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1 twilight暮色-第73部分

小说: 1 twilight暮色 字数: 每页4000字

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were in the southwest corner of the room。 An aged sectional sofa curved 
around in front of the TV; a round coffee table in front of it。 

〃The phone goes there;〃 I whispered; pointing。 

Two pairs of eternal eyes stared at me。 

〃That's my mother's house。〃 

Alice was already off the couch; phone in hand; dialing。 I stared at the 
precise rendering of my mother's family room。 Uncharacteristically; 
Jasper slid closer to me。 He lightly touched his hand to my shoulder; and 
the physical contact seemed to make his calming influence stronger。 The 
panic stayed dull; unfocused。 

Alice's lips were trembling with the speed of her words; the low buzzing 
impossible to decipher。 I couldn't concentrate。 

〃Bella;〃 Alice said。 I looked at her numbly。 

〃Bella; Edward is ing to get you。 He and Emmett and Carlisle are going 
to take you somewhere; to hide you for a while。〃 

〃Edward is ing?〃 The words were like a life vest; holding my head 
above the flood。 

〃Yes; he's catching the first flight out of Seattle。 We'll meet him at 
the airport; and you'll leave with him。〃 

〃But; my mother… he came here for my mother; Alice!〃 Despite Jasper; the 
hysteria bubbled up in my voice。 

〃Jasper and I will stay till she's safe。〃 

〃I can't win; Alice。 You can't guard everyone I know forever。 Don't you 
see what he's doing? He's not tracking me at all。 He'll find someone; 
he'll hurt someone I love… Alice; I can't —〃 

〃We'll catch him; Bella;〃 she assured me。 

〃And what if you get hurt; Alice? Do you think that's okay with me? Do 
you think it's only my human family he can hurt me with?〃 

Alice looked meaningfully at Jasper。 A deep; heavy fog of lethargy washed 
over me; and my eyes closed without my permission。 My mind struggled 
against the fog; realizing what was happening。 I forced my eyes open and 
stood up; stepping away from Jasper's hand。 

〃I don't want to go back to sleep;〃 I snapped。 

I walked to my room and shut the door; slammed it really; so I could be 
free to go to pieces privately。 This time Alice didn't follow me。 For 
three and a half hours I stared at the wall; curled in a ball; rocking。 
My mind went around in circles; trying to e up with some way out of 
this nightmare。 There was no escape; no reprieve。 I could see only one 
possible end looming darkly in my future。 The only question was how many 
other people would be hurt before I reached it。 

The only solace; the only hope I had left; was knowing that I would see 
Edward soon。 Maybe; if I could just see his face again; I would also be 
able to see the solution that eluded me now。 

When the phone rang; I returned to the front room; a little ashamed of my 
behavior。 I hoped I hadn't offended either of them; that they would know 
how grateful I was for the sacrifices they were making on my account。 

Alice was talking as rapidly as ever; but what caught my attention was 
that; for the first time; Jasper was not in the room。 I looked at the 
clock — it was fivethirty in the morning。 

〃They're just boarding their plane;〃 Alice told me。 〃They'll land at 
ninefortyfive。〃 Just a few more hours to keep breathing till he was 

〃Where's Jasper?〃 

〃He went to check out。〃 

〃You aren't staying here?〃 

〃No; we're relocating closer to your mother's house。〃 

My stomach twisted uneasily at her words。 

But the phone rang again; distracting me。 She looked surprised; but I was 
already walking forward; reaching hopefully for the phone。 

〃Hello?〃 Alice asked。 〃No; she's right here。〃 She held the phone out to 
me。 Your mother; she mouthed。 


〃Bella? Bella?〃 It was my mother's voice; in a familiar tone I had heard 
a thousand times in my childhood; anytime I'd gotten too close to the 
edge of the sidewalk or strayed out of her sight in a crowded place。 It 
was the sound of panic。 

I sighed。 I'd been expecting this; though I'd tried to make my message as 
unalarming as possible without lessening the urgency of it。 

〃Calm down; Mom;〃 I said in my most soothing voice; walking slowly away 
from Alice。 I wasn't sure if I could lie as convincingly with her eyes on 
me。 〃Everything is fine; okay? Just give me a minute and I'll explain 
everything; I promise。〃 

I paused; surprised that she hadn't interrupted me yet。 


〃Be very careful not to say anything until I tell you to。〃 The voice I 
heard now was as unfamiliar as it was unexpected。 It was a man's tenor 
voice; a very pleasant; generic voice — the kind of voice that you heard 
in the background of luxury car mercials。 He spoke very quickly。 

〃Now; I don't need to hurt your mother; so please do exactly as I say; 
and she'll be fine。〃 He paused for a minute while I listened in mute 
horror。 〃That's very good;〃 he congratulated。 〃Now repeat after me; and 
do try to sound natural。 Please say; 'No; Mom; stay where you are。'〃 

〃No; Mom; stay where you are。〃 My voice was barely more than a whisper。 

〃I can see this is going to be difficult。〃 The voice was amused; still 
light and friendly。 〃Why don't you walk into another room now so your 
face doesn't ruin everything? There's no reason for your mother to 
suffer。 As you're walking; please say; 'Mom; please listen to me。' Say it 

〃Mom; please listen to me;〃 my voice pleaded。 I walked very slowly to the 
bedroom; feeling Alice's worried stare on my back。 I shut the door behind 
me; trying to think clearly through the terror that gripped my brain。 

〃There now; are you alone? Just answer yes or no。〃 


〃But they can still hear you; I'm sure。〃 


〃All right; then;〃 the agreeable voice continued; 〃say; 'Mom; trust me。'〃 

〃Mom; trust me。〃 

〃This worked out rather better than I expected。 I was prepared to wait; 
but your mother arrived ahead of schedule。 It's easier this way; isn't 
it? Less suspense; less anxiety for you。〃 

I waited。 

〃Now I want you to listen very carefully。 I'm going to need you to get 
away from your friends; do you think you can do that? Answer yes or no。〃 


〃I'm sorry to hear that。 I was hoping you would be a little more creative 
than that。 Do you think you could get away from them if your mother's 
life depended on it? Answer yes or no。〃 

Somehow; there had to be a way。 I remembered that we were going to the 
airport。 Sky Harbor International Airport: crowded; confusingly laid out… 


〃That's better。 I'm sure it won't be easy; but if I get the slightest 

hint that you have any pany; well; that would be very bad for your 
mother;〃 the friendly voice promised。 〃You must know enough about us by 
now to realize how quickly I would know if you tried to bring anyone 
along with you。 And how little time I would need to deal with your mother 
if that was the case。 Do you understand? Answer yes or no。〃 

〃Yes。〃 My voice broke。 

〃Very good; Bella。 Now this is what you have to do。 I want you to go to 
your mother's house。 Next to the phone there will be a number。 Call it; 
and I'll tell you where to go from there。〃 I already knew where I would 
go; and where this would end。 But I would follow his instructions 
exactly。 〃Can you do that? Answer yes or no。〃 


〃Before noon; please; Bella。 I haven't got all day;〃 he said politely。 

〃Where's Phil?〃 I asked tersely。 

〃Ah; be careful now; Bella。 Wait until I ask you to speak; please。〃 

I waited。 

〃It's important; now; that you don't make your friends suspicious when 
you go back to them。 Tell them that your mother called; and that you 
talked her out of ing home for the time being。 Now repeat after me; 
'Thank you; Mom。' Say it now。〃 

〃Thank you; Mom。〃 The tears were ing。 I tried to fight them back。 

〃Say; 'I love you; Mom; I'll see you soon。' Say it now。〃 

〃I love you; Mom。〃 My voice was thick。 〃I'll see you soon;〃 I promised。 

〃Goodbye; Bella。 I look forward to seeing you again。〃 He hung up。 

I held the phone to my ear。 My joints were frozen with terror — I 
couldn't unbend my fingers to drop it。 

I knew I had to think; but my head was filled with the sound of my 
mother's panic。 Seconds ticked by while I fought for control。 

Slowly; sl

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