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little dorrit-佚洗(哂猟井)-及233何蛍

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in the world to manage a thing of this sort。 I don't know what I should
have done if I had been in the diplomatic line´´right察perhaps The long
and short of it is察Arthur察we have both been in England this fortnight。
And if you go on to ask where Doyce is at the present moment察why察my
plain answer is´´here he is And now I can breathe again at last'

Doyce darted in from behind the door察caught Arthur by both hands察and
said the rest for himself。

'There are only three branches of my subject察my dear Clennam' said
Doyce察proceeding to mould them severally察with his plastic thumb察on
the palm of his hand察'and they're soon disposed of。 First察not a word
more from you about the past。 There was an error in your calculations。
I know what that is。 It affects the whole machine察and failure is the
consequence。 You will profit by the failure察and will avoid it another
time。 I have done a similar thing myself察in construction察often。 Every
failure teaches a man something察if he will learn察and you are too
sensible a man not to learn from this failure。 So much for firstly。
Secondly。 I was sorry you should have taken it so heavily to heart察and
reproached yourself so severely察I was travelling home night and day
to put matters right察with the assistance of our friend察when I fell in
with our friend as he has informed you。 Thirdly。 We two agreed察that
after what you had undergone察after your distress of mind察and after
your illness察it would be a pleasant surprise if we could so far keep
quiet as to get things perfectly arranged without your knowledge察and
then e and say that all the affairs were smooth察that everything was
right察that the business stood in greater want of you than ever it did
and that a new and prosperous career was opened before you and me as
partners。 That's thirdly。 But you know we always make an allowance for
friction察and so I have reserved space to close in。 My dear Clennam
I thoroughly confide in you察you have it in your power to be quite as
useful to me as I have察or have had察it in my power to be useful to you
your old place awaits you察and wants you very much察there is nothing to
detain you here one half´hour longer。'

There was silence察which was not broken until Arthur had stood for some
time at the window with his back towards them察and until his little wife
that was to be had gone to him and stayed by him。

'I made a remark a little while ago' said Daniel Doyce then察'which I
am inclined to think was an incorrect one。 I said there was nothing
to detain you here察Clennam察half an hour longer。 Am I mistaken in
supposing that you would rather not leave here till to´morrow morning
Do I know察without being very wise察where you would like to go察direct
from these walls and from this room'

'You do' returned Arthur。 'It has been our cherished purpose。'

'Very well' said Doyce。 'Then察if this young lady will do me the honour
of regarding me for four´and´twenty hours in the light of a father察and
will take a ride with me now towards Saint Paul's Churchyard察I dare say
I know what we want to get there。'

Little Dorrit and he went out together soon afterwards察and Mr Meagles
lingered behind to say a word to his friend。

'I think察Arthur察you will not want Mother and me in the morning and
we will keep away。 It might set Mother thinking about Pet察she's a
soft´hearted woman。 She's best at the Cottage察and I'll stay there and
keep her pany。'

With that they parted for the time。 And the day ended察and the night
ended察and the morning came察and Little Dorrit察simply dressed as usual
and having no one with her but Maggy察came into the prison with the
sunshine。 The poor room was a happy room that morning。 Where in the
world was there a room so full of quiet joy

'My dear love' said Arthur。 'Why does Maggy light the fire拭We shall be
gone directly。'

'I asked her to do it。 I have taken such an odd fancy。 I want you to
burn something for me。'


'Only this folded paper。 If you will put it in the fire with your own
hand察just as it is察my fancy will be gratified。'

'Superstitious察darling Little Dorrit拭Is it a charm'

'It is anything you like best察my own' she answered察laughing with
glistening eyes and standing on tiptoe to kiss him察'if you will only
humour me when the fire burns up。'

So they stood before the fire察waiting此Clennam with his arm about her
waist察and the fire shining察as fire in that same place had often shone
in Little Dorrit's eyes。 'Is it bright enough now' said Arthur。 'Quite
bright enough now' said Little Dorrit。 'Does the charm want any words
to be said' asked Arthur察as he held the paper over the flame。 'You can
say if you don't mind ;I love you ' answered Little Dorrit。 So he said
it察and the paper burned away。

They passed very quietly along the yard察for no one was there察though
many heads were stealthily peeping from the windows。

Only one face察familiar of old察was in the Lodge。 When they had both
accosted it察and spoken many kind words察Little Dorrit turned back one
last time with her hand stretched out察saying察'Good´bye察good John I
hope you will live very happy察dear'

Then they went up the steps of the neighbouring Saint George's Church
and went up to the altar察where Daniel Doyce was waiting in his paternal
character。 And there was Little Dorrit's old friend who had given her
the Burial Register for a pillow察full of admiration that she should
e back to them to be married察after all。

And they were married with the sun shining on them through the painted
figure of Our Saviour on the window。 And they went into the very room
where Little Dorrit had slumbered after her party察to sign the Marriage
Register。 And there察Mr Pancks察。destined to be chief clerk to Doyce and
Clennam察and afterwards partner in the house察sinking the Incendiary
in the peaceful friend察looked in at the door to see it done察with Flora
gallantly supported on one arm and Maggy on the other察and a back´ground
of John Chivery and father and other turnkeys who had run round for the
moment察deserting the parent Marshalsea for its happy child。 Nor had
Flora the least signs of seclusion upon her察notwithstanding her recent
declaration察but察on the contrary察was wonderfully smart察and enjoyed
the ceremonies mightily察though in a fluttered way。

Little Dorrit's old friend held the inkstand as she signed her name察and
the clerk paused in taking off the good clergyman's surplice察and all
the witnesses looked on with special interest。 'For察you see' said
Little Dorrit's old friend察'this young lady is one of our curiosities
and has e now to the third volume of our Registers。 Her birth is in
what I call the first volume察she lay asleep察on this very floor
with her pretty head on what I call the second volume察and she's now
a´writing her little name as a bride in what I call the third volume。'

They all gave place when the signing was done察and Little Dorrit and her
husband walked out of the church alone。 They paused for a moment on the
steps of the portico察looking at the fresh perspective of the street in
the autumn morning sun's bright rays察and then went down。

Went down into a modest life of usefulness and happiness。 Went down
to give a mother's care察in the fulness of time察to Fanny's neglected
children no less than to their own察and to leave that lady going into
Society for ever and a day。 Went down to give a tender nurse and friend
to Tip for some few years察who was never vexed by the great exactions he
made of her in return for the riches he might have given her if he had
ever had them察and who lovingly closed his eyes upon the Marshalsea
and all its blighted fruits。 They went quietly down into the roaring
streets察inseparable and blessed察and as they passed along in sunshine
and shade察the noisy and the eager察and the arrogant and the froward and
the vain察fretted and chafed察and made their usual uproar。



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