VIII。                  THE ELF…CHILD AND THE MINISTER。  GOVERNOR BELLINGHAM; in a loose gown and easy cap… much as elderlygentlemen loved to endue themselves with; in their domestic privacy…walked foremost; and appeared to be showing off his estate; andexpatiating on his projected improvements。 The wide circumference ofan elaborate ruff; beneath his grey beard; in the antiquated fashionof King James' reign; caused his head to look not a little like thatof John the Baptist in a charger。 The impression made by his aspect;so rigid and severe; and frost…bitten with more than autumnal age; washardly in keeping with the appliances of worldly enjoyment wherewithhe had evidently done his utmost to surround himself。 But it is anerror to suppose that our grave forefathers… though accustomed tospeak and think of human existence as a state merely of trial andwarfare; and though unfeignedly prepared to sacrifice goods and lifeat the behest of duty… made it a matter of conscience to reject suchmeans of fort; or even luxury; as lay fairly within their grasp。This creed was never taught; for instance; by the venerable pastor;John Wilson; whose beard; white as a snow…drift; was seen overGovernor Bellingham's shoulder; while its wearer suggested thatpears and peaches might yet be naturalised in the New England climate;and that purple grapes might possibly be pelled to flourish;against the sunny garden…wall。 The old clergyman; nurtured at the richbosom of the English Church; had a long…established and legitimatetaste for all good and fortable things; and however stern hemight show himself in the pulpit; or in his public reproof of suchtransgressions as that of Hester Prynne; still; the genial benevolenceof his private life had won him warmer affection than was accordedto any of his professional contemporaries。  Behind the Governor and Mr。 Wilson came two other guests; one theReverend Arthur Dimmesdale; whom the reader may remember as havingtaken a brief and reluctant part in the scene of Hester Prynne'sdisgrace; and; in close panionship with him; old RogerChillingworth; a person of great skill in physic; who; for two orthree years past; had been settled in the town。 It was understood thatthis learned man was the physician as well as friend of the youngminister; whose health had severely suffered; of late; by his toounreserved self…sacrifice to the labours and duties of the pastoralrelation。  The Governor; in advance of his visitors; ascended one or two steps;and; throwing open the leaves of the great hall…window; foundhimself close to little Pearl。 The shadow of the curtain fell onHester Prynne; and partially concealed her。  〃What have we here?〃 said Governor Bellingham; looking with surpriseat the scarlet little figure before him。 〃I profess; I have never seenthe like; since my days of vanity; in old King James' time; when I waswont to esteem it a high favour to be admitted to a court mask!There used to be a swarm of these small apparitions; in holidaytime; and we called them children of the Lord of Misrule。 But howgat such a guest into my hall?〃  〃Ay; indeed!〃 cried good old Mr。 Wilson。 〃What little bird ofscarlet plumage may this be? Methinks I have seen just such figures;when the sun has been shining through a richly painted window; andtracing out the golden and crimson images across the floor。 But thatwas in the old land。 Prithee; young one; who art thou; and what hasailed thy mother to bedizen thee in this strange fashion? Art thou aChristian child… ha? Dost know thy catechism? Or art thou one of thosenaughty elfs or fairies; whom we thought to have left behind us;with other relics of Papistry; in merry old England?〃  〃I am mother's child;〃 answered the scarlet vision; 〃and my nameis Pearl!〃  〃Pearl?… Ruby; rather!… or Coral!… or Red Rose; at the very least;judging from thy hue!〃 responded the old minister; putting forth hishand in a vain attempt to pat little Pearl on the cheek。 〃But where isthis mother of thine? Ah! I see;〃 he added; and; turning to GovernorBellingham; w

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