神鸟电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 蓝色特快上的秘密-蓝色列车之谜-蓝色列车(英文版) >



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 a hundred times before? She looked so peaceful lying there。 I left the partment as quietly as I could。〃 

〃Why lie about it to the police?〃 asked Katherine。 

〃Because I'm not a plete fool。 I've realized from the beginning that; from the point of view of motive; I'm the ideal murderer。 If I once admitted that I had been in her partment just before she was murdered; I'd do for myself once and for all。〃 

〃I see。〃 

Did she see? She could not have told herself。 She was feeling the magic attraction of Derek's personality; but there was something in her that resisted; that held back。。。 

〃Katherine …〃 


〃You know that I care for you。 Do … do you care for me?〃 

〃I … I don't know。〃 

Weakness there。 Either she knew or she did not know。 

If … if only … 

She cast a look round desperately as though seeking something that would help her。 A soft colour rose in her cheeks as a tall fair man with a limp came hurrying along the path towards them … Major Knighton。 

There was relief and an unexpected warmth in her voice as she greeted him。 

Derek stood up scowling; his face black as a thundercloud。 

〃Lady Tamplin having a flutter?〃 he said easily。 〃I must join her and give her the benefit of my system。〃 

He swung round on his heel and left them together。 Katherine sat down again。 Her heart was beating rapidly and unevenly; but as she sat there talking monplaces to the quiet; rather shy man beside her; her self…mand came back。 

Then she realized with a shock that Knighton also was laying bare his heart; much as Derek had done; but in a very different manner。 

He was shy and stammering。 The words came haltingly 。 

〃From the first moment I saw you … I … I ought not to have spoken so soon … but Mr Van Aldin may leave here any day; and I might not have another chance。 I know you can't care for me so soon … that is impossible。 I dare say it is presumption anyway on my part。 I have private means; but not very much … no; please don't answer now。 I know what your answer would be。 But in case I went away suddenly I just wanted you to know … that I care。〃 

She was shaken … touched。 His manner was so gentle and appealing。 

〃There's one thing more。 I just wanted to say that if … if you are ever in trouble; anything that I can do …〃 

He took her hand in his; held it tightly for a minute; then dropped it and walked rapidly away towards the Casino without looking back。 

Katherine sat perfectly still; looking after him。 Derek Kettering … Richard Knighton … two men so different … so very different。 There was something kind about Knighton; kind and trustworthy。 As to Derek … Then suddenly Katherine had a very curious sensation。 She felt that she was no longer sitting alone on the seat in the Casino gardens; but that someone was standing beside her; and that that someone was the dead woman; Ruth Kettering。 She had a further impression that Ruth wanted … badly … to tell her something。 The impression was so curious; so vivid; that it could not be driven away。 She felt absolutely certain that the spirit of Ruth Kettering was trying to convey something of vital importance to her。 The impression faded。 Katherine got up; trembling a little。 What was it that Ruth Kettering had wanted so badly to say? 

Chapter 27 


When Knighton left Katherine he went in search of Hercule Poirot; whom he found in the Rooms; jauntily placing the minimum stake on the even numbers。 As Knighton joined him; the number thirty…three turned up; and Poirot's stake was swept away。 

〃Bad luck!〃 said Knighton; 〃are you going to stake again?〃 

Poirot shook his head。 

〃Not at present。〃 

〃Do you feel the fascination of gambling?〃 asked Knighton curiously。 

〃Not at roulette。〃 

Knighton shot a swift glance at him。 His own face became troubled。 He spoke haltingly; with a touch of deference。 

〃I wonder; are you busy; M。 Poirot? There is something I would like to ask you about。〃 

〃I am at your disposal。 Shall we go outside? It is pleasant in the sunshine。〃 

They strolled out together; and Knighton drew a deep breath。

〃I love the Riviera;〃 he said。 〃I came here first twelve years ago; during the war; when I was sent to Lady Tamplin's Hospital。 It was like Paradise; ing from Flanders to this。〃

〃It must have been;〃 said Poirot。

〃How long ago the war seems now!〃 mused Knighton。

They walked on in silence for some little way。

〃You have something on your mind?〃 said Poirot。

Knighton looked at him in some surprise。

〃You are quite right;〃 he confessed。 〃 I don't know how you knew it; though。〃

〃It showed itself only too plainly;〃 said Poirot drily。

〃I did not know that I was so transparent。〃

〃It is my business to observe the physiognomy;〃 the little man explained; with dignity。

〃I will tell you; M。 Poirot。 You have heard of this dancer woman … Mirelle?'' 

〃She who is the chère amie of M。 Derek Kettering?〃

〃Yes; that is the one; and; knowing this; you will understand that Mr。 Van Aldin is naturally prejudiced against her。 She wrote to him; asking for an interview。 He told me to dictate a curt refusal; which of course I did。 This morning she came to the hotel and sent up her card; saying that it was urgent and vital that she should see Mr。 Van Aldin at once。〃

〃You interest me;〃 said Poirot。

〃Mr。 Van Aldin was furious。 He told me what message to send down to her。 I ventured to disagree with him。 It seemed to me both likely and probable that this woman Mirelle might give us valuable information。 We know that she was on the Blue Train; and she may have seen or heard something that it might be vital for us to know。 Don't you agree with me; M。 Poirot?〃

〃I do;〃 said Poicot drily。 〃M。 Van Aldin; if I may say so; behaved exceedingly foolishly。〃

〃I am glad you take that view of the matter;〃 said the secretary。 〃Now I am going to tell you something; M。 Poirot。 So strongly did I feel the unwisdom of Mr。 Van Aidin's attitude that I went down privately and had an interview with the lady。〃

〃Eh bien?〃 

〃The difficulty was that she insisted on seeing Mr Van Aldin himself。 I softened his message as much as I possibly could。 In fact … to be candid … I gave it in a very different form。 I said that Mr Van Aldin was too busy to see her at present; but that she might make any munication she wished to me。 That; however; she could not bring herself to do; and she left without saying anything further。 But I have a strong impression; M。 Poirot that that woman knows something。〃 

〃This is serious;〃 said Poirot quietly。 〃You know where she is staying?〃 

〃Yes。〃 Knighton mentioned the name of the hotel。 

〃Good;〃 said Poirot; 〃we will go there immediately。〃 

The secretary looked doubtful。 

〃And Mr Van Aldin?〃 he queried doubtfully。 

〃M。 Van Aldin is an obstinate man;〃 said Poirot drily。 〃I do not argue with obstinate men。 I act in spite of them。 We will go and see the lady immediately。 I will tell her that you are empowered by M。 Van Aldin to act for him; and you will guard yourself well from contradicting me。〃 

Knighton still looked slightly doubtful; but Poirot took no notice of his hesitation。 

At the hotel; they were told that Mademoiselle was in; and Poirot sent up both his and Knighton's cards; with 〃From Mr Van Aldin〃 pencilled upon them。 

Word came down that Mademoiselle Mirelle would receive them。 

When they were ushered into the dancer's apartments; Poirot immediately took the lead。 

〃Mademoiselle;〃 he murmured; bowing very low; 〃we are here on behalf of M。 Van Aldin。〃 

〃Ah! And why did he not e himself?〃 

〃He is indisposed;〃 said Poirot mendaciously; 〃the Riviera throat; it has him in its grip; but me; I am empowered to act for him; as is Major Knighton; his secretary。 Unless; of course; Mademoiselle would prefer to wait a fortnight or so。〃 

If there was one thing of which Poirot was tolerably certain; it was that to a temperament such as Mirelle's the mere word 〃wait〃 was anathema。 

〃Eh bien; I will speak; Messieurs;〃 she cried。 〃I have been patient。 I have held my hand。 And for what? That I should be insulted! Yes; insulted! Ah! Does he think to treat Mirelle like that? To throw her off like an old glove。 I tell you nev

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