神鸟电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > little dorrit-信丽(英文版) >


little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第164部分

小说: little dorrit-信丽(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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too; I am sure; for bearing us in mind so kindly。'

Mr Plornish deeming it incumbent on him; as host; to add his personal
acknowledgments; tendered them in the form which always expressed his
highest ideal of a bination of ceremony with sincerity。

'John Edward Nandy;' said Mr Plornish; addressing the old gentleman。
'Sir。 It's not too often that you see unpretending actions without a
spark of pride; and therefore when you see them give grateful honour
unto the same; being that if you don't; and live to want 'em; it follows
serve you right。'

To which Mr Nandy replied:

'I am heartily of your opinion; Thomas; and which your opinion is the
same as mine; and therefore no more words and not being backwards
with that opinion; which opinion giving it as yes; Thomas; yes; is the
opinion in which yourself and me must ever be unanimously jined by all;
and where there is not difference of opinion there can be none but one
opinion; which fully no; Thomas; Thomas; no!'

Arthur; with less formality; expressed himself gratified by their high
appreciation of so very slight an attention on his part; and explained
as to the tea that he had not yet dined; and was going straight home to
refresh after a long day's labour; or he would have readily accepted the
hospitable offer。 As Mr Pancks was somewhat noisily getting his steam
up for departure; he concluded by asking that gentleman if he would walk
with him? Mr Pancks said he desired no better engagement; and the two
took leave of Happy Cottage。

'If you will e home with me; Pancks;' said Arthur; when they got into
the street; 'and will share what dinner or supper there is; it will
be next door to an act of charity; for I am weary and out of sorts

'Ask me to do a greater thing than that;' said Pancks; 'when you want it
done; and I'll do it。'

Between this eccentric personage and Clennam; a tacit understanding and
accord had been always improving since Mr Pancks flew over Mr Rugg's
back in the Marshalsea Yard。 When the carriage drove away on the
memorable day of the family's departure; these two had looked after it
together; and had walked slowly away together。 When the first letter
came from little Dorrit; nobody was more interested in hearing of
her than Mr Pancks。 The second letter; at that moment in Clennam's
breast…pocket; particularly remembered him by name。 Though he had never
before made any profession or protestation to Clennam; and though what
he had just said was little enough as to the words in which it was
expressed; Clennam had long had a growing belief that Mr Pancks; in
his own odd way; was being attached to him。 All these strings
intertwining made Pancks a very cable of anchorage that night。

'I am quite alone;' Arthur explained as they walked on。 'My partner is
away; busily engaged at a distance on his branch of our business; and
you shall do just as you like。'

'Thank you。 You didn't take particular notice of little Altro just now;
did you?' said Pancks。

'No。 Why?'

'He's a bright fellow; and I like him;' said Pancks。 'Something has
gone amiss with him to…day。 Have you any idea of any cause that can have
overset him?'

'You surprise me! None whatever。'

Mr Pancks gave his reasons for the inquiry。 Arthur was quite unprepared
for them; and quite unable to suggest an explanation of them。

'Perhaps you'll ask him;' said Pancks; 'as he's a stranger?'

'Ask him what?' returned Clennam。

'What he has on his mind。'

'I ought first to see for myself that he has something on his mind; I
think;' said Clennam。 'I have found him in every way so diligent; so
grateful (for little enough); and so trustworthy; that it might look
like suspecting him。 And that would be very unjust。'

'True;' said Pancks。 'But; I say! You oughtn't to be anybody's
proprietor; Mr Clennam。 You're much too delicate。' 'For the matter of
that;' returned Clennam laughing; 'I have not a large proprietary share
in Cavalletto。 His carving is his livelihood。 He keeps the keys of
the Factory; watches it every alternate night; and acts as a sort of
housekeeper to it generally; but we have little work in the way of his
ingenuity; though we give him what we have。 No! I am rather his adviser
than his proprietor。 To call me his standing counsel and his banker
would be nearer the fact。 Speaking of being his banker; is it not
curious; Pancks; that the ventures which run just now in so many
people's heads; should run even in little Cavalletto's?'

'Ventures?' retorted Pancks; with a snort。 'What ventures?'

'These Merdle enterprises。'

'Oh! Investments;' said Pancks。 'Ay; ay! I didn't know you were speaking
of investments。' His quick way of replying caused Clennam to look
at him; with a doubt whether he meant more than he said。 As it was
acpanied; however; with a quickening of his pace and a corresponding
increase in the labouring of his machinery; Arthur did not pursue the
matter; and they soon arrived at his house。

A dinner of soup and a pigeon…pie; served on a little round table before
the fire; and flavoured with a bottle of good wine; oiled Mr Pancks's
works in a highly effective manner; so that when Clennam produced his
Eastern pipe; and handed Mr Pancks another Eastern pipe; the latter
gentleman was perfectly fortable。

They puffed for a while in silence; Mr Pancks like a steam…vessel
with wind; tide; calm water; and all other sea…going conditions in her
favour。 He was the first to speak; and he spoke thus:

'Yes。 Investments is the word。'

Clennam; with his former look; said 'Ah!'

'I am going back to it; you see;' said Pancks。

'Yes。 I see you are going back to it;' returned Clennam; wondering why。

'Wasn't it a curious thing that they should run in little Altro's head?
Eh?' said Pancks as he smoked。 'Wasn't that how you put it?'

'That was what I said。'

'Ay! But think of the whole Yard having got it。 Think of their
all meeting me with it; on my collecting days; here and there and
everywhere。 Whether they pay; or whether they don't pay。 Merdle; Merdle;
Merdle。 Always Merdle。'

'Very strange how these runs on an infatuation prevail;' said Arthur。

'An't it?' returned Pancks。 After smoking for a minute or so; more drily
than ported with his recent oiling; he added: 'Because you see these
people don't understand the subject。'

'Not a bit;' assented Clennam。

'Not a bit;' cried Pancks。 'Know nothing of figures。 Know nothing of
money questions。 Never made a calculation。 Never worked it; sir!'

'If they had……' Clennam was going on to say; when Mr Pancks; without
change of countenance; produced a sound so far surpassing all his usual
efforts; nasal or bronchial; that he stopped。

'If they had?' repeated Pancks in an inquiring tone。

'I thought you……spoke;' said Arthur; hesitating what name to give the

'Not at all;' said Pancks。 'Not yet。 I may in a minute。 If they had?'

'If they had;' observed Clennam; who was a little at a loss how to take
his friend; 'why; I suppose they would have known better。'

'How so; Mr Clennam?' Pancks asked quickly; and with an odd effect of
having been from the mencement of the conversation loaded with the
heavy charge he now fired off。 'They're right; you know。 They don't mean
to be; but they're right。'

'Right in sharing Cavalletto's inclination to speculate with Mr Merdle?'

'Per…fectly; sir;' said Pancks。 'I've gone into it。 I've made the
calculations。 I've worked it。 They're safe and genuine。' Relieved by
having got to this; Mr Pancks took as long a pull as his lungs would
permit at his Eastern pipe; and looked sagaciously and steadily at
Clennam while inhaling and exhaling too。

In those moments; Mr Pancks began to give out the dangerous infection
with which he was laden。 It is the manner of municating these
diseases; it is the subtle way in which they go about。

'Do you mean; my good Pancks;' asked Clennam emphatically; 'that you
would put that thousand pounds of yours; let us say; for instance; out
at this kind of interest?'

'Certainly;' said Pancks。 'Already done it; sir。'

Mr Pancks took another long inhalation; another long exhalation; another
long sagacious look at Clennam。

'I tell you;

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