神鸟电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 红字-the scarlet letter(英文版) >


红字-the scarlet letter(英文版)-第12部分

小说: 红字-the scarlet letter(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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 maidens ofold English birth and breeding; than in their fair descendants;separated from them by a series of six or seven generations; for;throughout that chain of ancestry; every successive mother hastransmitted to her child a fainter bloom; a more delicate andbriefer beauty; and a slighter physical frame; if not a character ofless force and solidity; than her own。 The women who were now standingabout the prison…door stood within less than half a century of theperiod when the man…like Elizabeth had been the not altogetherunsuitable representative of the sex。 They were her country…women; andthe beef and ale of their native land; with a moral diet not a whitmore refined; entered largely into their position。 The brightmorning sun; therefore; shone on broad shoulders and well…developedbusts; and on round and ruddy cheeks; that had ripened in thefar…off island; and had hardly yet grown paler or thinner in theatmosphere of New England。 There was; moreover; a boldness androtundity of speech among these matrons; as most of them seemed to be;that would startle us at the present day; whether in respect to itspurport or its volume of tone。  〃Goodwives;〃 said a hard…featured dame of fifty; 〃I'll tell ye apiece of my mind。 It would be greatly for the public behoof; if wewomen; being of mature age and church…members in good repute; shouldhave the handling of such malefactresses as this Hester Prynne。 Whatthink ye; gossips? If the hussy stood up for judgment before usfive; that are now here in a knot together; would she e off withsuch a sentence as the worshipful magistrates have awarded? Marry; Itrow not!〃  〃People say;〃 said another; 〃that the Reverend Master Dimmesdale;her godly pastor; takes it very grievously to heart that such ascandal should have e upon his congregation。〃  〃The magistrates are God…fearing gentlemen; but merciful overmuch…that is a truth;〃 added a third autumnal matron。 〃At the very least;they should have put the brand of a hot iron on Hester Prynne'sforehead。 Madam Hester would have winced at that; I warrant me。 Butshe… the naughty baggage… little will she care what they put uponthe bodice of her gown! Why; look you; she may cover it with a brooch;or such like heathenish adornment; and so walk the streets as brave asever!〃  〃Ah; but;〃 interposed; more softly; a young wife; holding a child bythe hand; 〃Let her cover the mark as she will; the pang of it willbe always in her heart。〃  〃What do we talk of marks and brands; whether on the bodice of hergown; or the flesh of her forehead?〃 cried another female; the ugliestas well as the most pitiless of these self…constituted judges。 〃Thiswoman has brought shame upon us all; and ought to die。 Is there notlaw for it? Truly there is; both in the Scripture and thestatute…book。 Then let the magistrates; who have made it of no effect;thank themselves if their own wives and daughters go astray!〃  〃Mercy on us; goodwife;〃 exclaimed a man in the crowd; 〃is thereno virtue in woman; save what springs from a wholesome fear of thegallows? That is the hardest word yet! Hush; now; gossips! for thelock is turning in the prison…door; and here es Mistress Prynneherself。〃  The door of the jail being flung open from within; there appeared;in the first place; like a black shadow emerging into sunshine; thegrim and grisly presence of the town…beadle; with a sword by his side;and his staff of office in his hand。 This personage prefigured andrepresented in his aspect the whole dismal severity of the Puritaniccode of law; which it was his business to administer in its finaland closest application to the offender。 Stretching forth the officialstaff in his left hand; he laid his right upon the shoulder of a youngwoman; whom he thus drew forward; until; on the threshold of theprison…door; she repelled him; by an action marked with naturaldignity and force of character; and stepped into the open air; as ifby her own free will。 She bore in her arms a child; a baby of somethree months old; who winked and turned aside its little face from thetoo vivid light of day; because its existence; heretofore; had broughtit acquainted only with the grey twilight of a dungeon; or otherdarksome apartment of the prison。  When the young woman… the mother of this child… stood fully revealedbefore the crowd; it seemed to be her first impulse to clasp theinfant closely to her bosom; not so much by an impulse of motherlyaffection; as that she might thereby conceal a certain token; whichwas wrought or fastened into her dress。 In a moment; however; wiselyjudging that one token of her shame would but poorly serve to hideanother; she took the baby on her arm; and; with a burning blush;and yet a haughty smile; and a glance that would not be abashed;looked around at her townspeople and neighbours。 On the breast ofher gown; in fine red cloth; surrounded with an elaborate embroideryand fantastic flourishes of gold thread; appeared the letter A。 It wasso artistically done; and with so much fertility and gorgeousluxuriance of fancy; that it had all the effect of a last andfitting decoration to the apparel which she wore; and which was of asplendour in accordance with the taste of the age; but greatlybeyond what was allowed by the sumptuary regulations of the colony。  The young woman was tall; with a figure of perfect elegance on alarge scale。 She had dark and abundant hair; so glossy that it threwoff the sunshine with a gleam; and a face which; besides beingbeautiful from regularity of feature and richness of plexion; hadthe impressiveness belonging to a marked brow and deep black eyes。 Shewas ladylike; too; after the manner of the feminine gentility of thosedays; characterised by a certain state and dignity; rather than by thedelicate; evanescent; and indescribable grace; which is now recognisedas its indication。 And never had Hester Prynne appeared more ladylike;in the antique interpretation of the term; than as she issued from theprison。 Those who had before known her; and had expected to behold herdimmed and obscured by a disastrous cloud; were astonished; and evenstartled; to perceive how her beauty shone out; and made a halo of themisfortune and ignominy in which she was enveloped。 It may be true;that; to a sensitive observer; there was something exquisitely painfulin it。 Her attire; which; indeed; she had wrought for the occasion; inprison; and had modelled much after her own fancy; seemed to expressthe attitude of her spirit; the desperate recklessness of her mood; byits wild and picturesque peculiarity。 But the point which drew alleyes; and; as it were; transfigured the wearer… so that both men andwomen; who had been familiarly acquainted with Hester Prynne; were nowimpressed as if they beheld her for the first time… was that SCARLETLETTER; so fantastically embroidered and illuminated upon her bosom。It had the effect of a spell; taking her out of the ordinary relationswith humanity; and enclosing her in a sphere by herself。  〃She hath good skill at her needle; that's certain;〃 remarked one ofher female spectators; 〃but did ever a woman; before this brazenhussy; contrive such a way of showing it! Why; gossips; what is it butto laugh in the faces of our godly magistrates; and make a pride outof what they; worthy gentlemen; meant for a punishment?〃  〃It were well;〃 muttered the most iron…visaged of the old dames; 〃ifwe stripped Madam Hester's rich gown off her dainty shoulders; andas for the red letter; which she hath stitched so curiously; I'llbestow a rag of mine own rheumatic flannel; to make a fitter one!〃  〃Oh; peace; neighbours; peace!〃 whispered their youngestpanion; 〃do not let her hear you! Not a stitch in thatembroidered letter; but she has felt it in her heart。〃  The grim beadle now made a gesture with his staff。  〃Make way; good people; make way; in the King's name!〃 cried he。〃Open a passage; and; I promise ye; Mistress Prynne shall be set whereman; woman; and child; may have a fair sight of her brave apparel;from this time till an hour past meridian。 A blessing on the righteousColony of the Massachusetts; where iniquity is dragged out into thesunshine! e along; Madam Hester; and show your scarlet letter inthe market…place!〃  A lane was forthwith opened through the crowd of spectators。Preceded by the beadle; and attended by

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