神鸟电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 1 twilight暮色 >


1 twilight暮色-第28部分

小说: 1 twilight暮色 字数: 每页4000字

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preoccupied I could get when surrounded by books; it was something I 
preferred to do alone。 They walked off to the car chattering happily; and 
I headed in the direction Jess pointed out。 

I had no trouble finding the bookstore; but it wasn't what I was looking 
for。 The windows were full of crystals; dreamcatchers; and books about 
spiritual healing。 I didn't even go inside。 Through the glass I could see 
a fiftyyearold woman with long; gray hair worn straight down her back; 
clad in a dress right out of the sixties; smiling welingly from behind 
the counter。 I decided that was one conversation I could skip。 There had 
to be a normal bookstore in town。 

I meandered through the streets; which were filling up with 
endoftheworkday traffic; and hoped I was headed toward downtown。 I 
wasn't paying as much attention as I should to where I was going; I was 
wrestling with despair。 I was trying so hard not to think about him; and 
what Angela had said… and more than anything trying to beat down my hopes 
for Saturday; fearing a disappointment more painful than the rest; when I 
looked up to see someone's silver Volvo parked along the street and it 
all came crashing down on me。 Stupid; unreliable vampire; I thought to 

I stomped along in a southerly direction; toward some glassfronted shops 
that looked promising。 But when I got to them; they were just a repair 
shop and a vacant space。 I still had too much time to go looking for Jess 
and Angela yet; and I definitely needed to get my mood in hand before I 
met back up with them。 I ran my fingers through my hair a couple of times 
and took some deep breaths before I continued around the corner。 

I started to realize; as I crossed another road; that I was going the 
wrong direction。 The little foot traffic I had seen was going north; and 
it looked like the buildings here were mostly warehouses。 I decided to 
turn east at the next corner; and then loop around after a few blocks and 
try my luck on a different street on my way back to the boardwalk。 

A group of four men turned around the corner I was heading for; dressed 
too casually to be heading home from the office; but they were too grimy 
to be tourists。 As they approached me; I realized they weren't too many 
years older than I was。 They were joking loudly among themselves; 
laughing raucously and punching each other's arms。 I scooted as far to 
the inside of the sidewalk as I could to give them room; walking swiftly; 
looking past them to the corner。 

〃Hey; there!〃 one of them called as they passed; and he had to be talking 
to me since no one else was around。 I glanced up automatically。 Two of 
them had paused; the other two were slowing。 The closest; a heavyset; 
darkhaired man in his early twenties; seemed to be the one who had 
spoken。 He was wearing a flannel shirt open over a dirty tshirt; cutoff 
jeans; and sandals。 He took half a step toward me。 

〃Hello;〃 I mumbled; a kneejerk reaction。 Then I quickly looked away and 
walked faster toward the corner。 I could hear them laughing at full 
volume behind me。 

〃Hey; wait!〃 one of them called after me again; but I kept my head down 
and rounded the corner with a sigh of relief。 I could still hear them 
chortling behind me。 

I found myself on a sidewalk leading past the backs of several 
sombercolored warehouses; each with large bay doors for unloading 
trucks; padlocked for the night。 The south side of the street had no 
sidewalk; only a chainlink fence topped with barbed wire protecting some 
kind of engine parts storage yard。 I'd wandered far past the part of Port 
Angeles that I; as a guest; was intended to see。 It was getting dark; I 
realized; the clouds finally returning; piling up on the western horizon; 
creating an early sunset。 The eastern sky was still clear; but graying; 
shot through with streaks of pink and orange。 I'd left my jacket in the 
car; and a sudden shiver made me cross my arms tightly across my chest。 A 
single van passed me; and then the road was empty。 

The sky suddenly darkened further; and; as I looked over my shoulder to 
glare at the offending cloud; I realized with a shock that two men were 
walking quietly twenty feet behind me。 

They were from the same group I'd passed at the corner; though neither 
was the dark one who'd spoken to me。 I turned my head forward at once; 
quickening my pace。 A chill that had nothing to do with the weather made 
me shiver again。 My purse was on a shoulder strap and I had it slung 
across my body; the way you were supposed to wear it so it wouldn't get 
snatched。 I knew exactly where my pepper spray was — still in my duffle 
bag under the bed; never unpacked。 I didn't have much money with me; just 
a twenty and some ones; and I thought about 〃accidentally〃 dropping my 
bag and walking away。 But a small; frightened voice in the back of my 
mind warned me that they might be something worse than thieves。 

I listened intently to their quiet footsteps; which were much too quiet 
when pared to the boisterous noise they'd been making earlier; and it 
didn't sound like they were speeding up; or getting any closer to me。 
Breathe; I had to remind myself。 You don't know they're following you。 I 
continued to walk as quickly as I could without actually running; 
focusing on the righthand turn that was only a few yards away from me 
now。 I could hear them; staying as far back as they'd been before。 A blue 
car turned onto the street from the south and drove quickly past me。 I 
thought of jumping out in front of it; but I hesitated; inhibited; unsure 
that I was really being pursued; and then it was too late。 

I reached the corner; but a swift glance revealed that it was only a 
blind drive to the back of another building。 I was halfturned in 
anticipation; I had to hurriedly correct and dash across the narrow 
drive; back to the sidewalk。 The street ended at the next corner; where 
there was a stop sign。 I concentrated on the faint footsteps behind me; 
deciding whether or not to run。 They sounded farther back; though; and I 
knew they could outrun me in any case。 I was sure to trip and go 
sprawling if I tried to go any faster。 The footfalls were definitely 
farther back。 I risked a quick glance over my shoulder; and they were 
maybe forty feet back now; I saw with relief。 But they were both staring 
at me。 

It seemed to take forever for me to get to the corner。 I kept my pace 
steady; the men behind me falling ever so slightly farther behind with 
every step。 Maybe they realized they had scared me and were sorry。 I saw 
two cars going north pass the intersection I was heading for; and I 
exhaled in relief。 There would be more people around once I got off this 
deserted street。 I skipped around the corner with a grateful sigh。 

And skidded to a stop。 

The street was lined on both sides by blank; doorless; windowless walls。 
I could see in the distance; two intersections down; streetlamps; cars; 
and more pedestrians; but they were all too far away。 Because lounging 
against the western building; midway down the street; were the other two 
men from the group; both watching with excited smiles as I froze dead on 
the sidewalk。 I realized then that I wasn't being followed。 

I was being herded。 

I paused for only a second; but it felt like a very long time。 I turned 
then and darted to the other side of the road。 I had a sinking feeling 
that it was a wasted attempt。 The footsteps behind me were louder now。 

〃There you are!〃 The booming voice of the stocky; darkhaired man 
shattered the intense quiet and made me jump。 In the gathering darkness; 
it seemed like he was looking past me。 

〃Yeah;〃 a voice called loudly from behind me; making me jump again as I 
tried to hurry down the street。 〃We just took a little detour。〃 

My steps had to slow now。 I was closing the distance between myself and 
the lounging pair too quickly。 I had a good loud scream; and I sucked in 
air; preparing to use it; but my throat was so dry I wasn't sure how much 
volume I could manage。 With a quick movement I slipped my purse over my 
head; gripping the strap with one hand; ready to surre

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