神鸟电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > little dorrit-信丽(英文版) >


little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第24部分

小说: little dorrit-信丽(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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in a saucer; were not wanting。

She started; coloured deeply; and turned white。 The visitor; more with
his eyes than by the slight impulsive motion of his hand; entreated her
to be reassured and to trust him。

'I found this gentleman;' said the uncle……'Mr Clennam; William; son of
Amy's friend……at the outer gate; wishful; as he was going by; of paying
his respects; but hesitating whether to e in or not。 This is my
brother William; sir。'

'I hope;' said Arthur; very doubtful what to say; 'that my respect for
your daughter may explain and justify my desire to be presented to you;

'Mr Clennam;' returned the other; rising; taking his cap off in the
flat of his hand; and so holding it; ready to put on again; 'you do me
honour。 You are wele; sir;' with a low bow。 'Frederick; a chair。 Pray
sit down; Mr Clennam。'

He put his black cap on again as he had taken it off; and resumed his
own seat。 There was a wonderful air of benignity and patronage in his
manner。 These were the ceremonies with which he received the collegians。

'You are wele to the Marshalsea; sir。 I have weled many gentlemen
to these walls。 Perhaps you are aware……my daughter Amy may have
mentioned that I am the Father of this place。'

'I……so I have understood;' said Arthur; dashing at the assertion。

'You know; I dare say; that my daughter Amy was born here。 A good girl;
sir; a dear girl; and long a fort and support to me。 Amy; my dear;
put this dish on; Mr Clennam will excuse the primitive customs to which
we are reduced here。 Is it a pliment to ask you if you would do me
the honour; sir; to……'

'Thank you;' returned Arthur。 'Not a morsel。'

He felt himself quite lost in wonder at the manner of the man; and that
the probability of his daughter's having had a reserve as to her family
history; should be so far out of his mind。

She filled his glass; put all the little matters on the table ready to
his hand; and then sat beside him while he ate his supper。 Evidently in
observance of their nightly custom; she put some bread before herself;
and touched his glass with her lips; but Arthur saw she was troubled
and took nothing。 Her look at her father; half admiring him and proud
of him; half ashamed for him; all devoted and loving; went to his inmost

The Father of the Marshalsea condescended towards his brother as an
amiable; well…meaning man; a private character; who had not arrived at
distinction。 'Frederick;' said he; 'you and Fanny sup at your lodgings
to…night; I know。 What have you done with Fanny; Frederick?' 'She is
walking with Tip。'

'Tip……as you may know……is my son; Mr Clennam。 He has been a little
wild; and difficult to settle; but his introduction to the world was
rather'……he shrugged his shoulders with a faint sigh; and looked round
the room……'a little adverse。 Your first visit here; sir?'

'My first。'

'You could hardly have been here since your boyhood without my
knowledge。 It very seldom happens that anybody……of any pretensions…any
pretensions……es here without being presented to me。'

'As many as forty or fifty in a day have been introduced to my brother;'
said Frederick; faintly lighting up with a ray of pride。

'Yes!' the Father of the Marshalsea assented。 'We have even exceeded
that number。 On a fine Sunday in term time; it is quite a Levee……quite
a Levee。 Amy; my dear; I have been trying half the day to remember the
name of the gentleman from Camberwell who was introduced to me last
Christmas week by that agreeable coal…merchant who was remanded for six

'I don't remember his name; father。'

'Frederick; do you remember his name?' Frederick doubted if he had ever
heard it。 No one could doubt that Frederick was the last person upon
earth to put such a question to; with any hope of information。

'I mean;' said his brother; 'the gentleman who did that handsome action
with so much delicacy。 Ha! Tush! The name has quite escaped me。 Mr
Clennam; as I have happened to mention handsome and delicate action; you
may like; perhaps; to know what it was。'

'Very much;' said Arthur; withdrawing his eyes from the delicate head
beginning to droop and the pale face with a new solicitude stealing over

'It is so generous; and shows so much fine feeling; that it is almost a
duty to mention it。 I said at the time that I always would mention it
on every suitable occasion; without regard to personal sensitiveness。
A……well……a……it's of no use to disguise the fact……you must know; Mr
Clennam; that it does sometimes occur that people who e here desire
to offer some little……Testimonial……to the Father of the place。'

To see her hand upon his arm in mute entreaty half…repressed; and her
timid little shrinking figure turning away; was to see a sad; sad sight。

'Sometimes;' he went on in a low; soft voice; agitated; and clearing
his throat every now and then; 'sometimes……hem……it takes one shape and
sometimes another; but it is generally……ha……Money。 And it is; I cannot
but confess it; it is too often……hem……acceptable。 This gentleman that I
refer to; was presented to me; Mr Clennam; in a manner highly gratifying
to my feelings; and conversed not only with great politeness; but with
great……ahem……information。' All this time; though he had finished his
supper; he was nervously going about his plate with his knife and
fork; as if some of it were still before him。 'It appeared from his
conversation that he had a garden; though he was delicate of mentioning
it at first; as gardens are……hem……are not accessible to me。 But it came
out; through my admiring a very fine cluster of geranium……beautiful
cluster of geranium to be sure……which he had brought from his
conservatory。 On my taking notice of its rich colour; he showed me a
piece of paper round it; on which was written; 〃For the Father of the
Marshalsea;〃 and presented it to me。 But this was……hem……not all。 He made
a particular request; on taking leave; that I would remove the paper in
half an hour。 I……ha……I did so; and I found that it contained……ahem……two
guineas。 I assure you; Mr Clennam; I have received……hem……Testimonials
in many ways; and of many degrees of value; and they have always
been……ha……unfortunately acceptable; but I never was more pleased than
with this……ahem……this particular Testimonial。' Arthur was in the act
of saying the little he could say on such a theme; when a bell began to
ring; and footsteps approached the door。 A pretty girl of a far better
figure and much more developed than Little Dorrit; though looking much
younger in the face when the two were observed together; stopped in the
doorway on seeing a stranger; and a young man who was with her; stopped

'Mr Clennam; Fanny。 My eldest daughter and my son; Mr Clennam。 The bell
is a signal for visitors to retire; and so they have e to say good
night; but there is plenty of time; plenty of time。 Girls; Mr Clennam
will excuse any household business you may have together。 He knows; I
dare say; that I have but one room here。'

'I only want my clean dress from Amy; father;' said the second girl。

'And I my clothes;' said Tip。

Amy opened a drawer in an old piece of furniture that was a chest of
drawers above and a bedstead below; and produced two little bundles;
which she handed to her brother and sister。 'Mended and made up?'
Clennam heard the sister ask in a whisper。 To which Amy answered 'Yes。'
He had risen now; and took the opportunity of glancing round the room。
The bare walls had been coloured green; evidently by an unskilled hand;
and were poorly decorated with a few prints。 The window was curtained;
and the floor carpeted; and there were shelves and pegs; and other such
conveniences; that had accumulated in the course of years。 It was a
close; confined room; poorly furnished; and the chimney smoked to boot;
or the tin screen at the top of the fireplace was superfluous; but
constant pains and care had made it neat; and even; after its kind;
fortable。 All the while the bell was ringing; and the uncle was
anxious to go。 'e; Fanny; e; Fanny;' he said; with his ragged
clario case under his arm; 'the lock; child; the lock!'

Fanny bade her father good night; and whisked off airily。 Tip had
already clatte

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