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小说: 美丽英文:推开生活之门 字数: 每页4000字

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  15。 和君子交友困难,与小人交友容易。难以结交的朋友不容易拆散;容易结交的朋友则容易分散。
  16。 平常是好友,因为小小的利害就反目成仇。这是由于交友的动机不纯。假如动机纯粹,两人就能同甘苦,共患难。
  17。 交友的目的只此一个:他有长处,我向他学习;我有特长,则教授于他。教即学,学即教,正所谓取长补短。假如他的长处不值得我学习,而他身上的缺点我又无力改变,那么我们整天待在一起说笑娱乐,就是在白白浪费时间。
  18。 与人结交,就不要中断与他的友谊。纵然恢复了,也不会像曾经那样亲密无间。玉器破裂,能够粘补,如此一来,既不美观,也不牢固,已经失去了它原有的价值。
  19。 聪明人想要与假朋友脱离关系,会逐渐地疏远他,而不是突然断绝与他的来往。
  20. 古代西方的国王亚历山大在战事紧急的时刻亲自上战场迎敌。其中一个大臣劝阻他说:“战场上危机四伏,您如何保证自己的安全?” 国王回答:“你帮我驱散假朋友,我来抵御公开的敌人。”
  On Friendship
  1。 A friend should relate to a friend as to oneself; because a friend is another self。
  2。 A friend and I; although we have two separate bodies; are of one mind。
  3。 In easy times it is difficult to tell true friends from false ones。 In hard times the nature of a friendship is revealed。 In hard times a true friend draws closer; while a false one turns away。
  4。 Before making friends; we should first judge; after making friends; we should trust them。
  5。 Friendship and enmity are like sweet music and discord。 The criterion for distinguishing them is harmony or the lack of it。 Harmony is essential to friendship。 With harmony; a small enterprise can grow big。 With disagreement; a great enterprise can fall into decay。

6。 When in distress; we love to see a friend’s face。 Both in trouble and in joy friendship is beneficial。 Friendship reduces sorrow in times of pain arl adds to joy in happy times。
  7。 Persons with whom we can share our innermost feelings are our most intimate friends。
  8。 If it is built on mon interests and similar moral standards; friendship is strong。
  9。 A true friend does not always agree with his friends; nor does he always disagree。 He accepts what is reasonable and opposes what is unreasonable。 Therefore the duty of a friend is to speak frankly。
  10。 A friendship in which pleasure predominates over righteousness cannot last。
  11。 Those who claim many intimate friends have not even one intimate friend。
  12。 Our duties towards our friends go as far as justice requires。
  13。 Where there are friends; there is success。
  14。 If we see a person’s friends are as numerous as trees in a forest; we know his virtue is very great。 If we see a person’s friends as few as the morning stars; we then know his virtue is very slight。
  15。 To make friends with a noble person is difficult; to make friends with rascals is easy。 What is hard to bring together is hard to separate。 What is easily brought together is easily separated。
  16。 If two persons are good friends in ordinary times; but for a small advantage or small disadvantage they bee enemies; this shows that their friendship is not based on virtue。 If a friendship is correct; advantages can be divided and shared。
  17。 The end of making friends is only to imitate those who are better than oneself; or to teach one who may not be so good。 Therefore to teach is to learn and to learn is to teach。 This is mutual benefit。 If one’s virtue is too little I have nothing to learn; or if he is too wicked there is no way to teach him。 To spend the whole day together in diversions is to waste time。
  18。 After establishing a friendship; be careful not to break the relationship。 Once broken; these relations can be mended; but it is difficult to restore them as they once were。 A jade vessel which has been glued back together will have an unsightly flaw and can easily break again。 Moreover it has bee less useful。
  19。 The wise person who wants to withdraw from false friends avoids them little by little and does not break with them all at once。
  20。 Alexander the Great; an ancient Western emperor; at the height of a battle threw himself into the fray。 One of his ministers stopped him and said; “The danger is very great; how will your Majesty save himself?” The king replied; “You defend me from false friends; I can defend myself from manifest enemies。”’
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  Learning to Get Out of the Way
  Aldous Huxley
  In every one of the higher religions there is a strain of infinite optimism1 on the one hand; and on the other; of a profound pessimism。 In the depths of our being; they all teach; there is an inner high—but an inner Light which our egotism2 keeps; for most of the time; in a state of more or less plete eclipse。 If; however; it so desires; the ego can get out of the way; so to speak; can dis…eclipse the Light and bee identified with its divine source。 Hence the unlimited optimism of the traditional religions。 Their pessimism3 springs from the observed fact that; though all are called; few are chosen—for the sufficient reason that few choose to be chosen。
  To me; this older conception of man’s nature and destiny seems more realistic; more nearly in accord with the given facts; than any form of modern utopianism。。 最好的txt下载网

In the Lord’s Prayer we are taught to ask for the blessing which consists in not being led into temptation。 The reason is only too obvious。 When temptations are very great or unduly prolonged; most persons succumb4 to them。 To devise a perfect social order is probably beyond our powers; but I believe that it is perfectly possible for us to reduce the number of dangerous temptations to a level far below that which is tolerated at the present time。
  A society so arranged that there shall be a minimum of dangerous temptations—this is the end towards which; as a citizen; I have to strive。 In my efforts to that end; I can make use of a great variety of means。 Do good ends justify the use of intrinsically bad means? On the level of theory; the point can be argued indefinitely。 In practice; meanwhile; I find that the means

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