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4 breaking dawn破晓-第3部分

小说: 4 breaking dawn破晓 字数: 每页4000字

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Push; only Seth was fortable even mentioning the Cullens by name; let alone joking about things like 
my nearly omniscient sisterinlawtobe。 

〃I know I am。〃 I hesitated for a minute。 〃How is he?〃 

Seth sighed。 〃Same as ever。 He won't talk; though we know he hears us。 He's trying not to think human; 
you know。 Just going with his instincts。〃 

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〃Do you know where he is now?〃 

〃Somewhere in northern Canada。 I can't tell you which province。 He doesn't pay much attention to state 

〃Any hint that he might。。。〃 

〃He's not ing home; Bella。 Sorry。〃 

I swallowed。 〃S'okay; Seth。 I knew before I asked。 I just can't help wishing。〃 

〃Yeah。 We all feel the same way。〃 

〃Thanks for putting up with me; Seth。 I know the others must give you a hard time。〃 

〃They're not your hugest fans;〃 he agreed cheerfully。 〃Kind of lame; I think。 Jacob made his choices; you 
made yours。 Jake doesn't like their attitude about it。 'Course; he isn't super thrilled that you're checking 
up on him; either。〃 

I gasped。 〃I thought he wasn't talking to you?〃 

〃He can't hide everything from us; hard as he's trying。〃 

So Jacob knew I was worried。 I wasn't sure how I felt about that。 Well; at least he knew I hadn't 
skipped off into the sunset and forgotten him pletely。 He might have imagined me capable of that。 

〃I guess I'll see you at the。。。 wedding;〃 I said; forcing the word out through my teeth。 

〃Yeah; me and my mom will be there。 It was cool of you to ask us。〃 

I smiled at the enthusiasm in his voice。 Though inviting the Clearwaters had been Edward's idea; I was 
glad he'd thought of it。 Having Seth there would be nice—a link; however tenuous; to my missing best 
man。 〃It wouldn't be the 

same without you。〃 

〃Tell Edward I said hi; 'kay?〃 

〃Sure thing。〃 

I shook my head。 The friendship that had sprung up between Edward and Seth was something that still 
boggled my mind。 It was proof; though; that things didn't have to be this way。 That vampires and 
werewolves could get along just fine; thank you very much; if they were of a mind to。 

Not everybody liked this idea。 

〃Ah;〃 Seth said; his voice cracking up an octave。 〃Er; Leah's home。〃 

〃Oh! Bye!〃 

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The phone went dead。 I left it on the seat and prepared myself mentally to go inside the house; where 
Charlie would be waiting。 

My poor dad had so much to deal with right now。 Jacobtherunaway was just one of the straws on his 
overburdened back。 He was almost as worried about me; his barelyalegaladult daughter who was 
about to bee a Mrs。 in just a few days' time。 

I walked slowly through the light rain; remembering the night we'd told him___ 

As the sound of Charlie's cruiser announced his return; the ring suddenly weighed a hundred pounds on 
my finger。 I wanted to shove my left hand in a pocket; or maybe sit on it; but Edward's cool; firm grasp 
kept it front and center。 

〃Stop fidgeting; Bella。 Please try to remember that you're not confessing to a murder here。〃 

〃Easy for you to say。〃 

I listened to the ominous sound of my father's boots clomping up the sidewalk。 The key rattled in the 
already open door。 The sound reminded me of that part of the horror movie when the victim realizes 
she's forgotten to lock herdeadbolt。 

〃Calm down; Bella;〃 Edward whispered; listening to the acceleration of my heart。 

The door slammed against the wall; and I flinched like I'd been Tasered。 

〃Hey; Charlie;〃 Edward called; entirely relaxed。 

〃No!〃 I protested under my breath。 

〃What?〃 Edward whispered back。 

〃Wait till he hangs his gun up!〃 

Edward chuckled and ran his free hand through his tousled bronze hair。 

Charlie came around the corner; still in his uniform; still armed; and tried not to make a face when he 
spied us sitting together on the loveseat。 Lately; he'd been putting forth a lot of effort to like Edward 
more。 Of course; this revelation was sure to end that effort immediately。 

〃Hey; kids。 What's up?〃 

〃We'd like to talk to you;〃 Edward said; so serene。 〃We have some good news。〃 

Charlie's expression went from strained friendliness to black suspicion in a second。 

〃Good news?〃 Charlie growled; looking straight at me。 

〃Have a seat; Dad。〃 

He raised one eyebrow; stared at me for five seconds; then stomped to the recliner and sat down on the 
very edge; his back ramrod straight。 

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〃Don't get worked up; Dad;〃 I said after a moment of loaded silence。 〃Everything's okay。〃 

Edward grimaced; and I knew it was in objection to the word okay。 He probably would have used 
something more like wonderful or perfect or glorious。 

〃Sure it is; Bella; sure it is。 If everything is so great; then why are you sweating bullets?〃 

〃I'm not sweating;〃 I lied。 

I leaned away from his fierce scowl; cringing into Edward; and instinctively wiped the back of my right 
hand across my forehead to remove the evidence。 

〃You're pregnant!〃 Charlie exploded。 〃You're pregnant; aren't you?〃 

Though the question was clearly meant for me; he was glaring at Edward now; and I could have sworn I 
saw his hand twitch toward the gun。 

〃No! Of course I'm not!〃 I wanted to elbow Edward in the ribs; but I knew that move would only give 
me a bruise。 I'd told Edward that people would immediately jump to this conclusion! What other 
possible reason would sane people have for getting married at eighteen? (His answer then had made me 
roll my eyes。 Love。 Right。) 

Charlie's glower lightened a shade。 It was usually pretty clear on my face when I was telling the truth; 
and he believed me now。 〃Oh。 Sorry。〃 

〃Apology accepted。〃 

There was a long pause。 After a moment; I realized everyone was waiting for me to say something。 I 
looked up at Edward; panicstricken。 There was no way I was going to get the words out。 

He smiled at me and then squared his shoulders and turned to my father。 

〃Charlie; I realize that I've gone about this out of order。 Traditionally; I should have asked you first。 I 
mean no disrespect; but since Bella has already said yes and I don't want to diminish her choice in the 
matter; instead of asking you for her hand; I'm asking you for your blessing。 We're getting married; 
Charlie。 I love her more than anything in the world; more than my own life; and—by some miracle—she 
loves me that way; too。 Will you give us your blessing?〃 

He sounded so sure; so calm。 For just an instant; listening to the absolute confidence in his voice; I 
experienced a rare moment of insight; i could see; fleetingly; the way the world looked to him。 For the 
length of one heartbeat; this news made perfect sense。 

And then I caught sight of the expression on Charlie's face; his eyes now locked on the ring。 

I held my breath while his skin changed colors—fair to red; red to purple; purple to blue。 I started to get 

not sure what I planned to do; maybe use the Heimlich maneuver to make sure he wasn't choking—but 
Edward squeezed my hand and murmured 〃Give him a minute〃 so low that only I could hear。 

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The silence was much longer this time。 Then; gradually; shade by shade; Charlie's color returned to 
normal。 His lips pursed; and his eyebrows furrowed; I recognized his 〃deep in thought〃 expression。 He 
studied the two of us for a long moment; and I felt Edward relax at my side。 

〃Guess I'm not that surprised;〃 Charlie grumbled。 〃Knew I'd have to deal with something like this soon 

I exhaled。 

〃You sure about this?〃 Charlie demanded; glaring at me。 

〃I'm one hundred percent sure about Edward;〃 I told him without missing a beat。 

〃Getting married; though? What's the rush?〃 He eyed me suspiciously again。 

The rush was due to the fact that I was getting closer to nieen every stinking day; while Edward 
stayed frozen in all his seventeenyearold perf

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